

Apocalypse Learned from Experience of the Chinese Traditional Confucianism to Take Marxism to the Public

【作者】 罗小松

【导师】 汪荣有;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 思想政治教育, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 十七大报告指出,我们要推动当代马克思主义大众化,加强马克思主义理论的指导地位。如何在信息充斥的社会推动马克思主义大众化,这是个急需研究和解决的问题。我国的传统儒学在封建社会的早期就顺利完成了大众化和普及,它的普及也是通过了一些有效的途径得以成功。传统儒学和马克思主义这两者同为社会思潮,也有一定的相似性,因此我们可以借鉴传统儒学的普及经验来推动马克思主义大众化,探索出行之有效的普及方法。本论文以马克思主义为指导,阐述了传统儒学的普及内容和经验,分析了当今马克思主义大众化现状。在分析比较马克思主义大众化和传统儒学的普及条件的基础上,提出如何借鉴中国传统儒学普及经验的构想,试图探求实现当今马克思主义大众化的可行途径。在内容上,本论文分为四章:第一章,传统儒学的普及内容和普及经验概说,简要阐述了传统儒学的普及内容,归纳指出我国传统儒学的普及内容主要为三个层面:精神层面、制度层面和人与物的层面。同时总结出了我国传统儒学的普及经验,为政府力量、科举考试制度、学校、著书、教学方式等五个方面。第二章,当前我国马克思主义大众化的现状,这是论文的重要部分。这一部分主要阐述了当今我国马克思主义大众化的现状,首先指出已经取得的成果,然后重点指出存在的不足,如马克思主义大众化内容方面、方式方面、对象方面和主体方面。第三章,马克思主义与传统儒学在普及条件上的比较,这是论文的主体部分。这一部分通过比较马克思主义与传统儒学的普及条件,得出很多有利于马克思主义大众化的条件和一些不利的条件,得出结论:传统儒学的普及经验可以给马克思主义大众化提供借鉴和启示。第四章,传统儒学的普及经验对马克思主义大众化的启示,这是论文的重点,也是本论文的目的所在。这一部分主要从内容层面、对象层面和方式层面上来谈论传统儒学的普及经验对马克思主义大众化的启示,与第一部分的主体结构相对应。

【Abstract】 According to the report of the Seventeenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), we should take Marxism of contemporary China to the general public, and we must consolidate the guiding position of Marxism. How to make it in the society with fruitful information is a problem to be researched and solved urgently. The traditional Confucianism had been taken to the general public in early times of the feudal society, and get success by making full use of some effective ways. There are some similarities between the two ideologies, so we can learn some from ways of Confucianism on how to been taken to the public.Taking the theory of Marxism as the theory base, the paper tells us the content and experience of the traditional Confucianism, and analyzes the present of Marxism to be taken to the public. On the basis of the comparison of the background between them, I address the idea to learn some from Confucianism, and try to make Marxism of contemporary China been taken to the public. The paper is divided into four parts.The first part is mainly about the content and experience of the traditional Confucianism to be taken to the public. The content is summarized as follows: spiritual aspects, systematical aspects, personal and material aspects. Meanwhile, the experiences of it are as follows: the force of the government, testing system, school education, teaching ways, writings.The second part tells us the situation of Marxism to be taken to the public. It tells us the situation including achievements and lacks, such as some lacks in its content, ways, workers and so on.The third part is about the comparison of the background between them, which is the body of the paper. On the basis of the comparison, we get some advantage to benefit the Marxism to been taken to the public and some disadvantage, and the advantages outweigh the advantages. Then a conclusions is drawn that we can learn some from ways of Confucianism on how to been taken to the publicThe fourth part, the vital part and aim of my paper, is mainly about apocalypse and lessons learning from the traditional Confucianism. In contrast with the structure of the first part, apocalypse and lessons are summarized to three aspects, content, targets and ways.


