

The Research on Strategies of Accelerating the Development of Qingdao Modern Service Industry

【作者】 庄霖

【导师】 刘子玉;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 工商管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 在经济全球化和区域经济一体化的发展背景下,服务业作为国民经济中的重要支柱产业,在经济增长中的作用不断提升。从某种意义上说,服务业特别是现代服务业的发展水平成为推动经济增长的重要力量,成为决定各国国际竞争力和国际化水平的关键因素。在世界经济已经进入服务经济时代的新形势下,我们既面临通过承接国际服务业转移加快发展的历史性机遇,同时也面临着更加激烈的竞争和挑战。加快发展服务业特别是现代服务业对于国家乃至地区未来繁荣具有重要的战略性意义,是全面协调可持续发展的必然选择,是推进产业结构优化升级的重大措施,是完善社会主义市场经济体制的一个重要内容,是提高对外开放水平的客观需要。本文以青岛市现代服务业的发展为研究对象,通过对青岛市现代服务业发展的现状、存在的问题及原因进行分析,提出相应对策。首先,本文在综述了国内外相关理论研究成果的基础上,对服务业和现代服务业的范畴进行了归纳和界定,分析了当前现代服务业发展的特点和趋势,深入探讨服务经济发展规律,明确指出青岛市发展现代服务业的战略意义,为后几章的阐述奠定了基础。其次,具体阐述青岛市现代服务业发展现状,结合服务业发展的地区比较,选取了两个规模相近的城市作为参照,横向比较了青岛市与其他先进城市的差距,并从这两个城市的服务业发展中寻求经验。通过对青岛市现代服务业的发展历史、现状进行纵向分析和横向比较,明确了发展过程中的不足之处,深入分析原因。再次,通过对青岛市现代服务业发展的优势、劣势、机会和威胁进行全面的分析和阐述,为制定符合市情的现代服务业发展战略提供依据。最后,结合青岛市发展实际,明确提出青岛市加快发展现代服务业的战略目标;根据不同类型的服务行业对经济发展的贡献存在差异和产生不同影响,提出发展的重点行业及有针对性的措施;根据区域特征和功能定位,从空间布局和产业集聚两个方面为实现现代服务业发展新突破谋篇布局提供了契合点;并从改革开放、人才支撑、资金支持、体制建设等角度提出青岛市现代服务业发展有针对性和可操作性的政策思路。本文采用文献研究、实证研究、比较研究、理论和对策研究相结合的方法,通过把理论与实际相结合,更加突出体现青岛市现代服务业发展的未来方向和对策。诸多对青岛服务业的研究多数只是针对服务业的某个方面进行理论阐述,从某个角度来说缺乏一定的可行性,而本研究课题定位于应用性研究,从实证来分析,试图对实践提供强有力的支持。

【Abstract】 Under the background of economic globalization and regional economic integration, service industry’s effect in economic growth is rising constantly as an important pillar of the national economy. In a sense, service industries, especially the development level of the modern service industry becomes an important force for economic growth and becomes the key factors of deciding the international competitiveness as well as the level of Internationalization. Under the new situation of the world economy entering the service economy, we are facing both the international service transferred by undertaking a historic opportunity to accelerate development, also facing increased competition and challenges. Accelerating the development of service industries, particularly modern services have important strategic significance and prosperity for the nation and the future of the region. It is a natural selection of developing comprehensively, coordinately and sustainably. It is an important measure to optimize and upgrade the industrial structure. It is an important element to improve the socialist market economic system. It is the objective needs to improve the level of opening up.This paper aims at the development of modern service industry in Qingdao. By showing the development of modern service status, problems and analysis of the reasons, the author puts forward countermeasures. Firstly, this paper reviews the relevant theoretical research results at home and abroad. Then it summarizes and defines the service industry and modern service industry. It analyses the current developing characteristics and trends of modern service industry and clearly shows the strategic significance of the development of modern service industry in Qingdao.In-depth development of the service economy rules is described as the foundation of later chapters. Secondly, this paper sets forth the specific situation of modern service development. Combining with regional comparison of the service’s growth, the study selects two similar-sized cities comparing the gaps with other advanced cities equivalent of Qingdao City. Then the author tries to find experience from these two cities’development of service industry. Through studying the history and current situation as longitudinal analysis together with horizontal comparison, this paper clears the inadequacies in the development of service industry and deeply analyses reasons. Thirdly, based on strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of modern service industry development in Qingdao, this paper provides the basis for meeting the market conditions for the development of modern service industry development strategies. Finally, combined with the actual development of Qingdao, this paper clearly accelerates the strategic objectives of developing modern service industry. Based on the distinct effects of different types of services sector which contribute to economic development, the author proposes the development of key industries and targeted measures. According to the regional characteristics and functions, it provides a meeting point which can achieve new breakthroughs in structure and organization of modern service industry development from the two aspects of spatial distribution and agglomeration. It proposes relevant and workable policy ideas of modern service development from the angle of the reform and opening up, personnel support, financial support, institution-building and so on.This paper applies the document study, empirical research, comparative research, theory and method of combining countermeasures by combining theory with practice. By combining theory with practice, more modern service highlighted the future direction and development of countermeasures. Many of the studies about the service industry are aimed at only one of the area and make theoretical exposition. To some extent, those studies have a certain lack of feasibility. While this research project which focused in applied research attempts to provide strong support for practice coming from empirical analysis.


