

【作者】 杨波

【导师】 刘洪滨;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 公共管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 青岛市拥有870公里的海岸线,管辖海域面积1.38万平方公里,是我国东部沿海重要的经济中心城市、滨海旅游城市和港口贸易城市,是全国闻名的“海洋科技城”,海洋资源丰富,区位条件良好,海洋科技优势明显。随着海域使用强度的加大、开发的深入带来了新的问题,主要是环境、资源和管理三大问题。不同行业、不同单位在开发利用海域的过程中,只注重本行业、本部门的利益,缺乏统一协调和综合管理。这些,都直接或间接地影响了海域资源的合理开发利用和海域环境的保护改善。本论文的研究目标是在调查青岛市海洋开发现状的基础上,详细分析青岛市海洋主要产业、海域使用和海洋管理中存在的问题,立足于国家海域使用管理“三项制度”’,通过分析对比国内外海洋管理模式,运用经济学、管理学的外部性理论和可持续发展等理论对青岛市的海洋管理中存在问题的原因进行综合研究,提出加强青岛市海洋综合管理的对策措施和思路构想,维护好国家海域所有权和海域使用权人的合法权益。为实现上述目标,本文内容安排为:(1)调查分析青岛市海洋地理和海洋气候与水文等海域自然环境;(2)调查分析青岛市海洋空间资源、海洋生物资源、港口旅游、能源矿产以及海水资源等海域资源概况和开发利用现状;(3)分析研究青岛市海洋渔业、航运交通业、滨海旅游业、修造船业等海洋主要产业发展存在的主要问题;(4)选取韩国、美国、英国、日本等主要海洋国家作为比较对象,对比分析国内外海洋管理经验;(5)运用经济学、管理学相关理论分析青岛市海域使用管理存在的主要问题的原因;(6)探索新形势下青岛市加强海洋综合管理的思路构想及对策措施。

【Abstract】 Qingdao’s mainland coastline stretches for some 870 km. The sea areas of Qingdao is about 13800 square kilometer. Qingdao is an important economic center city along the east coasts of our country. It is also a coastal tourist and trading port city. Qingdao is well-known in China as its marine science and technology.It bring us new problem with widely increasing. intensity of using sea areas. The situation posed us three new problems in environment protection, resource and maganement. It only studies its own interests in various departments. Lack of integrated management as well as the utilization of sea areas. All this greatly affected production in using sea areas and protecting and improving the living environment.The general aims of this thesis are on the base of surveying current situation and development of marine industries in Qingdao. Based on three system of management of marine analysing general situation of sea areas and management at home and abroad. With research finding management, economics and sociology studying marine management of Qingdao. In order to protect the ownership of state and whole people urging strategy pertaining to the use and administration of sea areas in Qingdao.In order to achieve these objectives, arrangements for the contents of this article are:(1)Analyse general situation of sea areas natural environment in Qingdao, for example marine geography and climate. (2) Analyse general situation of sea resource in Qingdao, for example space, living things, port tourist, energy mineral and so on. (3) Analyse current situation of major marine industries in Qingdao and main problem, for example marine fishery, shipping traffic, coastal tourism, ship-building and so on. (4) Select South Korea, America, Japan and England to make comparative analysing current situation and management. (5) Based on analysis of courent marine utilization with management, economics and sociology. (6) I will exert myself to urge strategy pertaining to the use and administration of sea areas in Qingdao.


