

Design and Implementation of Desktop Reminder Software Based on the .NET

【作者】 王学科

【导师】 葛琳; 刘国良;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 计算机技术, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 进入21世纪以来,随着经济全球化和社会的快速发展,人们的生活节奏越来越快。快节奏的生活方式使人们的生活压力也随之增大,每天都会有各种各样的大大小小的事务需要人们去处理,人们迫切需要一种有效的记事和提醒方式来帮助人们提高工作效率,按时完成工作任务。而传统的日程记事本已经远远不能满足人们快节奏的生活、工作和学习的需要,逐渐显现出在当今时代的不足和局限性,比如不便携带、不便查阅、不能自动提醒等等,电脑桌面提醒工具由此孕育而生。桌面提醒工具不但可以为用户提供完整的阳历、农历及节日信息,还可以在用户规定的时间提醒用户事先设定好的内容,提醒用户按时完成工作,能够方便用户迅速的完成记事和设置记事提醒功能,系统还集成了多种功能软件,操作简单方便,节约用户操作时间,提高工作效率。软件使用当今流行的C#. Net技术进行开发设计,系统数据库使用Access2003数据库系统。本软件提供了用户登录、注册新用户、万年历查询、定时提醒、记事、记事提醒、整点和随时语音报时及半点提醒、新邮件提醒、节日管理、节日提醒、通讯录管理、游戏娱乐、系统工具集成、定时关机和一键关机、密码保护等功能。系统简洁实用,功能强大,能够满足不同用户的需要,可以多用户使用同一款软件,相互之间不会冲突,登录用户只能访问本用户下的信息,确保了其它用户信息的安全性。本文主要对桌面提醒工具设计的功能和软件开发工具进行了详细介绍;并对该论文设计的软件的各个功能模块进行了划分并做了简单介绍,使系统功能更加清晰。同时介绍了界面结构和数据库的设计;最后详细介绍了系统各个功能的实现过程,给出了程序流程框图和程序代码以及部分用户界面效果图。

【Abstract】 In the 21st century, with economic globalization and the rapid development of society, the pace of life has become faster and faster, and fast-paced lifestyles make people’s lives pressures become greater. People need to deal with kinds of affairs every day, so people need an effective way to help and remind them to improve work efficiency and to complete tasks timely. However, the conventional notepad has revealed its deficiencies and limitations, such as inconvenience. And conventional notepad can not alarm automatically also. So, the desktop calendar appears.Desktop reminder tool not only enables to provide users with a complete solar calendar, the Lunar and festival information, but also reminds users of content set prior time, which is stipulated by users, remind users to complete the work on time. It can facilitate users to complete the record rapidly and install function of record remind, the system also integrates the multiple functional software, the operation is simple and convenient, saving operating time for users, enhancing work efficiency.The software is developed using today’s popular C#.Net technology and using Access 2003 as the database. The software provides functions:user login, registration of new users, calendar querying, regularly reminding, notebook, notebook reminding, the whole time and the random voice reminding and the slightest reminding, new mail reminding, festival reminding, address book management, games and entertainment, system integration tool, and timed and one key shutdown, the password protection.The system is simple and practical, powerful and can meet the needs of different users. The same kind of software can be used by the number of users and not conflict with each other. In order to ensure the security of other users’information, logged in users only can visit the information of current user.In this paper, desktop reminder tool’s design features and software development tools are described in detail; and the design of the paper the various functional modules of software has been divided and gave a brief introduction, making the system function more clearly. And introduced the structure of the interface and database design; finally details of the various functions of the system implementation process, gives the program flow diagram and program code as well as some effects of the user interface diagram.

【关键词】 AccessC#.NetADO.Net桌面提醒
【Key words】 AccessC#. NetADO.NetDesktop remind

