

A Conceptual Integration Approach to the Imagery in Li Bai’s Poetry

【作者】 苏健

【导师】 陈建生;

【作者基本信息】 长沙理工大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 诗歌意象是诗歌的基本构成要素,是诗歌的灵魂和生命。诗歌创作的过程就是诗人寻找客观事物作为意象、建构意象语言、从而使其主观情感能够生动形象地表达出来的过程。因此诗歌意象的研究一直受到广大学者的关心和重视,李白是盛唐著名的浪漫主义诗人。他的诗歌豪逸飘放、想象丰富语言浑然天成,并且他的诗歌在意象的选择和安排上具有其独有的特点。因此他的诗歌意象成为很多学者争相研究的对象。目前国内学者的研究基本上是以传统修辞学的方法研究其修辞手法,修辞技巧和修辞作用,或从文学的角度研究其创作的艺术手段和艺术效果等,或从美学的角度研究其美学功能,或从翻译学的角度研究其可译性,而很少有人从认知的角度对其进行研究。因此本文试图从认知的角度对李白诗歌意象进行研究。概念整合理论又称概念合成理论(Conceptual Blending Theory),是基于心理空间理论而发展起来的一种认知理论,是探索意义构建中信息整合的一种理论框架。而诗歌意象是诗人用以表达其主观情感的载体,这表明意象的意义构建将涉及到一系列的心理认知活动,但这一心理认知过程具体是如何进行的?为了解决这一问题本文试图以概念整合为理论框架对李白诗歌意象的意义构建及其心理认知过程进行研究,为李白诗歌意象的研究提供一个全新的视角。本文研究的主要意义在于运用概念整合理论分析了李白诗歌意象的意象建构与在线认知过程。这种分析方法与传统的文学赏析相比,有其独到之处。它将人类思想概念范畴空间化,能够在更大范围内调取与整合语境知识、背景知识和百科知识,并在信息整合与重组过程中,产生比原来更加丰富的意义即层创结构。概念整合是在一个四空间的概念整合网络中进行的:两个输入空间,一个类属空间和一个整合空间。在整合过程中,两个输入空间中的成分首先形成跨空间映射,然后有选择地投射到合成空间,再通过组合,完善和扩展的过程生成输入空间所没有的新创结构。这一结构的形成过程可以解释人们理解诗歌意象的心理运作机制。所以本文试图通过分析李白诗歌意象的情感内涵,运用概念整合的四空间理论框架,在概念整合网络中运作,解读其意义构建过程,证明概念整合理论对李白诗歌意象的认知解释力,以此希望本文能有助于我们清晰的了解人们赏析李白诗歌时的相关心理行为,为抽象的认知活动提供理论和现实的依据。本文由六个部分组成,第一部分首先阐明研究课题,然后主要介绍了本研究的理论基础,研究目的和研究意义,最后概述论文的结构。第二部分主要回顾了概念整合理论和诗歌意象的国内外研究现状,在分析他们研究成果及研究不足的基础上,提出本研究的研究必要性。第三部分是本文的理论基础,主要介绍了概念合成的理论框架,包括理论背景、四空间网络模型的基本组成要素和分类、概念整合的压缩关系手段和概念合成的优化原则。第四部分主要研究了意象的定义和李白诗歌中意象的功能及分类,并结合了具体诗歌例子进行了深入的探讨和分析,为接下来的个案分析做铺垫。第五部分是本文的重点。主要从李白诗歌意象的情感内涵入手,运用四个个案分析详细地演示了概念整合对李白诗歌意象的解释力,证明概念整合理论的理论价值和应用价值。最后一个部分给出了本文的研究结论,指出本研究的发现和局限性并提出了今后进一步研究的方向和前景。

【Abstract】 As a fundamental element of poetry, poetic imagery is the soul and life of poetry. The process of composing poetry is a process in which the poet searches for objective things as image and constructs imagery so as to express their subjective feelings vividly. Therefore, the study of Li Bai’s poetry is concerned and emphasized by scholars. Li Bai is one of the most outstanding romantic poets in Tang Dynasty. His poetry is bold and unstrained in style, wonderful and fantastic in imagination, spontaneous and natural in language, thus the arrangement of imagery in his poetry is unique. Thus, the imagery in his poetry becomes the main study objects of many scholars. At present, domestic scholars study the imagery in Li Bai’s poetry from the perspective of rhetoric, literature, aesthetics and translation, but scholars seldom study it from aspect of cognition, so we try to study the imagery in Li Bai’s poetry in terms of cognition.The Conceptual Integration Theory (CIT), also called Conceptual Blending Theory, is a kind of cognitive theory developed from Mental Space Theory. It is also a theoretical framework used to explore the information blending in the process of meaning construction. Poetic imagery is the carrier poets use to express their emotion, which mean that the meaning construction of imagery will be involved in a series of mental cognitive activities. How mental activities are processed? In order to solve this problem, this thesis tries to study the meaning construction and cognitive process of imagery in Li Bai’s poetry within the theoretical framework of CIT to provide a new viewpoint for the study of imagery in Li Bai’s poetry.The significance of this research is to apply CIT to analyze the process of meaning construction and interpretation. Compared with the traditional method of literary appreciation, the research method of this thesis has its own advantages. It spatializes the conceptual category of human’s minds and makes the contextual knowledge, background knowledge and encyclopedia knowledge applied in wider areas. Besides, during the process of blending and recombining information, an emergent structure with richer meaning will be produced.The CIT runs in a network with four spaces: two input spaces, one generic space and one blended space. During the blending process, firstly elements and structures from the two input spaces set up the cross-mapping, and then they are projected onto the blended space selectively, finally through operations of composition, completion and elaboration,an emergent structure is formed in the blend. With the emergent structure, the psychological mechanism about the process of understanding the poetic imagery will be revealed. Therefore, this thesis tries to apply the theoretical framework with four spaces of the CIT to interpret the process of meaning construction by analyzing the emotional connotation of imagery in Li Bai’s poetry in order to testify the interpretive power of the CIT to imagery in Li Bai’s poetry. We hope that this thesis can help us understand the relevant mental activities when appreciating Li Bai’s poetry and provide theoretical and practical foundation for abstract cognitive activities.This thesis consists of six parts. The first part gives an introduction of the topic, purpose, significance, methodology and organization of the thesis.The second part presents the previous domestic and overseas researches of the CIT and the Imagery. Through analyzing their achievements and limitations, we propose the topic of this study.The third part introduces the framework of CIT including a four-space blending model, the basic elements of blending operation, compression and relations, optimality principles and four kinds of blending networks.The fourth part mainly presents the definition and function of image and the classification of Li Bai’s poetry.The fifth part is the core of this thesis. We use four cases to demonstrate the explanatory power of CIT to imagery in Li Bai’s poetry in the way of case study to testify the theoretical and practical value of the CIT.The last part, as a brief summary, summarizes the findings and limitations of the study. Some suggestions or prospects are also given for future study.


