

【作者】 姚颖

【导师】 何桂霞;

【作者基本信息】 湖南中医药大学 , 中药学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 蚬壳花椒Zanthoxylum Dissitum Hemsl,中药名为单面针,又名山枇杷、大叶花椒、蚌壳花椒等,属芸香科花椒属常绿攀援或蔓生木质藤本灌木。根、茎及叶均可人药,临床上有祛风活络、散瘀止痛、解毒消肿之功效,主治牙痛、腰痛、妇女月经过多、产后月经不调等症;主要分布于我国西南、广东、广西、湖南、湖北、陕西等地,在湖南省主要分布于湘西。为了全面的了解单面针植物中的化学成分,我们对单面针乙酸乙酯部分浸膏进行了研究,通过溶剂法和各种色谱法(反复硅胶色柱层析、制备TLC)一共分离得到10个化合物,通过波谱方法、理化常数测定并结合文献,共鉴定了其中5个化合物,分别为表芝麻脂素(episesamin,化合物M)、辛夷脂素((+) fargesin,化合物I)、柄果脂素Ⅱ((-)pluviatilol-γ,γ-dimethyallyl ether,化合物K)、(-)eudesmin(化合物L),香兰醛(Vanillin,化合物D)。化合物M、I、K、L、D均为首次从单面针植物中分离得到。另外,本文采用高效液相色谱法对不同生长年限的单面针根茎化合物中化合物M、I、K的含量进行了测定。建立了单面针原植物中表芝麻脂素、辛夷脂素、柄果脂素Ⅱ的含量测定方法,并测定了不同生长年限、不同部位的单面针植物中三者的含量,为单面针的质量控制提供重要的实验依据。

【Abstract】 Zanthoxylum Dissitum Hemsl. are herbaceous genus of the family Rutaceae,which can promote blood circulation,dissipating blood stasis,detumescence and relieve pain,always used in the treatment of toothache,lumbago,women’s menstrual overmuch,postpartum menstrual disorders etc.There are distributed in southwest of china,guangdong, guangxi,hunan,hubei,shangxi province,In hunanm,it is mainly distributed in the west.Owing to the fact that there are hundreds of complex active components in heral medicines.lt is imposible to identify all these substances and carry on quantitative analysis.Therefore,in order to obtain the chemical constituents from Zanthoxylum Disstum Hemsl.The EtOAc extract of Zanthoxylum Disstum Hemsl.was studied.ten compounds were isolated and purified by various chromatographic methods,such an silica gel column chromatography,macroporous resin column chromatography, sepades-LH-20column.and preparative thin layer chromatography(PTLC) and so on.According to the physiochemical properties and th comparision with literature data,the structure of five compounds were identified.There were elucidated as following:episesamin (comp.M), (+)fargesin (comp.I), (-)pluviatilol-γ,γ-dimethyallylether(comp.K),(-)eudesmin(comp.D), vanillin(comp.D),All of them are isolated from the genus for the first time. Otherwise,To establish a method for determining the content of espisesamin,fargedin, (-)pluviatilol-γ,γ-dimethyallyl ether in different growing years and different parts of zanthoxylum Disstum Hemsl by HPLC.the method can be used for quality control of zanthoxylum Disstum Hemsl and the contents of this three components of the stems of many years growning plants is more than other parts do.


