

North Second District of East Gaotaizi Distribution of Remaining Oil

【作者】 王子

【导师】 孟凡顺; 万新德;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 地质工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 剩余油是当今高含水期及三次采油阶段研究的重点和难点。本文以开发近50年目前处于三次加密与三次采油相结合试验阶段的萨北开发区北二区东高台子油层组为研究对象,应用高分辨率层序地层学观点和沉积学理论对研究区目的层段进行沉积时间单元的划分、对比并建立统一地层格架,在此基础上,充分结合测井地质学、储层地质学及石油地质学,开展以高含水期油藏剩余油预测为目标的储层非均质性及流动单元研究、并对研究区剩余油分布规律进行细致研究。本文研究目的层为复杂的三角洲前缘相沉积,其单砂体空间识别、精细刻划及其成因分析具有较大的难度。因此本文以该区岩心、钻井、测井等具有高分辨率特性的资料为基础,结合本区的沉积背景,建立了研究区的微相类型和沉积模式;充分利用三次加密井网,对研究目的层进行了单砂体级的精细划分、对比,建立全区高分辨率等时地层格架;通过岩性与电性关系,建立测井相模式,然后再逐井逐层的进行单井微相精细识别,最后进行平面相组合,绘制时间单元平面沉积微相图。在沉积微相研究基础上,对各个沉积时间单元储层的非均质性及流动单元进行研究,并通过地质建模直观地反映出储层物性变化和含油性变化特征。通过对研究区水淹状况的分析并结合上述研究成果对该区的剩余油分布特征进行细致研究。通过对该区高台子油层的精细研究取得了一系列的研究成果1)GⅡ19小层存在可分现象,因此在该区首次提出将GⅡ19小层细分为GⅡ19a和GⅡ19b两个时间单元。将该区高台子油层共划分为49个沉积时间单元。并对全区高台子油层135口井49个沉积时间单元进行了精细、统一对比。由此建立了垂向达单砂体的高分辨率层序地层格架。2)在研究中创新建立了17类能量单元测井相模式,为进一步精细研究单砂体奠定了坚实的基础。3)在该区首次识别出了废弃河道,对进一步的剩余油分布研究产生重大影响。4)在储层非均质性研究中依据该区实际情况将隔层区分为6个类别:夹层区,跨层隔层区,无隔层区,有效厚度间区,砂岩间区和表外砂岩间区。进一步深化了对该区高台子油层隔层发育状况的认识。5)依据渗流系数、净毛比将流动单元细分为五个类型。一种类型代表了与之相适应的砂岩储集层的孔渗性和储存能力的好坏。同时可以看出流动单元的分布与小层沉积时间单元微相分布具有很好的一致性。更进一步证实了在该区采取此划分方法的合理性6)结合微相级单砂体精细研究成果,总结出4种剩余油类型:废弃河道遮挡型剩余油、注采关系不完善型剩余油、井网未控制型剩余油、低渗透层遮挡或主体砂边缘型剩余油。并对其所在时间单元、单砂体、部位等进行了预测。

【Abstract】 The study of Residual oil is present important and difficult in high water cut and oil recovery stage. In this paper, developed nearly 50 years now in three combination of encryption and enhanced oil recovery pilot phase of the Second District Sabei area north east Gaotaizi oil group study, used the point of high-resolution sequence stratigraphy and sedimentary theory to divide target stratum with the deposition time units, contrast and establish the unified stratigraphic framework.On this basis, fully integrated logging geology, reservoir geology and petroleum geology, carried out with high water content of residual oil is forecast to be objective of reservoir heterogeneity and flow units, and the remaining oil distribution of the study area for detailed study.In this article,the target zone is a complex layer of delta front facies, the recognition of single-space sand, fine characterization and it’s difficult to analysis the cause. So,this article is based on the area of core, drilling, logging and other features with high-resolution data, combined with the background of the deposition in this area, established a research area of micro-facies and depositional model; take full advantage of Well of three encryption, the study purpose of a single layer of fine sand-level classification,contrast,establish high-resolution stratigraphic framework of all area; through the relationship between lithology and electrical, set up log-phase mode, and then layer by layer by the conduct of the single well well The fine micro-identification,at last phase combination of plane, draw time unit flat sedimentary facies map. In the basis of sedimentary facies, research the deposition time of each unit of reservoir heterogeneity and flow units and through geological modeling directly reflect changes in reservoir properties and characteristics of oil changes. through the Flooding conditions on the analysis of the study area, combined with the results of these studies in the area of remaining oil distribution of the study area for detailed study.Through the detailed study in the area of Gaotaizi reservoirs, obtaineda series of research results. 1) G II 19 can be divided into small layer, it will be the first time of small GⅡ19 layers divided into GⅡ19a and GⅡ19b two time units in the area. Gaotaizi reservoirs deposition time can be divided into 49 units. Gaotaizi reservoirs and the region of 135 wells in 49 deposition time units were fine deposition time unit, unity contrast.So Established the vertical high resolution sequence stratigraphic framework.2) In the study, the energy unit was established 17 categories of log-phase mode, for the foundation of further detailed study in single sand body3) First identified the abandoned channel in the area, have a significant impact on distribution of the remaining oil.4) In the study of reservoir heterogeneity,based on the actual situation in the interlayer region,divided into six categories:mezzanine area, inter-layer insulation layer for the area, no compartment area, the effective thickness of the inter-zone between the area and the sheet sandstone Inter-district sandstone. Further deepening of the district development Gaotaizi reservoir compartment knowledge of the situation..5) According to the flow transmission coefficient and the net gross ratio,the subdivided mobile unit into five types.one type represents the corresponding sandstone reservoir porosity and permeability and the power of storage. At the same time Can be seenthe distribution of flow units can be seen with small cell micro-layer deposition time in good agreement with the distribution. In the area to take further confirmed the rationality of this classification method6) Combined with micro-fine sand with single-level research results, summarized four kinds of residual oil types:abandoned channel block-based oil, imperfect relationship between injection type remaining oil, well not control the remaining oil-based, low-permeability layer shielding or Sand the edge of the main type of remaining oil. And predicted its time unit, single sand body, parts, etc.


