

Experimental Research on Certain Kaolin Deironing and Bleaching in Fuxin

【作者】 王万起

【导师】 马正先;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁工程技术大学 , 矿物加工工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 高岭土是一种以高岭石为主要矿物成分的粘土类矿物集合体,具有许多可贵的工艺特性。如可塑性、粘结性、耐火性、绝缘性和热的化学稳定性等等。根据这些特性可广泛应用于陶瓷、造纸、耐火材料、橡皮、塑料、石油化工、日用化工、农药、医药、轻纺、电子航天领域。但由于高岭土矿物中含铁、钛、锰等色素离子及大量的有机质及碳质,影响原矿及产品的白度,限制了产品的应用范围。因此,除铁增白已成为高岭土应用行业的首要任务。阜新高岭土属于软质高岭土,含砂量高,含铁量高(高达5.63%),原矿自然白度仅为33.57%,不能直接应用,必须进行增白。本文首先通过XRD、全元素分析及扫描电镜等对阜新高岭土原矿进行了矿物学分析与测试,测试结果表明:该高岭土矿中主要矿物为高岭土(化学式为Al2(Si2O5)(OH)4)含量51.5%、石英(化学式SiO2)含量45.4%、蒙脱石(化学式为(Na;Ca)0.3(Al;Mg)2Si4O10(OH)22nH2O)含量为3.2%。采用煅烧、酸浸、沉降分离及酸浸与煅烧联合的化学增白方法分别对阜新地区软质高铁高岭土进行了增白试验,对各工艺过程中的主要影响因素进行了分析。在此基础上,本文对化学还原法及锻烧增白进行探索研究,目的是得出适用于该高岭土还原漂白法的工艺,并得出还原漂白及锻烧增白最佳的工艺条件,应用于工业生产。

【Abstract】 Kaolin is a kind of clay mineral aggregates with kaolinite as the main mineral composition, possessing many valuable technological properties, such as Such as plasticity, bonding, fire resistance, insulation and heat of the chemical stability, etc. Based on these properties, it can be widely used in ceramics, paper, refractories, rubber, plastics, petrochemicals, household chemicals, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, textile,and electronics space. However, iron, titanium, manganese ions and a large number of organic pigments and carbon in kaolin minerals affect the whiteness of ore and products, which in turn limiting the scope of application of the product. Therefore, deironing and bleaching has become a top priority in kaolin application industry.Fuxin kaolin are soft kaolin, with high sand content and high iron content (up to 5.63%); natural ore whiteness is only 33.57%, which can not be applied directly and must be whitened.In this paper, by XRD, full elemental analysis and scanning electron microscopy of the Fuxin kaolin mineralogy analysis and test, results show that:The main ore minerals in this kaolin mine are kaolin (Al2(Si2O5)(OH)4)with the content of 51.5%, quartz (SiO2) with the content of 45.4%, montmorillonite ((Na; Ca)0.3 (Al; Mg) 2Si4O10 (OH)22nH2O) with the content of 3.2%. With calcination, acid leaching, sedimentation separation and acid leaching and calcination method of combined chemical bleaching, respectively Fuxin region of soft high-speed rail kaolin whitening carried out tests on various processes in the main influencing factors are analyzed. On this basis, the paper by chemical reduction method and the calcination Whitening exploration study with the purpose of arrive at reduction applied to the kaolin bleaching process, and came to restore the best whitening bleaching and calcination process conditions, application in industrial production.

【关键词】 高岭土除铁增白技术连二亚硫酸钠
【Key words】 Kaolindeironingbleaching technologysodium sulfite

