

Study on Properties of Caisson Breakwater as OWC under Irregular Waves

【作者】 杨国华

【导师】 史宏达;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 港口、海岸及近海工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 沉箱防波堤兼作岸式波力发电装置是一种新型的港工建筑物,它是集合了防波堤与岸式振荡水柱波力发电装置的共性特点设计而成。它除了能防浪消浪,为港区提供良好的泊稳条件,还能将入射的波能吸收转换为电能。将沉箱隔舱作为OWC (Oscillationg Water Column)气室,不仅节省了沉箱防波堤工程造价,而且解决了岸式振荡水柱波力发电装置建造费用高的问题,可谓一举两得。本文正是在前期研究的基础上,通过物理模型试验对不规则波作用下装置的捕能效果进行进一步研究。本文主要是在物理模型的基础上,研究了沉箱气室捕能效果。模型试验主要包括波压力试验和气室捕能效果试验。本文根据微幅波理论推导出适于本装置大开孔的波压力公式,并将波压力试验数据与公式计算结果对比验证,二者吻合良好,表明波压力公式适用于本装置的理论计算。在沉箱气室捕能效果模型试验中,本文主要采集了沉箱气室内的波高、气压以及输气管的空气流速等数据。试验数据处理结果显示,沉箱气室内波幅、气室压强幅值以及输气管内空气流速具有一定的联动性,气室捕能效果主要受入射波要素、气室工作水位、前墙吃水深度及负载因素等影响。为获得良好的捕能效果,本装置更适合于大波高、长周期的入射波的条件,同时,装置应处于较低前墙吃水深度的工作状态。本文根据试验数据计算了沉箱防波堤兼作岸式波力发电装置的一次转换效率。结果显示,当入射波周期较长、装置吃水深度较低时,装置一次转换效率较高。这与前期研究成果具有一致性。本文主要是基于物理模型试验,得出装置在不规则波作用下的工作规律,提出了关于装置捕能效果的合理化建议,为本装置的进一步研究奠定了基础。

【Abstract】 Caisson breakwater as OWC is a new coastal engineering structure, which is designed above the similar features between caisson breakwater and onshore OWC wave energy convertor. This structure can not only prevent wave, but also convert wave energy into electricity. Also, Caisson chamber as OWC air chamber reduces engineering cost. The study carries out the task through unit analysis and experimental investigations.Model test includes wave pressure test and energy capturing effect research. According to liner wave theory, a wave pressure formula is derived for caisson with a scale hole. Compared with experiment contests, the result indicates that the theoretical derivation is acceptable.Energy capturing effect model experiment is carried out to obtain wave height in caisson chamber, air pressure in caisson chamber, and air velocity in the duct. The model test data show that there are interior relations among wave height, air pressure, and air velocity, the energy capturing efficiency is mostly determined by incident wave elements, water depth, draft of the chamber skirt and load parameters. To capture more energy, the structure with low draft of the chamber skirt needs to run under the condition of big wave height and long period.Conversion efficiency of caisson chamber is obtained from test data, and it has the same trend as the energy capturing.The research is based on model test, the characteristic of structure under irregular waves is obtained, which lays a foundation to further study.


