

The Study on Kaifeng’s Sustainable Development of Tourism

【作者】 陈晓枫

【导师】 尚振海;

【作者基本信息】 甘肃农业大学 , 人口、资源与环境经济学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 旅游业可持续发展是可持续发展思想在旅游领域中的具体应用,由于旅游自身的特点,比如它对环境和文化的依赖性,旅游可持续发展又有着自己独特的内涵,这就使可持续思想得到了进一步的扩展。从一个具体的旅游目的地来说,影响旅游可持续发展的因素不仅只有生态环境,还受到客源市场、旅游资源的吸引力、旅游业的配套服务设施等因素的影响和制约,这些方面都将成为制约旅游可持续发展的主要问题。开封是一座历史古城,具有丰厚的历史文化底蕴,为旅游业的发展奠定了良好的基础。随着当地政府的“旅游强市战略”的提出,开封的旅游业得到了飞速的发展,旅游业的收入对国民生产总值的贡献率逐年提升。当地旅游业的强势发展,对于促进当地居民的就业、提高当地居民的生活水平等各方面都具有重大的现实意义。开封在发展旅游业的过程中,由于受到“旅游是无烟工业”、“旅游资源不存在耗竭”等观念的影响,片面追求经济利益,罔顾当地旅游生态环境和旅游承载力,对旅游资源大肆开发,实行掠夺性经营,严重制约了当地旅游业的发展。对开封旅游可持续发展问题进行研究,是当地发展旅游经济的需要,也是按照科学发展观的要求分析和解决旅游业的实际问题的现实需要,这对于当地旅游业、社会、环境三位一体健康协调发展和建立和谐社会有着重要的意义。本文在环境经济学、生态学、旅游学及地理学的相关理论的指导下,对开封旅游环境承载力进行了计算,同时还分析了开封旅游资源、客源市场、旅游业的配套服务设施等方面的现状,在此基础上提出开封旅游业可持续发展的对策。全文共分为七个部分:第一部分为绪论。主要包括研究的背景和意义,国内外旅游业可持续发展的研究现状。对国内外旅游业的现状和发展趋势进行分析和判断。第二部分为旅游业可持续发展的理论研究。在旅游业飞速发展的过程中,人们开始对在此过程中出现的不利于旅游可持续发展的问题进行反思,在可持续发展思想的影响下,旅游业可持续发展观念开始形成,随之介绍了旅游业可持续发展的内涵、目标等。第三部分为开封旅游资源吸引力评价。叙述了开封的旅游发展现状,同时对开封的旅游资源进行了分析与评价。第四部分为开封旅游客源市场保障力分析。通过开封近年来的游客数量变化分析和客源市场分析,提出其可持续发展旅游目标市场的选择。第五部分为开封旅游环境承载力分析。运用环境承载力模型对开封的旅游环境承载力进行了计算,得出开封的旅游承载力已经处于超载状态的结论,据此提出了改变超载的对策。第六部分为开封旅游可持续发展限制性因素分析。这些限制性因素主要体现在区域经济发展、旅游资源开发、旅游生态环境、旅游特色产品、旅游产业结构和旅游管理等方面。第七部分为开封旅游业可持续发展的对策研究。在综合分析的基础上,提出了开封旅游业可持续发展的对策。

【Abstract】 Sustainable development of tourism industry is the specific reflect of sustainable theory. But because of its own characters such as dependence on environment and the cultural, sustainable development of tourism industry also has unique connotation, and enable the sustainable theory to obtain the further expansion. Take a concrete travel destination for example, influencing factors on sustainable development of tourism industry not only have ecological environment, but also influence and restrict of tourist market, attraction of tourism resources, tourism related service facility and so on, these aspects should be taken into consideration.Kaifeng is a historical ancient city which has rich historical culture essence; it has the good foundation for the tourism development. Along with the proposal of "strong tourism city strategy", Kaifeng’s tourism has rapid development, and contribution ratio of income from tourism to the gross national product has promoted year by year. The local strongly development of tourism has practical significance for promoting local resident’s employment, raising resident’s living standard and so on.In the Kaifeng’s tourism development process, because of existence of the wrong traditional thoughts such as "tourism is no-smoke industry", "tourism resources is inexhaustible" and so on, the thought of interest above everything also arises.Based on this, local people develop wantonly tourism resources which have no concern for local tourism environment and tourism carrying capacity. The study on Kaifeng’s sustainable development of tourism industry is a necessary to the development of traveling economy and requirement of analyzing and solving the practical problems in the tourism industry in accordance with the requirements of the scientific development concept, which is very important to harmonious and health development of tourism, social, environment and establishment of harmonious society.Under guidance of the correlate theories from the environmental economics, the ecology, the travel study and the geography,this paper calculated Kaifeng’s tourism carrying capacity, and analyzes the present conditions of Kaifeng’s tourism resource, source of tourists market, tourism related service facility. Based on this, strategies for Kaifeng’s sustainable development of tourism industry were proposed.This paper has seven parts:The first part is an introduction which mainly includes background and the significance of the research for sustainable development of tourism industry and domestic and foreign present situation and the trend of development.The second part is the theory research on sustainable development of tourism industry. In tourism rapid development process, the people start to reconsider questions which aren’t good for sustainable development of tourism industry. Under the influence of concept of sustainable development, then the concept of sustainable development of tourism began to take shape, then the connotation and target of sustainable tourism development are introduced.The third part is assessment on the attraction of Kaifeng’s tourism resources.The present situation of Kaifeng’s tourism development is described, and tourism resources of Kaifeng are analyzed and evaluated.The fourth part analyzes guarantee ability of Kaifeng guest source market. The number of visitors and the tourist market in recent years are analyzed, and then based on this; proposing its selection in the sustainable development of tourism target market.The fifth chapter is analysis for Kaifeng traveling environment supporting capacity. The model of environment supporting capacity is used to calculated, and then Kaifeng’s traveling environment supporting capacity being overload-state is obtained. The sixth chapter is analysis for restrictive factor of Kaifeng’s sustainable development of tourism industry which summarizes all restrictive factors of Kaifeng sustainable development of tourism industry. The seventh part is the strategies for Kaifeng sustainable tourism development.Based on analysis of the front several chapters; the last chapter proposes the countermeasure of Kaifeng’s sustainable development of tourism industry.

【关键词】 旅游业可持续发展问题文化开封
【Key words】 tourismsustainable developmentproblemcultureKaifeng

