

Study on Genetic Diversity of Nigeria African Honeybee, Local Apis Mellifera and Theirs Hybrid Generation Ⅱ with Morphometric Characters and Microsatellite DNA

【作者】 解文飞

【导师】 余林生;

【作者基本信息】 安徽农业大学 , 生态学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究以来自安徽地区的本地意蜂,尼日利亚卡拉巴州依康镇的非洲蜂及其与本地意蜂杂交所选育的杂交二代三个群体各50只工蜂为研究素材,取一定数量工蜂测量其10个主要形态指标,同时利用15对微卫星引物,分析其基因组DNA在15个微卫星位点上的遗传变异,以期用形态学和微卫星DNA多态性相结合的方法来分析本地意蜂和非洲蜂群体及其杂交群体的遗传多样性。主要研究结果如下:1.本研究所测定的10个形态特征,本地意蜂,尼日利亚非洲蜂及其杂交二代三个群体之间在吻长、右前翅长、前翅面积、前翅肘脉a、第3节背板长、第4节背板长及第3+4背板总长上差异极显著(P<0.01),在右前翅宽上差异显著(P<0.05),在前翅肘脉b及肘脉指数Ci上差异不显著(P >0.05)。2.本研究所筛选的15个微卫星位点对本地意蜂,尼日利亚非洲蜂及其杂交二代三个群体进行多态检测,均得到了特异性扩增结果,共检测到121个等位基因,平均每个位点的等位基因数为8.067,单个位点的等位基因数从3到13不等,表明三个群体都具有较丰富的遗传多样性。3.本研究中本地意蜂、尼日利亚非洲蜂及其杂交二代15个微卫星位点的期望杂合度为0.5801至0.8526,平均期望杂合度为0.7591(0.0762)。所有位点的多态信息含量为0.5158至0.8363,平均多态信息含量为0.7283(0.0879)。三个群体的平均期望杂合度,本地意蜂为0.6208,非洲蜂为0.5780,杂交二代为0.7451。表明三个群体都具有较高的杂合度和较丰富的多态性。4.本研究中,对于本地意蜂和尼日利亚非洲蜂这2个群体而言,平均遗传分化系数FST为4.36%(P<0.01),2个群体间的分化程度极显著,8个位点都极显著地贡献于这一结果。群体内的近交系数FIS较低,为0.070(P<0.01),15个位点显著地贡献于这一结果(P<0.01),表明非洲蜂与本地意蜂的近交较少。5.非洲蜂和本地意蜂遗传距离为0.725,Nm值为0.213。这两个群体间表现出较远的遗传距离,而且彼此之间有较少的基因流动。本地意蜂属于蜜蜂属西方蜜蜂种中的欧洲类型,非洲蜂属于西方蜜蜂种中的非洲类型,两者虽同属于蜜蜂属西方蜜蜂种,但由于它们存在长期的地理隔离,没有进行过正常生殖杂交,之间的交流性很小。

【Abstract】 10 main indexes of external morphology of AnHui Local Apis mellifera, Nigeria African honeybee and theirs hybrid generationⅡwith each 50 worker bees as the research material were mensurated, and 15 microsatellite makers were used to analyzed the genetic diversity of the three populations for analysing theirs genetic diversity with methods of morphology and microsatellite DNA polymorphism.The main results were summarized as follows.1. It had extremely significant differences(P<0.01) in tongue length, length of bee right forewing, area of the anterior wing, length of bee right forewing cubital vein a, length of tergum 3, length of tergum 4 and length of tergum 3+4, and significant difference(P<0.05) in width of bee bee right forewing, but no significant differences(P>0.05) in length of bee right forewing cubital vein b and index number of cubital vein Ci.2. 15 pairs of microsatellite primers were tested in AnHui Local Apis mellifera, Nigeria African honeybee and theirs Hybrid generationⅡand could be successfully amplified. The results showed that 121 alleles were found in 15 microsatellite loci, mean number of effective alleles was 8.067, the number of alleles per locus ranged from 3 to 13, and indicated that rich genetic diversity in the three populations.3. The expected heterozygosity(He) of all populations in 15 microsatellite loci ranged from 0.5801 to 0.8526, and the average value was 0.7591±0.0762. The polymorphism information content(PIC) ranged from 0.5158 to 0.8363,and the average value was 0.7283±0.0879.The average expected heterozygosity of Local Apis mellifera, Nigeria African honeybee and theirs hybrid generationⅡwas 0.6208, 0.5780, 0.7451, respectively, and showed high heterozygosity and rich polymorphism.4. In this study, the genetic differention between Local Apis mellifera and Nigeria African honeybee measured as FST value was 4.36%(P<0.01), and 8 loci were contributed significantly( P<0.01) to this differention, and measured as FIS value was 0.070(P<0.05), all the loci were contributed significantly(P<0.01) to this differention, that indicated less inbreeding between the two populations.5. The Reynold’s distance values of Nigeria African honeybee and Local Apis mellifera was 0.725, and the Nm value was 0.213, showed further Reynold’s distance and less gene flow. Local Apis mellifera was belong to Europe type Apis mellifera Linnaeus Apis, and African honeybee is African type. They could not have normal crossbreeding, and showed less communication.


