

Design and Realization of Dalian Municipal Financial System Network Security

【作者】 王磊

【导师】 刘卫江; 严浩;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 计算机技术, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 我国财政信息化建设(金财工程)历经20多年的努力,已经取得了初步的成效,形成了基本涵盖财政业务、行政决策、公文处理、外部连接四大方面的信息系统,财政数据正在通过网络平台逐级向上汇总,形成了从财政部到省级到市级到县级财政局的四级专线网,所有数据信息都从此网络传输。如何加强网络及整个信息系统的安全建设,成为一个迫切需要解决的重要问题,对该网络系统安全进行全面、系统、科学的研究具有十分重要的现实意义。本文针对大连市财政系统的网络现状,运用现代网络和信息系统安全理论和方法,对该系统进行了安全性和脆弱性分析,确定了系统网络安全建设的技术目标、管理目标和运行目标,设计出了适合大连市财政系统的安全整体解决方案。该解决方案从技术角度主要包括安全域的设计与划分,网络基础设施安全设计、接入边界安全设计、内部局域网安全设计、本地计算机安全设计五个方面,从管理角度主要包括信息安全管理理念、法律法规与标准化、安全管理组织结构及职能、安全管理策略和原则、安全管理制度五个方面。在该方案中还详细规划并设计了具体实施过程中的施工计划,准备工作,以及系统的验收内容和过程。

【Abstract】 After over 20 years of financial IT development in our country, new progress has been made, including the IT systems covering financial operations, administrative decision-making, processing of papers and external connections.Financial data are collected through network platform, forming a four-layer network transmitting all data from the Ministry of Finance, provincial, city and county financial departments. How to strengthen the network and the security of the whole information system has become a critical issue to address and it is of great significance to the comprehensive, systematic and scientific study of network system.Considering the current situation of the financial information system of the city of Dalian, this thesis analyzes the security and fragility of the financial network through adopting the theory and methodology of modern network and information system security. It sets the targets of building network security, management and operation. It is an overall security solution for the financial information system of the city of Dalian. The technical perspectives include the design and allocation of security area, security design of network infrastructure, security design of interface, local area network and local computers.Management perspectives include the management concept of information security, regulations and standardization, organizational structures and functions of security management, strategies and principles and security management and the management scheme. This thesis also elaborates on the detailed plan and design of planning, preparing and the certification of the solution.

  • 【分类号】TP393.08
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】131

