

Research on Innovation Development Model for Coastal Special Economic Zones

【作者】 刘丽

【导师】 戴桂林;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 国际贸易学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,基于对中国基本国情的认识,为了加快经济建设的步伐,更好地实施对外开放战略,改变经济落后的现状,中国改变了以往长期坚持的“均衡布局战略”,开始实行“非均衡战略”,在“杀出一条血路”思想的指导下,国家先后设立了深圳、珠海、汕头、厦门和海南五大经济特区,作为中国实施对外开放战略的前哨,其功能为“技术的窗口,管理的窗口、知识的窗口,也是对外政策的窗口”。由于经济特区处于中国改革开放的最前沿,是中国外向型经济发展的平台,这就决定了它的发展模式主要是在政府各种优惠政策的外力推动下,集中于商品和资本在国家和地区之间交替和流动,多注重短期利益,形成一种非均衡的发展战略。这在改革的初期确实发挥了很大的作用,但是随着经济的不断开放,这种发展模式已经不能满足经济发展的需要。一方面,经济特区建立初期所实行的特殊优惠政策随着特区经济的快速发展以及特区与非特区之间差距的拉大而逐渐被淡化或取消;另一方面,经济特区的“试验场”和“排头兵”作用基本上达到了饱和的状态。随着中国全方位、多层次、宽领域对外开放新格局的形成,现实向我们提出了如下问题:中国沿海经济特区的发展需要什么样的创新模式?究竟该沿着怎样的路径进行提升?需要考虑到哪些因素?对于这些问题的回答和研究,不仅是中央和各沿海地区政府十分关注的问题,而且也是理论界应当重点研究并给予科学回答的问题。论文立足于增长极理论、耗散结构原理和可持续发展理论等,结合五大经济特区发展的历史及现状,分析研究了传统经济特区的要素聚集和扩散效应,并以深圳特区为例进行了有效的实证分析。在分析的基础上发现,经过三十多年的探索,经济特区成功地完成了当时的国家使命,为中国经济的发展做出了很大贡献。但此时,改革也逐步迈进了“深水区”,各项改革正向更深层次的攻坚阶段挺进。改革已不可能以经济改革为主轴单兵推进,它已无法回避来自行政与社会领域所产生的复杂问题,非均衡的发展状态也开始慢慢的趋向于均衡发展,因此,必须对改革的利益关系、民生基础和政府结构进行重构和调整。国家综合配套改革试验区正是在这种特定的历史背景下应运而生的。“新特区”的发展主要是为了建立完善的经济开放体系。本文主要以新增加的要素为研究核心,对国家综合配套改革试验区的预效应进行了系统的分析和概括。在这一部分分析中,笔者发现,经济特区发展模式的演变和提升,不仅仅受到经济发展的推动,同时,要素本身的不断发展也在推动特区模式的提升和演变。随着十七大的召开,科学发展观的落实,海洋产业发展的越来越快,此时,仅限于陆域经济已经不跟时代的潮流,海洋经济日益成为一个国家或地区发展的重要增长极。海洋作为一种国际化的资源,需要我们用一种国际化的特区发展模式配套发展。在前两轮“特区”建设基础上,笔者进行总结和借鉴,对优势继续发扬,对不足之处进行弥补,认为沿海经济特区发展模式更深层次的递进发展是次区域国际生态合作区的建设,并以山东半岛蓝色经济区架构设想作为个案进行了研究。

【Abstract】 Since the reform and opening up, based on the understanding of Chinese basic national conditions, in order to accelerate the pace of economic development and implement the strategy of opening up to change the status of economic backwardness, China has changed the policy of "balanced distribution strategy" in the past long-term into "non-balanced strategy ", under the guidance of " his way through "thought, the state has set up Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Shantou, Xiamen and Hainan as Special Economic Zones, as the implementation of Chinese opening up strategy of the outpost, whose functions are as the " technology window, Management window, knowledge window and foreign policy window. " As the. special economic zones is in the forefront of Chinese reform and opening up, the platform of Chinese export-oriented economic development, which determine its development model is given preferential treatment in government driven by outside forces. It concentrates in goods and capital’s alternate and flow in the countries and regions, focuses on short-term interests which form a non-balanced development strategy. This indeed played a major role at the beginning of the reform, but as the economy continues opening, this model can not meet the needs of economic development. On the one hand, the special preferential policies to rapid economic in the initial period of special economic zones implementation have gradually be diluted or canceled with the fast development of special economic zones and the strengthen gap between special economic zones and non-SAR; the other hand, special economic zones’ "testing ground" and "vanguard" role has basically reached the saturation. With an all-directional, multi-level, wide-ranging opening pattern’s formation, reality presents us with the following issues:What kind of the innovation model is suitable for the development of Chinese coastal economic zones? What kind of path along the upgrade? Which factors need to be considered? Answering to these questions and research is not only the great concern of central government and the coastal areas, but also theorists should focus on scientific research and to answer these questions.This article analyzes the aggregation and diffusion effect of the traditional special economic zones based on the growth pole theory, dissipative structure theory and the theory of sustainable development, integrates the five special economic zones’development history and current statement, and make Shenzhen as an example. Basis of the analysis, we find that after 30 years of exploration, special economic zones have successfully completed the national mission and have made great contributions for Chinese economic development. But at this time, the reform has also gradually changed towards the "deep end". Reform is not poss i b I e to develop as the main economic reforms forward; it has been unab I e to avoid the complex issues from administrative and social areas. Non-equilibrium development state has begun to trend in the balanced development slowly; therefore, we must reconstruct and adjust the interests’ relation of reform, the people’s livelihood base and government structure. National comprehensive reform experimental area is bored in the context of this particular historical moment. "The new special zone" is developed to establish a sound system of economic liberalization. In this paper, the study core is the new increase elements. The author systematically analyzes and summarizes the pre-effects of national comprehensive reform experimental area. In this part, the author finds that the evolution of special economic zones’ development model is not only droved by economic development, but also promoted by the developing of their own elements. With the convening of the seventeenth meeting and the implementation of scientific development concept, the marine industry has developed much more rapidly,therefore,limited in land area economy has not gone with the times, and the marine economy has become one of a country or region’s important growth pole. As an international resource, marine need use an international technology development model to support. On the basis of the first two rounds of "Special Zones", the author summarize and refer, carry on the superiorities, make up for shortcomings to find that the sub-regional cooperation in areas of international ecological is a deeper and more progressive development mode for coastal special economic zones. The paper used the building of Blue Economic Zone of Shandong Peninsula as a case to study.

【关键词】 经济特区发展模式升级路径
【Key words】 economic zonesdevelopment modelupgrade path

