

The Study on the Aplication of Idealogical Delivery

【作者】 张杰

【导师】 谭九生;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 民商法, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 观念交付制度以所有权观念化、物权变动模式的相互融合以及间接占有为理论基础,其本质是意思主义物权变动模式的衍生品。我国《物权法》以债权形式主义为基础,但为顺应经济发展的需要,同时确立了观念交付制度,赋予其与现实交付相同的法律效力,这就导致观念交付与《物权法》其它制度的衔接出现问题。解决该问题只有从观念交付制度的本质着手,探寻我国《物权法》设定观念交付制度的目的,这样才能理顺观念交付与其它物权法制度之间的关系。质权人现实占有标的物不仅是动产质权的公示方式,同时能造成质押人心理上及经济上的负担,促使质押人履行债务,并且有利于质权人保障自己的利益。因此,各国都将现实占有标的物作为质权的成立要件。指示交付的受让人仅仅取得对第三人的返还请求权,未现实占有动产。以占有改定的方式交易,动产仍处于出让人的现实占有之下,买受人也未占有标的物。简易交付的权利人则现实占有标的物。据此,观念交付的类型中仅仅简易交付能设立质权。让与担保人将担保物的所有权移转给担保权人,以此担保自己履行债务。其相对于典型担保最大的优势在于设立程序上的简便性。观念交付能够产生物权变动的效果,并能摆脱物权变动形式要件的桎梏,符合让与担保的要求,故应该允许以观念交付的方式设立让与担保。动产善意取得构成要件中要求出让人将标的物交付给受让人。简易交付因权利人现实占有标的物,故能适用善意取得;指示交付情形下只有当买受人具有合理信赖的基础时能适用善意取得;占有改定情形下也应当适用善意取得,但应当赋予原所有权人有偿回复请求权。

【Abstract】 The system of ideological delivery based on the meaning of property right , the indirect possession and property right of the mutual integration of their theoretical basis.“Real Rights Law”based on the formalism debiting. But it established the concept of ideological delivery and given the same legal effect as actual delivery, which resulting the ideological delivery system would be conflict with other system ,Solve this problem must be start from the nature of ideological delivery system, Comprehend the purpose of formulate the ideological delivery system and elaborate the relationship with other legal systems.Pledge Possession who has the property is the right of publicity Secured way, which also cause psychological and economic burden to the pledge, urge they make a performance of debt and help the pledge to protect their own interests. Therefore, all countries will share the underlying reality of the right to set up as a quality element. The assignee of direct delivery have no real possession of movable property but only obtains the right to ask the third claim return. Real estate is still under the possession of the buyer in the ownership with unchanged occupation system. Easy delivery possession of the rights of others realistic subject matter. Accordingly, the ideological delivery could only establish a simple pledge.And the guarantee will be required to transferred the property to the holder of the mortgage. Its not a typical guarantee by“Real Rights Law”,it establish based on the idea that freedom of contract. ideological delivery can make the results of transfer the property, it accord with the acquire of Warranty of alienation.For accord with principle of autonomy, we should be allow ideological delivery to establish warranty of alienation.Innocent purchase of the movable, requested the people to deliver the subject to the assignee. Simply delivery of the obligee for possession of subject, it can be applied in innocent purchase; Delivery upon notice only when the bargainee has a reasonable basis to trust can be applied in innocent purchase; Under the circumstances in switch of possession is also should be applied in innocent purchase, but should be given the original Right a right that can buy the object from bargainee.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 06期

