

Research of Information Construction Model for SMB Based on Cloud Computing

【作者】 杨振东

【导师】 王舰;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 企业管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 信息经济时代的到来使得企业信息化逐渐成为中小企业增强自身竞争力的重要手段,而现有的信息化建设模式难以满足中小企业在个性化、多样性和灵活性等方面日益增长的需求,信息化的投入难以产生较高的投资回报,收效甚微,尤其是经过全球经济危机洗礼过后,更需要选择一种适合中小企业发展的信息化建设模式。本文主要通过云计算服务模式的价值分析,为中小企业构建一个网络环境下信息化建设模式应用框架,为中小企业运用云计算开展信息化提供建议,这对于降低中小企业信息化建设门槛以及降低IT投资风险,实现较高的投资回报具有重要的现实意义。随着互联网发展的逐步成熟,基于互联网的信息化建设模式,如ASP、SaaS等开始进入应用,这进一步推动信息化服务模式向云计算方向发展,对企业来说IT外包的范围从软件发展到硬件、网络以及开发平台,云计算成为新形势下中小企业信息化自包和外包相结合的灵活发展形式。云计算是一种新兴的计算模式和服务模式,将一切IT资源看成是服务,这种新的IT提供方式将深刻影响着IT的变革。通过云计算的服务模式,借助互联网为用户提供企业管理软件以及IT硬件和计算能力,可以有效地降低IT软硬件的成本,弹性地适应企业不同发展阶段的需求。因此云计算的信息化建设模式将有效地解决中小企业在资金、人才、成本等方面的信息化难题,满足其在个性化、多样化、灵活性等方面的需求,将是中小企业信息化发展的快捷通道和重要趋势。本文运用价值链、TCO、ROI以及诺兰阶段模型等相关理论和分析方法,内容主要围绕云计算的信息化应用价值和应用框架展开,旨在为中小企业的信息化建设模式提供有价值的参考。主要研究成果是:(1)选择合适的信息化建设模式将更好的解决中小企业信息化建设的困境,并对信息化建设模式进行了分类和发展分析;(2)对云计算服务模式在企业信息化中的应用价值进行了价值链和成本收益的系统分析,为云计算信息化的应用提供了理论指导;(3)对云计算在中小企业信息化建设中的具体应用做了初步的框架设计,并通过案例分析,总结出云计算的生态系统为适合中小企业的信息化建设模式。本文的创新之处在于:(1)从服务而非技术的角度对云计算的企业信息化建设模式展开应用价值分析;(2)按照信息化的建设流程对云计算在中小企业信息化中的实施应用进行初步框架设计;(3)在云计算的信息化建设模式中运用了诺兰阶段模型作为指导,即使技术上可以快速跨越,但管理上仍要分阶段进行,而且各阶段不能逾越。

【Abstract】 With the era of information economy, enterprise information has become an important means of enhancing competitiveness for medium and small businesses(SMBs).The existing models of information construction are difficult to meet the SMBs’ demand in individuality, diversity and flexibility, other increasing demands and so on. The investment of Information is difficult to get fine return on investment(ROI),with little effect. Especially in the environment of global economic crisis,it is very important to select a suitable information model for the SMBs.This article mainly builds a model of information framework for the SMBs in the network environment through value analysis of cloud computing services model,so as to provide suggestions on information construction through cloud computation for SMBs.It has important practical significance in lowering the threshold of information technology,reducing the risks of IT investment,and achieving a higher return on investment.Along with the gradual development of the Internet, information models based on internet, such as ASP, SaaS,etc.entered the application, which further promote cloud information service model of cloud computing. When it comes to the enterprise, IT outsourcing is ranging from software to the hardware, networks, and development platforms.In the new situation, cloud computing has become a flexible form of self-built and outsourcing as a combination for SMBs.Cloud computing is a new computing model and service model,that is all IT resources as a service, and will have a profound impact on IT changes.Through the model of cloud computing, users can easily access enterprise management and IT services including hardware and software with Internet so as to reduce the cost of IT hardware and software effectively, adapt to the needs of development flexibly. Therefore, the information model of cloud computing can solve problems in finance, human resources, cost effectively to meet their individuality, diversity, flexibility and other needs.That will be the shortcut and important trends for the development of SMBs information.This paper uses the value chain, TCO,ROI, Nolan Stage Model,and other related theory and analysis.It mainly focuses on value of information about cloud computing and its application frameworks, designed for providing a valuable reference to SMB informatization model. Research results include:(1)selecting the appropriate model of information technology can better solve the problems of SMBs information construction,and doing the analysis about classifying the construction of information models as well as its development;(2)Doing systems analysis about cloud computing service model in the application of information technology in the value chain,return on investment,so as to providing a theoretical guidance for the application of cloud computing;(3)Creating a preliminary application framework about cloud computing in the SMBs information construction, and summarizing the synusiologic cloud computing is the suitable information model for SMBs through the case studies.The innovation of this paper is:(1)The value analysis about on cloud computing model of enterprise information construction mainly focuses service rather than a technical perspective;(2) Cloud computing application framework of information is based on information construction process;(3)Nolan’s stage model is used to guide the cloud computing information construction,and each stage can’t exceed even though catching up through advanced technology.


