

The Design of the Monitoring System for Urban Public Order Dynamic Video

【作者】 李培亮

【导师】 姬光荣;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 电子与通信工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着城市经济与城市建设的快速发展,城市人口的急剧膨胀、流动人口的增加给社会治安带来了很大压力。城市公共安全已成为社会公共安全的重中之重,安全已成为衡量城市现代化的重要标准之一。一个城市,不管经济多发达,如果没有安全感,这个城市就谈不上现代化,更谈不上文明城市。今后,随着社会的发展和要求,社会治安动态视频监控系统必将成为衡量城市现代化的重要指标之一。城市治安动态视频监控系统是以打击、预防违法犯罪为目的,在治安复杂场所、重点部位、主要街道、案件多发地段、重要路口、卡口等地点设立视频监控点,将监控图像实时传输到各级公安机关和其它相关部门,通过对图像的浏览、记录等方式,使各级公安机关和其它相关部门直观地了解和掌握监控区域的治安动态,有效提高社会治安管理水平的视频监控系统。视频图像信息系统建设的数量和质量,也常常作为衡量一个城市政府管理水平和治安防控能力的重要指标。向科技要警力,用科技保平安,是建设平安城市的保障,而城市治安视频监控作为实现安全防范的有效方法,已经在全国很多城市有了实践。警力相对不足,盲目增加警力人员也不太现实。因此,引入技术安全防范是解决目前公安系统和城管系统的“有效管理”与“经济成本”间的矛盾的必要手段。城市治安管理监控系统能够对主要路口、商贸社区重点部位及治安复杂场所实施动态监视,管理人员能够在第一时间得到监控区域的直观信息与实时的动态情况,它能与公安”110”报警、区域联网报警、有线、无线通信、信息处理、交通指挥等系统有机结合,可以在维护社会安定、预防打击犯罪等方面发挥重要的作用。城市治安监控系统对社区公共安全带来的影响不言而喻,它可实现事故发生后的现场搜索、图像记录,以及疑犯跟踪等,更重要的是,它对犯罪份子起到了威慑的作用。本论文根据治安形势的需求和地区的实际情况,以公安分局110指挥中心为一级监控单位,派出所为二级监控单位,建立横跨模拟和数字的多级视频传输网络,实现对前端图像的实时监控。辖区内的监控图像直接接入派出所,派出所的图像经过压缩编码接入公安专网。区(县)级、市级监控中心能同时控制、传输若干路图像,并能任意调用下一级图像信息;省级监控中心能通过视频监控平台调阅相关监控点的监控图像,并可根据公安部指令,上传相关视频信息。四级网络以公安专用传输网为依托,形成星型结构,构成全省互联互通的动态视频监控网络。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of urban economy and urban construction, the explosive increase of the urban population and the floating population brings great pressure to the public security. The urban public security has been the top priority among priorities of the society public security. The security has been one of the most important criterions in weighing the urban modernization. A city without security would be far from modernization never mind a civilized city no matter how prosperous its ecology is. With the development and demand of society, the monitoring system for urban public order dynamic video must come to one of the important criterions in weighing the modernization of a city from now on.The monitoring system for urban public order dynamic video aims at cracking down and preventing a crime. The video monitoring points are set on the spots with complicated order, the key positions, the key streets, the districts of the crime and the key crossings. The monitored images are transmitted to the public security organs and other related departments. The public security organs and other related departments know and master the dynamic conditions of the order in the monitored regions visually by scanning and recording the images by which the management level for society order is improved efficiently.The quantity and quality of video image information system are often looked as important targets in weighing the government’s management of a city and the ability of prevention and control system for public security. Keeping peace and security depending on science and technology is the guarantee in constructing a peaceful city while the monitoring system for urban public order dynamic video as a valid method in achieving the safety precautions has practiced a lot in many cities in China. It is not realistic to increase the police unreasoningly although the police numerical strength is relatively inadequate. So the introduction of safety precautions depending on technologies is necessary in solving the present contradiction between’effective management’ and ’economic cost’ in the police system and the urban management system. The monitoring system for urban public order could achieve dynamic monitor to the key crossroads, the key districts of trade communities and the spots with complicated order. The administrative staff could get the visual information and real-time dynamic state of the monitored regions at the first time. The system could be combined with the 110 alarm, the region networking alarm, the wire and wireless communication, the information process and the traffic guidance which plays an important role in keeping the peace and preventing and cracking down a crime.The influence bought by the monitoring system for urban public order to the community public safety is self-evident. The system could achieve searching around the scene, recording the images and tracking the suspects after the accident. What is more important is that it would deter the suspects.According to the requirement of the public order situation and the actual situation of regions the paper builds the network stretching over analogy and digital multilevel video transmission and achieves the real-time monitor to the front end video. The monitored video in the area under jurisdiction is switched in the police station and after being compression coded the video from the police station is switched in the network special for the police. The monitor centre of district (county) level and city level could control and transmit multiplexing images simultaneously and call the next lower level image information. The monitor centre of province level could retrieve the monitoring video of relative video monitoring points through the video monitor platform and upload some relative video information according to the order from Ministry of Public Security. Four levels network forms the star configuration based on the network special for the police and constitutes a dynamic video monitoring network interconnecting among the whole province.


