

The Research of Chemical Ripening Techniques on Rapeseed

【作者】 肖文娜

【导师】 周可金;

【作者基本信息】 安徽农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着农业产业结构的调整,油菜种植面积逐步扩大,同时油菜收获机械化探索也应运而生,但由于油菜固有的特性而使油菜机械收获作业效率较低。油菜为十字花科,芸苔属,总状无限花序,着生于主茎或分枝顶端。具有无限开花结角的习性,因此油菜主茎及各分枝的角果成熟时间相差较大。本试验是通过在油菜正常成熟前8~10d喷施化学催熟剂,促使油菜角果一致成熟,为油菜规模种植奠定较好的基础。本试验在催熟剂对油菜催熟效果、产量、品质及生理方面的影响进行了研究。本试验设置对照(CK:清水)及4个药剂处理(A1:0.5%CEPA+0.3%敌草快,A2:0.3%敌草快,A3:0.15%ABA+0.5%农达,A4:0.5%农达),与4月26日喷施,进行催熟研究,并得到了如下结果和初步结论:1化学催熟剂的选用及其催熟效果1.1 0.5%CEPA+0.3%敌草快:与对照相比,经0.5%CEPA+0.3%敌草快处理的油菜在千粒重上有所降低,差异达极显著水平;在含油量上有所降低,达极显著水平;产量有所降低,达显著水平,但此处理对抑制油菜光合作用、催枯脱水的效果较好,喷药后第2~3d植株即全部脱叶变黄。1.2 0.3%敌草快:此处理与对照相比,在千粒重上有所降低,差异达极显著水平;在含油量上有所降低,达极显著水平;产量有所降低,达极显著水平,但此处理对抑制油菜光合作用、催枯脱水的效果最好,喷药后第2d植株即全部变黄。1.3 0.15%ABA+0.5%农达:经0.15%ABA+0.5%农达处理的油菜千粒重上有所降低,但未达显著水平;在产量有所降低,达显著水平;但在含油量上有所增加,达显著水平;此处理催熟催枯效果较慢,喷药后6~7d植株变黄脱叶。但对油菜产量和品质等方面的影响较小。1.4 0.5%农达:此处理与对照相比,在千粒重上有所增加,未达显著水平;但在产量有所降低,达显著水平;在含油量上有所增加,达显著水平;油酸及亚油酸含量上都有所降低,但未达显著水平;在亚麻酸含量上有所增加,但未达显著水平,此处理对油菜产量和品质上的影响较小,催熟脱叶效果与含敌草快的两个处理相比较慢。1.5 0.5%CEPA+0.3%敌草快对油菜的催熟效果比单一的敌草快差,0.15%ABA+0.5%农达对油菜的催熟效果比单一的农达效果好。这说明催熟剂与植物生长调节剂之间具有协同和拮抗作用。1.6对油菜进行催熟处理后,其抗氧化酶的活性均比对照高。这说明可能是因为喷施的催熟剂对油菜有一定的逆境胁迫作用,破坏了油菜自身生物膜系统。油菜自身启动保护酶系统,提高抗氧化酶活性,表现出一定的抗逆性。2化学催熟剂使用时间的确定本研究是在油菜正常成熟前8-10d喷施药剂,敌草快催枯效果显著,但对油菜产量的影响较大,因此,建议在油菜正常成熟前5~6d使用。农达药效反应较慢,因此建议在油菜正常成熟前10d使用。3生产中建议使用的催熟剂在本试验中,含敌草快的2个处理,对油菜产量影响较大。含农达的2个处理对油菜产量和含油量影响较小。而且农达对环境安全,在土壤中无残效作用,不影响下茬作物生长。根据本试验结果可以得出,在生产上可采用0.5%农达+0.15%ABA处理,或者低浓度的敌草快+0.5%CEPA,在油菜成熟期进行喷施,实施机械化收获的效果较好。

【Abstract】 With the adjustment of agricultural structure, the area of rape growing is gradually expanded, at the same time the mechanization harvest of rape emerged, but because of inherent properties of rape, the efficiency of mechanical harvesting of rape is lower. Rape is Cruciferae, Brassica, and inflorescence-like unlimited total, the flower born on top of the stem or branch. Unlimited flowering pod habit, so the maturing time of the pod on main stem and the branches was quite different. In this experiment, spray chemical ripening agents before 8~10d on rape of the normal maturation. To promote the same mature of rape. This experiment settles a good foundation for scale cultivation of rape. This experiment examined the effects of ripening agent on the rape, yield, quality and physiological implications.The test set up control (CK: clear water) and four pharmaceutical treatment (A1: 0.5% CEPA +0.3% Diquat, A2: 0.3% Diquat, A3: 0.15% ABA +0.5% Roundup, A4: 0.5 % Roundup), and spraying in the April 26, for ripening studies, and received the following findings and preliminary conclusions:1 Selection of Chemical Ripening Agent and Ripening effect1.1 0.5% CEPA +0.3% Diquat: Compared with the CK, the grain weight decreased by 0.5% CEPA +0.3% Diquat treatment of rape, the difference was extremely significant level; the oil content is somewhat lower, and reaches a extremely significant level; the yield decrease, and reaches significant level, but this treatment has a good effect on the inhibition of photosynthesis of rape, and urging dry dehydration, 2~3 days after spraying, all the plants that turn yellow and the leaf removal.1.2 0.3%Diquat: Compared with the CK, the grain weight decreased, the difference was extremely significant level; the oil content is somewhat lower, and reaches a extremely significant level; the yield decreased, and reached a significant level, 2 days after spraying all the plants that turn yellow, so this treatment has the best effect on the inhibition of photosynthesis of rape and reminder dry dehydration.1.3 0.15% ABA +0.5% Roundup: This deal compare with the CK, the grain weight somewhat increased , but not significantly; the yield decreased, and reached a significant level; oil content increased and reached a significant level; 5~6 days after spraying the plants turn yellow and the leaf removal, so the effect of this treatment is slow. But the influence of yield and quality is less.1.4 0.5% Roundup: Compared with the CK, the grain weight increased, but not reach significant level; but the yield decreased, reaching a significant level; the oil content increase, and reached significant level; oleic acid and linoleic acid content decreased, but not significantly; the content of linolenic acid increased, but not significant. The effect of this treatment is slower than treats A1 and A2. But this treatment has a smaller impact on yield and quality.1.5 0.5% CEPA +0.3% Diquat has a poorer ripening effect than a single Diquat on the rape, 0.15% ABA +0.5% Roundup has up a better ripening effect than a single Roundup on the rape. This shows that there are synergy and antagonism effects between the ripening agents and plant growth regulators.1.6 The activity of antioxidant enzymes was higher than CK after ripening treatments. This shows that the spraying may be due to the ripening agent on rape, which has some role in environmental stress, undermining the rape itself biofilm system. Rapes start their own protective enzyme system to enhance the activities of antioxidant enzymes, and it shows some resistance.2 The use of determine time on chemical ripening agents Spraying agent on rape 8~10 days before the normal mature, the effect of Diquat is significant on reminder withered, but impact on yield is greater, therefore, we recommended that use the chemical ripening agents 5~6 days before normal mature. Roundup efficacy slower response, it is suggested to use 10 days before the normal mature.3 Ripening agent of recommend on the production In this trial, the two treatments of Diquat that has a greater impact on the yield of rapeseed. Other two treatments of Roundup has a little affect on yield and oil content. And Roundup is safe to environmental, and has no residual effect in soil function, so it does not affect the next crop. According to the results of this study, it can be getting a conclusion. It can be used 0.5% Roundup+0.15% ABA in agricultural production, or a low concentration of Diquat +0.5% CEPA, the implementation of mechanized harvest is better when sprayed chemical ripening agents in mature of rape.

【关键词】 油菜化学催熟剂生长调节剂产量品质
【Key words】 RapeChemical ripening agentsGrowth regulatorsYieldQuality

