

Studies on Development of Ecoturism in Shenbei XinQu

【作者】 刘立辉

【导师】 邱建军;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 农村与区域发展, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着世界旅游业和区域旅游产业的迅猛发展,旅游产业的竞争越来越激烈,旅游产业在区域经济发展中日益发挥着独特的作用,并显示出强大的活力。区域旅游产业发展是否合理,对此区域经济增长和发展有着显著促进或制约作用。生态旅游是近年来兴起的一种产业发展新形式,主要是结合当地的自然生态环境,发挥当地自然优势。生态旅游作为旅游业可持续发展的一种实践形式,被认为是实现旅游业可持续发展的首要的、必然的选择,因而在世界范围内得到普遍重视和迅速发展,并将成为21世纪国际旅游的主流。近年来沈北新区大力发展生态旅游经济,旅游产业取得了突破性的进展,为沈北新区的经济、文化、贸易发展起到了重要的推动作用。本文从理论结合实际的角度,主要采用调查分析法,比较分析法,实证分析法等研究方法,从生态旅游的定义和概念入手,分析了国内外生态旅游的发展现状和研究现状,并以沈北新区为例开展实证研究,围绕生态旅游开发建设,对沈北新区旅游产业进行深入研究,并结合旅游开发空间布局构建、旅游产业链及旅游营销理念的整合这三个方面,探索将沈北新区建设成为东北最具特色、最具吸引力的集旅游观光、休闲度假、文化娱乐、田园采摘、健康养生为一体的生态新区而行之有效的对策措施。主要的研究结论如下:生态旅游是一种在生态学和可持续发展理念指导下,以自然区域或某些特定的文化区域为对象,以享受大自然和了解、研究自然景观、野生生物及相关文化特征为旅游目的,以不改变生态系统的有效循环及保护自然和人文生态资源与环境为宗旨,并使当地居民和旅游企业在经济上受益为基本原则的特殊形式的旅游行为。经过调查分析得出,沈北新区生态旅游资源丰富而具特色,主要景区包括七星山、沈阳国际森林公园、怪坡、洋什水库和梨花湖、锡伯族西迁纪念馆、温泉胜地、石佛寺水库等。沈北新区的旅游市场刚刚起步,目前尚未建立起完善的旅游市场体系,客源主要集中在沈阳及其周边地区,外省游客较少,客源主要是学生,公务员,事业单位人员和商务人员,旺季和淡季有所区别。交通体系初步建成,但是还需要进一步完善。采用SWOT分析法得出,沈北新区旅游产业链组织内部结构关联度低,缺乏竞争力:旅游产业链产品特色不足,品牌不响;结构层次低,分散发展;旅游产业链供应脱节,旅行社提供产品单一;旅游产业链信息沟通阻碍严重,现代通信网络技术没有得到有效利用。在营销方面,旅游产品开发中自发和短期行为居多,产品结构单一,文化内涵不够,旅游景点的宣传力度过小,投入旅游产业的资金不足等问题同时存在,严重影响和制约了沈北新区生态旅游产业的发展。沈北新区生态旅游产业整合思路是着力构建四大体系,即构建旅游目的地体系,建立旅游市场体系,建立旅游交通体系,建立旅游精品体系。生态旅游产业的营销思路是注重旅游线路规划,塑造特色品牌,加大宣传力度,充分利用各种现代媒体,充分挖掘市场潜力,扩大游客来源。促进沈北新区生态旅游产业发展的对策措施主要包括建立健全旅游相关法律法规,提供政策环境保障;积极吸引资金和人才投入,扩大生态旅游产业规模;结合沈北新区特色,打造生态旅游品牌;建立市场监控机制,保障旅游市场良性运行;加强环境保护教育,开发与保护并重;积极引导公众参与,创造良好人文环境。

【Abstract】 As the world tourism and the rapid development of regional tourism industry, tourism industry and tourism industry increasingly fierce competition in the regional economic development of increasinglyplays a unique role and showed strong vitality. The regional tourism industry development in this area is reasonable, the development of economic growth and promote or restrict significant role. Ecological tourism is a new form of industrial development, major is combined with the local natural ecological environment, natural advantage of local. Ecological tourism sustainable development of tourism as a practical form, is believed to be the first to realize the sustainable development of tourism, the inevitable choice, thus worldwide attention and rapid development from the 21st century, and will become the mainstream of international tourism. In recent years, shenbei district vigorously developing ecological tourism economy and tourism industries achieved breakthrough progress, the economic and cultural beixin shen trade development, and plays an important role.From the perspective of combining theory with practice, mainly by investigation, analysis, comparative analysis and empirical analysis and other methods, from the definition and concept of ecological tourism at home and abroad, the paper analyzes the situation and the development of ecological tourism, and the present research on shenbei district as an example to carry on empirical research, the construction of ecological tourism, tourist industry in north district sediments and in-depth research, tourism development space layout, tourism industry and tourism marketing idea of integration of the three aspects, explore new building will sink north, northeast China’s most distinctive is the most attractive sets tourism and leisure, cultural and entertainment, pastoral picking, healthy for the integration of ecological district and effective countermeasures. The main conclusions are as follows:Ecological tourism is a ecology and the concept of sustainable development under the guidance of the natural areas, or certain culture area, to enjoy nature and understanding, natural landscape, wildlife and the related cultural features for tourism, not to change the ecosystem of the effective circulation and protection of natural and human ecology resources and environment for the purpose, and make local residents and tourism enterprises in the economic benefit as the basic principle of the special form of travel behavior.Through the investigation and analysis of the north district, shen ecological tourist resources are rich and distinctive, the main scenic spots including seven mountains, shenyang international forest park, GuaiPo, assorted reservoir and moved west lake, xibo pear museum, hot spring resort, stone buddhist temple reservoir, etc. Shen beixin just start, the tourism market has established perfect tourist market system, tourists mainly concentrated in shenyang and surrounding areas, provincial, tourists mainly tourists fewer students, civil servants, institutions and business personnel, season and slack. Traffic system, but also need to build perfect.Using the SWOT analysis, Shenbei district tourism industry organization structure, low degree of competitiveness, Tourism industry product characteristic, the brand, Structure, low level of decentralized development, Tourism industry chain supply, travel products; provide single Tourism industry information communication obstacles, modern communication network technology seriously not available. In marketing, tourism product development of spontaneous and short-term behavior, product structure, cultural connotation, the propaganda of the tourist attractions too small, the tourism industry problems such as lack of funds, serious influences and restricts the north district of ecological tourism industry sediments.Shenbei district integrating ecological tourism is focused on building four system, namely constructing tourism destination system, establishing tourism market, establishing tourism transportation system, establishing tourism products system. Ecological tourism marketing mentality is on the line planning, shaping characteristic tourism brand publicity activities, make full use of various modern media, fully excavate potential market, expand the source of tourists.Promote shenbei district of ecological tourism accosted measures include establishing and perfecting relevant laws and regulations, providing tourist environmental protection policy, Actively attract capital and talent ecological tourism, expanding scale, Combined with shen north district, make the ecological tourism brand. Establish market monitoring mechanism, ensure tourist market circulation, To strengthen environmental protection education, development and protective, Actively guide public participation, and create a good cultural environment.


