

【作者】 孙传余

【导师】 史宏达;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 港口、海岸及近海工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 我国人多地少,土地资源非常紧张。当前又正处于工业化、城镇化快速发展时期,建设用地供需矛盾十分突出,人口增加及城市化进程的加快,对土地的需求越来越大。围海造地对沿海港口及城市的发展有非常重要的作用,是我国尤其是东部沿海地区解决土地紧张问题和拓展生存空间较好的途径之一,世界上许多国家和地区都开发海岸带资源来解决人口与土地供给之间的矛盾。围海工程一般包括海堤、水闸、堵口三部分。海堤是围海工程主体,直接承受风浪、风暴潮、急流作用,工程量较大,以软基筑堤和堵口闭气为其重要技术问题;围海工程中的水闸主要起到分流做用,有双向过流的特点,海堤和水闸都是围海工程先期施工的部分;堵口是海堤修筑的最后阶段,堵口合拢是围海工程成败的关键,堵口施工中所遇到的技术问题,是整个围海工程中最复杂和最困难的问题。山于此阶段所遇到的水力条件十分恶劣,口门落差可达2-3米,流速最大可达到6-8米/秒,且水流极其复杂,根据我国《围海工程技术规范》规定围海堵口必须进行龙口水力计算。本文首先介绍围海工程的发展进程与国内外围海的开发现状,介绍了我国目前围海工程的特点及在围海工程实践中积累的经验和理论,利用CFX软件对堵口工程龙口水力要素进行数值模拟,重点研究了堵口快速合拢期间,流速值在二维平面的分布规律以及流速值随潮流的变化规律,提出合理合拢方案。并运用该数值模拟方法对某海上围堰工程进行堵口水力计算,模拟堵口过程中的水动力情况,为制定堵口合拢方案提供科学依据。

【Abstract】 China’s inadequate per-capita share of land resources is becoming more and more serious. Particularly, when china’s economic development and social progress accelerated in the past decades. The gap between land supply and demand is still expanding. Land reclamation from sea is a better method to solve the problem especially in china’s eastern coastal areas. Many countries and regions in the world have exploited their coastal zones and tide land resources to increase provision of land.Land reclamation project encircles the sea to make land, It has three main sections:dike、sluice gate and dyke enclosure.Sea dyke is the main part of the reclamation project,which bears the load of waves、storms and streams. Soft clay ground treatment and infiltration closure are the two key technique problems. Sluice gate’s main function is to separate the stream of entrance, usually constructed before enclosure begins, together with dyke’s main section. Dyke enclosure is the most crucial and the latest part of sea reclamation engineering. At this stage,dyke enclosure confronts very severe hydraulic conditions, head drop of the flow can reach 2-3 m, the maximum flow velocity probably can reach up to 6-8 m/s. Appropriate enclosure steps and precise hydraulic calculation are needed before enclosure project begins.This dissertation firstly introduces the present status of reclamation project. Secondly, analyzes the character of China’s reclamation project, summarizes the hydraulic calculation theory and practical experience;Thirdly, uses commercial software CFX to simulate the hydraulic parameter of fast enclosure stage, especially simulates velocity distribution patterns on horizontal two-dimensional plane. Preliminarily studies the law or velocity variation pattern in pace with tidal action. Lastly, using the CFX model, calculates the hydraulic parameter of a maritime park project.


