

Investigation on Soil Characteristics of Bamboo Plantation of Phyllostachys Pubescens in Jian’ou, Fujian

【作者】 董蔚

【导师】 桂仁意;

【作者基本信息】 浙江农林大学 , 森林培育, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 系统全面调查建瓯市毛竹林土壤背景数据,将有助于毛竹林的科学合理推荐施肥,并能为当地毛竹培育及可持续生产提供依据。本研究通过GPS定位及结合不同乡镇的毛竹林面积,确定全市共计212个样点。在每个采样点,随机采集三个小样混合组成,每个样点按0-20,20-40,40-60cm采集。土壤样品在实验室进行风干过筛。我们分析了土壤样品的不同指标,包括土壤容重、砾石、有机质、全氮、全磷、全钾、有效氮、有效磷、有效钾、pH以及铜、锌、铁、锰等金属元素含量,并运用普通统计学、地统计学及地理信息系统对土壤性质特点及其空间分布特征进行了分析。结果表明:(1)建瓯全市毛竹林土壤有机质平均含量在0-20、20-40及40-60cm中分别为3.98%、2.74%与2.13%,高于农田土壤,有机质含量随土壤深度而下降;(2)土壤全氮含量分别为1.48 g/kg、1.06 g/kg及0.87 g/kg,普遍较高,土壤氮与有机质有较好的相关性;(3)土壤全磷分别为2.48g/kg、2.31g/kg及2.58g/kg,含量中等;土壤全钾为19.09、20.10与20.03g/kg;(4)速效氮分别为165.0mg/kg、125.8mg/kg及95.1mg/kg,含量较高,高于当地农田土壤平均值;土壤速效氮与全氮有很好的相关性;(5)土壤中速效磷含量分别为11.37mg/kg、6.90mg/kg及5.83mg/kg,含量低,低于农田土壤;速效磷与全磷无相关性;(6)土壤中速效钾含量分别为54.5mg/kg、46.1mg/kg及49.5mg/kg,较低;速效钾与全钾无相关性;(7)土壤pH平均为4.96,所有土壤样品的pH都在4.5-7.0范围内,适宜于毛竹生长;(8)土壤CEC分别为3.90 cmol/kg、3.81 cmol/kg及3.74 cmol/kg,数值较低;(9)土壤中钠含量高,钙镁含量低,土壤盐基饱和度普遍较低,三层分别为26.7、21.7与19.7%;(10)土壤铜含量一般,分别为34.8mg/kg、38.5mg/kg及41.0mg/kg;锌含量分别为162.7mg/kg、166.8mg/kg及170.1mg/kg;全铁量为46.0 g/kg、48.7 g/kg及49.2 g/kg;锰含量分别为580.5mg/kg、545.8mg/kg及563.4mg/kg;(11)土壤容重一般,分别为0.96 g/cm~3、1.01 g/cm~3及1.03 g/cm~3;土壤中砾石比率比较高,分别为19.1%、20.8%与20.4%。由于地形复杂,建瓯市毛竹林土壤不同元素及成份在地理空间上的分布均存在较大的异质性,差异较大,并且各元素分布并无一致性。总的来看,建瓯毛竹林土壤是有机质含量高,富氮低磷缺钾钙镁,pH值适中。建议在强度经营的毛竹林中增施磷钾肥。

【Abstract】 In order to provide evidences for moso-bamboo fertilization and the sustainable bamboo production, it is necessary to investigate the bamboo soil basic properties systematically. In this project, GPS was used for the soil sampling site location and the area of bamboo in various towns was considered. According to the towns of Jian’ou city, there were total 212 sample sites selected. Each sample site contained 3 sub-sample sites and soil samples were mixed with the 3 sub-samples. Each soil pedon was done in 3 layers as 0-20, 20-40 and 40-60 cm, respectively. Soil samples were air-dried and sieved in the laboratory. Indicators of soil were included as soil bulk density, organic matter, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, total potassium, available nitrogen, available phosphorus, available potassium, pH, Zn, Cu, Fe and Mn. The common statistics, geo-statistics and geographical information system methods were employed to analyze the spatial distribution characteristics of bamboo soil properties in Jian’ou city.The results showed that: (a) Soil organic matter are high as 3.98, 2.74 and 2.13%, respectively, in the three soil layers of 0-20, 20-40 and 40-60cm in the bamboo fields of Jiang’ou city. (b) Soil total nitrogen content is 1.48, 1.06 and 0.87 g/kg, respectively, in the three soil layers that is also higher than that in the local agricultural soil. (c) Soil total phosphorus and potassium content is common as 2.48 and 19.1 g/kg in the surface layer. Bit more is in the next layers. (d) Soil available nitrogen is higher than that in the local agricultural field, its average values are 165.0, 125.8 and 95.1 mg/kg, respectively. (e) Soil available phosphorus content is lower as 11.37, 6.90 and 5.83 mg/kg in the three layers. The content of available phosphorus is not related to the total phosphorus. (f) Soil available potassium content is 54.5, 46.1 and 49.5 mg/kg, respectively, in the 3 different layers. That is also lower and not related to the soil total potassium yet. (g) Soil pH falls in the range of 4.5 to 7.0. That is suitable for the growth of moso-bamboo. (h) Soil CEC is low as 3.90, 3.81 and 3.74 cmol/kg. (i) Low exchangeable cations of Na, Ca and Mg are observed. The base saturation rate is also low as 26.7, 21.7 and 19.7%. (j) Soil copper content is 34.8, 38.5 and 41.0 mg/kg, zinc content is 162.7, 166.8, 170.1 mg/kg, iron content is 46.0, 48.7 and 49.2 g/kg, manganese content is 580.5, 545.8 and 563.4 mg/kg. (k) Soil bulk density is 0.96, 1.01 and 1.03 g/cm~3, the rate of gravel is 19.1, 20.8 and 20.4%. Due to the complicated landform of Jian’ou city, the elements of bamboo soil show great variations in spatial distribution, and various elements are not consistent in distribution.Overall, the moso-bamboo soils of Jian’ou city has a high content in organic carbon and nitrogen, but low in phosphorus, and is lack of exchangeable potassium, calcium and magnesium. The soil pH is medium and suitable for moso-bamboo. We suggest that phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied in advance to the intensive managed moso-bamboo field.


