

The Generation and Evolution of Image of Chang Er

【作者】 何惠

【导师】 刘范弟;

【作者基本信息】 长沙理工大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 嫦娥是古往今来为人们所熟悉的神话人物,嫦娥奔月这个神话故事已根深蒂固于每个中国人的心中。从原始初民的蛙神崇拜——女娲这位中国古代神话中的至上神(其至上神特征表现在:化生万物、抟黄土造人、炼石补天三个方面)——帝俊的三位妻子——嫦娥,嫦娥形象的最终形成经历了四个阶段。在这一发展链条中,从蛙神到女娲实际上表现的是蛙神从氏族或部落神到民族神,从图腾崇拜的动物神到具有一般宗教意味的人格神的转化,这一过程可说是一个神化过程的上升阶段。而从女娲到嫦娥,是这一神化意象上升到极点后,由盛而衰,表现的是一个逐渐下降的过程:从至上神——到三皇之一——到与伏羲同等——到《山海经》中三位帝俊夫人(仍有至上神的因子)——到帝俊臣羿的弃妇。神话源于生活,任何意识形态(神话亦是意识形态)的形成发展都是与社会物质资料生产的发展,亦即生产力水平的发展,同时也与人们的科学认识水平的发展密切相关。其开始的上升,与当时的社会生产水平决定着的女性至高地位密切相关;其后来的下降,也与社会生产的发展和进步决定着的社会男女地位的嬗变,以及与人类认知水平的提高,对男女在人类自身繁衍中地位和作用的窥破密切相关。嫦娥神话在后世的流传过程中,结构模式发生巨大变化,其神话精神也随之具有全新内涵。“文学是移位的神话”,神话人物嫦娥为文学创作提供了博大阔远的艺术空间,而创作者又饱含着丰富的情感,运用自己的神奇之笔赐予嫦娥以不朽的文学生命,才使得后世文学作品中出现了丰富多彩的嫦娥形象。

【Abstract】 Chang Er is a mythological figure familiar to people for ages of years. The story of Chang Er deeply rooted in the hearts of every Chinese. The frog from the original primitive worship - ancient Chinese mythology, Nu Wa the supreme God (the supreme God characterized in: metaplasia things, Tuan loess made man, refined three stone the Sky) - Emperor Chun’s three wives - Chang Er, the final image formed through four stages. Chain in this development, from the god of Wa to Nu Wa in fact manifestations of God is God frog clan or tribe from God to the peoples of God, from the totem animal spirit worship to the religious meaning of a general transformation of the personality of God, this process can be said to be a deification of the rising phase of the process. From Goddess to the Moon, is the deification of extreme imagery up after the rise and fall, a gradual decline in the performance of the process: from the supreme God - to one of three legendary emperors - the same with Fu Xi - to "Shan Hai Jing" Three Emperor Jun wife (still supreme God Factor) - Women Abandoned to God Junchen Yi. As myth comes from life, the formation and development of any form of ideology (myth as one form) is closely connected with the development of the production of social material , i.e. ,the level of the productive forces, and the development of the people’s understanding of the science and technology. The initial ascending of the image was closely related to the social production development of the particular period of time as well as the important role of females as determined in the porcess of human multiplication; the later descending process of the image concerned with the changing role and effect of the female and the male which had been determined by the development and advance of social production, the advance of the people’s cognitive level and the realization of the male and female’s function in human multiplication. Chang Er popular myth in historical process, its structural pattern changed dramatically, it also will have a new myth of mental content. "Literature is the myth of displacement", mythological figures Chang Er had provided for the breadth of literary art far wide space, other artists fulled of rich emotion, use their magic to give Chang Er immortal literary life, which makes later literature appeared in colorful Chang Er image.

【关键词】 嫦娥形象生成演变蛙神女娲羲和常羲
【Key words】 Chang ErImageGenerationEvolutionthe god of WaNu WaChang XiXi He

