

The Potassium Effects on the Physiology and Yield and Quality on the High Quality Cotton

【作者】 马健

【导师】 周桃华;

【作者基本信息】 安徽农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 试验于2007—2009年分别在安徽省铜陵县棉花研究所及安徽农业大学农业园进行。通过田间试验与室内分析,以高品质棉品种科棉6号和科棉3号为材料,研究了钾肥对其生理特性及产量品质的影响,主要研究结果如下:1、生育特性试验研究表明,高品质棉施钾处理对株高、果枝台数的增加具有一定的促进作用,但对生育期的影响无明显差异。2、干物质积累及分配3个施钾处理及对照的单株营养器官干物质重在整个生育进程中增长动态的变化规律基本一致,呈“S”型变化,至盛花期达最大值,施钾处理的高于对照。各处理的营养生长、生殖生长随生育进程有同样的变化趋势:随着棉株的生长,生殖生长所占比例逐渐加大,营养生长所占比例逐渐减小,实现了棉株不同时期的“中心要求”。营养器官和生殖器官干物重在蕾期处理与对照间无明显差别,而吐絮期则表现出:施钾处理生殖器官干物重及生殖器官与营养器官之比值均高于对照处理。3、光合特性研究表明,施钾处理的叶绿素含量和叶面积系数在整个生育时期均高于对照。高品质棉的PSⅡ最大光化学效率Fv/Fm随生育期的变化规律呈抛物线变化趋势,施钾处理的Fv/Fm高于对照,且差异显著,有利于提高施钾处理的棉株光合作用。Fv/Fm的日变化在中午都出现了低谷,可能是和光抑制有关。4抗氧化酶活性SOD、POD和CAT活性及MDA含量变化均以生长发育转换期(花铃期)最明显,随着生育进程各处理抵抗外界环境的干扰能力也逐渐提高,施钾处理各时期抗逆性强于对照处理。初花期、盛花期、吐絮期,对照处理功能叶中SOD、CAT活性低于施钾处理,加速叶片中叶绿素降解过程,增加MDA积累,不利于提高光合效能,减弱光合作用强度。5产量和品质研究结果表明:施钾可以有效提高高品质棉的总铃数以及优质铃比例,可以显著地提高皮棉产量。科棉3号以450kg/hm~2的氯化钾施用量增产作用最显著,较对照增产皮棉4.92%,而科棉6号则以300kg/hm~2的氯化钾施用量增产作用最显著,较对照增产皮棉14.29%。研究结果还表明,施钾处理可以提高高品质棉纤维品质,尤其对纤维长度和纤维比强度的提高有积极意义。

【Abstract】 The experiment proceeded in Tongling Xian and the testing ground of Anhui Agricultural University from2007 to 2009.The content of it concered plant and physiology of cotton.,The effect of potassium on yield quality and quality of Kemian 3 and Kemian 6 .The primary results of research are as follows.1.Grow CharactersAccording to the result of the test, there were certain improving effect on height、the number of fruit branch of high quality cotton under potassium,but Potassium who had not big influence on the growth period.2.Accumulation and distribution of dry matterThe rule of change of nutritive organs dry matter weight per plant of the three treatments was almost the same during the whole preceeding,Which was“s”.Before bllosom,The weight of dry matter of the three treatments of cotton was not evident different. During flowering stage,The accumuments of dry mather of the two kinds of cotton were not same,as is shown that the potassium treatment who fell fastly had more accumument than contrast treatment.They had the same rule in norish growth and reproduction growth.With the growth of cotton,the rate of reproduction growth improved and the norish growth fell,it achieved need in different time.The potassium treatment showed difference during the period of vomit,It’s dry matter weight of reproduction organs and the rate surpassed contrast treatment.3. Photosynthetic propertiesAccording to the result of the test,the amount of Chlorophy of the potassium treatment was heigher than contrast treatment during the whole stages. The amount of the leaf area index of the potassium treatment was heigher than contrast treatment. The amount of Fv/Fm determine the efficiency of photon extraction, in other words, photosynthesis. According to the result of the test, the change of Fv/Fm during all stages is regular which is like a parabolograph. The potassium treatment’s Fv/Fm was evident difference from contrast treatment which favored the photosynthesis of the potassium treatment. Fv/Fm daily variation has a slump at noon,which related with photoinhibition. 4 Oxide resistance enzymes activitiesThe SOD、POD、CAT activities and the chang of the content of MDA at Flowering stage were obvious, improved the resistance of external environment in the whole stages.The resistance of the potassium treatment was stronger than contrast treatment. The SOD、CAT activities of contrast treatment is weaker than the potassium treatment in Early flowering stage、Full flower stage and Boll opening stage. Oxide resistance enzymes accelerated the degradation of Chlorophy and increased the content of MDA,whicn reduced the efficiency of photosynthesis and weakened the intensity5 Yield and qualityAccording to the result of the test, potassium could effectively raise the number of bolls、good bolls and the proportion of good bolls. Potassium could also effectively raise the yield of the hign quality cotton.Kemian 3 had a special influence on production with KCl(450kg/ hm~2),the Lint yield was higher 4.92% than contrast treatment. Kemian 6 had a special influence on production with KCl(300kg/ hm~2), the Lint yield was higher 14.29% than contrast treatment. Potassium could fiber quality of high quality cotton,it was positive to fiber length and fiber strength.

【关键词】 棉花高品质生理特性产量
【Key words】 CottonHigh qualityEnzymePhysiological propertyYield

