

Strategy of the Nanchang Cities’ MICE Brands

【作者】 戴雪

【导师】 项国雄;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 传播学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着现代会展经济的不断发展,会展品牌对于城市经济的拉动作用日益突显,许多会展品牌甚至已经逐渐成为一个城市形象的代表,城市会展品牌的构建对于社会经济的发展意义重大。一个好的城市会展品牌能够带动整个城市的经济、政治、文化、社会等各方面领域的发展。而许多会展城市也在极力鼓励和推动会展的蓬勃兴起。可以说,会展兴,则城市兴。作为一个国际化程度与城市经济发展的重要标准之一,会展越来越成为一大亮点。会展的发展已逐渐成为城市经济发展的助推器和城市形象的代名词。城市会展品牌是一个整体概念,由城市内各种会展资源,会展基础建设,城市总体景观,城市人文底蕴等多种因素共同组成且相互作用。现如今蓬勃的世博会,也是许多国家和城市争夺的热点。举办世博会和奥运会,甚至是世界杯等,带来的直接收益和潜在收益都是巨大的。不仅能带动整个城市的经济发展,给整个城市的建设带来的巨变和飞腾。与此同时,城市经济繁荣为会展品牌的发展奠定了坚实的基础条件,二者之间的良性循环推动着城市与其会展品牌的共同发展。本文选取南昌会展作为研究对象,对南昌市城市会展品牌战略问题进行了系统的分析和研究。借鉴中国著名会展城市的经验和规律,本文以梯度理论、品牌定位理论、竞争性理论和系统理论为指导,根据南昌城市会展品牌的发展条件及发展现状,围绕会展品牌的模式选择、会展品牌的识别界定和会展品牌的管理规划等提出了南昌会展品牌三大战略。

【Abstract】 As the modern MICE (Meeting Incentive Conference Exhibition) economy continuously developing, the pulling effect of the MICE brands to the cities’economy becomes increasingly fore grounded. Furthermore, many MICE brands even become the representation of cities’image. gradually. The establishment of the cities MICE brands to the development of social economy is of great significance. This thesis is started with the analysis of basic characters of the MICE brands’and then trying to brings forward the strategies of the cities’MICE brands which based on the discussions of the MICE brands’positioning and successful elements.The brand is a general idea, the city in the resources, the infrastructure and the paper, the urban humanistic tradition of factors and interactions of the industry. nowadays, are also many countries and cities for the hotspot. for the expo and the Olympics, even the world, bring direct benefits and potential gains are huge. not only led the whole city’s economic development, and the whole city’s construction of sports and Terrifying. meanwhile, city economic prosperity for the brand of development which lay a solid foundation conditions and the virtuous circles in the city and its purpose of the common development.This article summarizes the Nanchang as, Nanchang city of branding strategies for the issue of systems analysis and study. learning chinese famous the city of experience and laws, the theory and in the gradient brand localization theory, for guidance Pest use analytical methods more deeply into the city took Nanchang developed and developing the present conditions, and the brand growth and competitive environment, with the Nanchang urban development and policy and Nanchang city in the implementation of the need for the brand, and for the brand of creating Nanchang analysis and formulation and implementation of the countermeasures and methods.In this article, for the purpose of Nanchang, from the city of the brand basic feature of the change in the exhibition brand positioning and successful part of the city, the brand strategy : brand strategy, the strategy and organization of strategy. the above theory and Nanchang to developing their own cities the brand, not only ensuring a foothold, policy, and to harmonize well with the various elements, From product brands, the organization set out to Nanchang at the brand gain still greater development.


