

Research on Improving and Development of Online Bank in China

【作者】 许宁

【导师】 俞雪华;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 工商管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪90年代以来,以计算机和网络等技术为核心的信息技术呈爆炸式发展,特别是互联网技术的迅速发展,其影响已迅速扩散到社会的各行各业、世界的各个角落。作为现代社会经济活动中枢的金融业,信息技术的飞速发展成了银行业进行金融创新最主要的动力之一。网上银行是指银行利用计算机和网络通信技术,将银行业务和网络渠道相结合,为客户提供各种金融信息、金融交易及其衍生的各种相关服务。它是一种新的、与传统网点并列的业务经营和市场拓展的重要渠道。随着中国加入WTO过渡期的结束,中国金融市场全面对外开放,金融全球化趋势加速,作为中国新经济核心的银行业面临前所未有的新机遇与新挑战,网上银行已成为国内商业银行发展的必然趋势,并呈现快速增长态势。由于网上银行可以不受时间、地点的限制向客户提供各种个性化、标准化的服务,可以大幅度降低银行经营成本、提高银行经营效率,给传统银行创造更广阔、更自由的业务拓展空间,能大大提升银行的核心竞争能力,因此它必然会成为各大银行争夺市场的有力武器。面对激烈的市场竞争,究竟该如何在完善好现有的网上银行体系的基础上研究和设计出有自己特色的网上银行产品是国内各大商业银行都必须面对的严峻问题。本文就我国商业银行网上银行业务的完善和发展进行研究,从网上银行的基础理论入手,分析了国外网上银行发展的不同方向和国内网上银行的发展现状,而后从安全问题、使用问题、监管问题、盈利问题等方面分析了我国商业银行网上银行业务发展中存在的不足,并提出了相应的完善方法。同时还结合当前电子商务的快速发展形势,和本人多年从事银行工作的实践,指出了我国网上银行的发展特点,发展趋势和未来进一步发展的方向。以期能促进我国网上银行的健康有序发展,同时也能对提高国内商业银行的核心竞争力方面有所帮助。

【Abstract】 According to advantage of personal computer and other electronic devices, the Information Technology has growth explosively since the end twenty century. The weave has affected every single corner of world, all industries and businesses.Especially the keystone of IT-Internet, that has become the main bridge of all parts. Finance is the major industry of world economic; the Internet has become the very important innovation element and motivation. The most popular one that created through the internet is the online bank. It almost able to provide all kind of bank services same as the bank teller, even more, the online bank can gives consumer other information and relate services which ordinary bank teller can not or difficult to. For instance, the currency futures and options list, funds return index and others. The online bank is the new channel between banks to customers, and could create a high efficient way of customer service coordinate with traditional bank business. The Chinese financial market has been more and more complicate and international since China became the member of WTO. Online bank is not limited by location and time, therefore users of online bank has increased sharply since the PC expanded widely in China. It decreases bank costs, increases efficiency and creates the expand space for bank. However, the online bank is the most important instrument of market competition. To deal with this highly competitive market, how to create a competitive online bank is become the most important business scope.This discussion is going to focus on this problem based on the basic bank theories to discuss the growth trend of online bank, after that the discussion will find out the advantages and disadvantages of our national online bank from four aspects which are safety, audition, processing and profitability. Finally, the article will summarize the expenditure orientation. However, some personal opinions from this discussion ground on my own bank experiences and book theories. The purpose of the article is to understand the development keystones of online bank.

【关键词】 商业银行网上银行发展
【Key words】 business bankonline bankdevelopment
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期

