

The Research and Application on Multidimensional Statistical Method of Urban Human Settlement Based on WebGIS

【作者】 袁贝贝

【导师】 韩勇;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国社会经济的发展和城市居民生活水平的提高,人们日益关注和谐优美的人居环境。目前对城镇人居环境的研究也日益成为各学科追逐的热点。人居环境质量评价有一定的评价标准和评价指标体系,评价指标体系的好坏直接影响到人居环境质量评价优劣,在选取评价指标时,需要考虑从以人为本、针对性、层次性、可比性、全面性、可操作性和相对独立性这几个角度来选取指标。而指标数据来源的可靠性和统一性,决定指标原始数据的统一准确性,但是影响城镇人居环境的指标因素涉及到许多地理空间信息,故在进行城镇人居环境统计研究时,应用常规的统计方法和数值统计分析已经不再适合。同时随着全球信息化、科技化、网络化的加速发展,我们需要充分考虑时空化、网络化、信息化等重要的影响因素,并加以充分合理的利用。在上述背景下,本文致力于城镇人居环境评价指标体系以及城镇人居环境多维统计方法研究,WebGIS是近几年来逐渐兴起的一门新的地理信息系统技术,是地理信息系统与互联网技术相结合的产物,并随着互联网技术的快速传播而迅速崛起的,在人们日常的生产生活中起着重要的作用。本文主要从以下三个方面进行了研究:1.对城镇人居环境评价指标体系进行研究,建立综合性城镇人居环境评价指标体系,并以此为标准对青岛市2004-2008年这5年的人居环境质量进行评价。2.对城镇人居环境多维统计方法进行研究,将WebGIS应用到统计的收集、整理、分析及展示整个过程。3.在对城镇人居环境评价指标体系和城镇人居环境多维统计方法研究的基础上,建立起基于WebGIS的城镇人居环境质量调查与统计分析系统。通过以上几点研究,根据人居环境特点,建立比较合理的综合性城镇人居环境评价指标体系,同时对WebGIS技术运用于城镇人居环境质量统计领域进行初步探索与尝试,就统计数据的收集、整理分析和结果展示进行改进,通过在城镇人居环境的统计中应用WebGIS强大的空间分析、统计分析功能和分布式操作特点,为用户提供实时浏览、查询和在线分析工具。为城镇居民提供一个充分了解自身周围生活环境质量的平台,为统计工作人员提供一个快速进行定量调查统计分析的工具,为决策者制定城镇规划管理的有关决策提供支持。

【Abstract】 With the development of the economic and the urban living standard in our country, growing attention is paid on the harmonious and beautiful living environment. Currently, the research of urban living environment is increasingly becoming the hot spot pursued by subjects. There are certain assessment criteria and evaluation systems. For the evaluation system will directly affects the quality of living environment evaluation, it should be considered from people-oriented, targeted, hierarchy, comparability, comprehensiveness, operability and relative independence in selecting evaluation indicators. The accuracy of index is depending on the reliability and integrity of the data sources. For the indexes affecting urban living environment refer to plenty of geospatial information, the traditional statistical methods and numerical statistical analysis are not suitable for the statistical research in urban living environment any more. Simultaneously, with the accelerated development of global information, technology and network, we should fully consider and use the important factors such as space-time, network, and information.In the context above, the thesis is committed to the research on urban living environment evaluation system and multi-dimensional statistical methods. WebGIS is a new geography information system technology combined with Geography Information System and Internet technology. It rises with rapid diffusion of Internet technology and plays important roles in people’s production and living in the recent years. The thesis mainly studied three aspects as follows:1. Research urban living environment evaluation system, construct comprehensive urban living environment evaluation system, and evaluate the living environment quality of Qingdao in 2004-2008 with the criteria.2. Research urban living environment multi-dimensional statistical method. For selection of evaluation indicators is always restricted and constrained by statistical data, the thesis researches how to get ideal and high quality data, analysis data reasonably, and display the analysis result to people vividly and applies WebGIS in statistic collection, collation, analysis and display.3. With the research of urban living environment evaluation system and multi-dimensional methods, establish WebGIS-based Urban Living Environment Investigate and Statistical Analysis System.Based on the research above, a reasonable comprehensive urban living environment evaluation system is developed according to the characteristics of living environment. Simultaneously, the thesis explores the application of WebGIS in urban living environment quality statistic area, improves the method of data collection, collation, analysis and result display, to provide user browsing, querying and online-analyzing tool powered by the spatial analysis, statistical analysis and distributed operation of WebGIS, urban residents a platform supervising their surrounding living environment, statistical workers a quick quantitative survey analysis tool, decision-makers support in making urban planning and management decisions.


