

The Studies on Function of BBS in Ideological and Political Education of College Student

【作者】 王秋霞

【导师】 姜振颖;

【作者基本信息】 河南工业大学 , 思想政治教育, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 网络的发展给人们的社会生活带来了巨大变化,高校BBS也因为其独特的功能逐渐受到学生的关注,学生们在校园BBS上聊天、学习、搜索信息、交友、寻求帮助和帮助别人、讨论时事,指点江山,BBS逐渐成为学生的心灵家园。一个新生事物从诞生到成熟都要经过一个成长的过程,高校BBS的迅速发展,也给大学生思想政治工作带来了许多新问题。对于高校思想政治教育工作者来说,如何认清问题本质,掌握网络思想政治教育主动权,提高思想政治工作效率,是高校思想政治工作者的面临的重要课题。本文第一部分介绍了高校BBS建设与大学生思想政治教育研究的背景、研究现状和方法,指出本文的创新点在于将高校BBS中的各要素分别进行分析,分析高校BBS的综合性,指明利用高校BBS进行思想政治教育的必要性与可行性。第二部分对BBS的发展历史、功能与特点进行了简要介绍,并着重说明了普通BBS与高校BBS的不同,同时阐述了网络思想政治教育内涵,分析了网络时代高校思想政治教育工作的现状。第三部分是高校BBS给大学生思想政治教育带来的机遇和冲击,并分析深层次原因,查找网络负面现象的根源。第四部分通过分析比较其它网络思想政治教育形式,得出运用高校BBS开展思想政治教育的可行性,并提出了运用高校BBS开展思想政治工作的几项措施,主要包括,引起思想政治工作管理者的思想和观念上的重视,完善相关法规和制度,优化网络思想政治教育平台,提高网络思想工作者工作方法和综合素质,培养学生网络自我教育能力,等完善网络实名制,全力建造高层次高校BBS,使其成为大学生思想政治教育的一块有效阵地。

【Abstract】 The development of network development brought about great changes to the social life, because of its unique functions,university BBS owned increasing concern in campus now, students is chatting on the campus BBS, learning, searching for information, making friends, seeking help and helping others and discuss current affairs, pointing country. BBS have become spiritual home of students increasingly. From birth to maturity ,A new thing go through a process of growing. with the rapid development of university BBS, ideological and political work have brought many new problems. Then how to understand the nature of the problems,how to grasp the ideological and political education initiative,how to improve the efficiency of ideological and political work, is an important issue to high ideological and political workers today.The first part of this paper describes construction and background of university BBS ,based on current situation and methods of ideological and political education, the various elements of the BBS is main innovation of this part ,and the comprehensive nature of BBS, its special use, its necessity and feasibility;The second part introduced the history ,functions and features on the development of BBS, and highlighted the difference of general BBS to BBS of universities,at the same time, the ideological and political education were illustrated;The third part of it analyzed opportunities and impacts brought by BBS , and then looked for the deep-seated reasons to find the root of a negative phenomenon. Through comparing of other forms of ideological and political education,the fourth part shows the feasibility of ideological and political education, and proposed the suggestions of BBS ideological and political work,which including, to pay attention the ideas and management of workers,to inact some relevant regulations and systems of network, to optimize network platform of ideological and political education, to increase the overall self-control quality of high school students,to better the network of real names, to build the construction of high-level BBS, to perfect a network of ideological and political education through a variety of measures.


