

【作者】 张颖

【导师】 杨民;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 教育管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 人类进入21世纪,社会经济、科技日新月异地发展,众所周知国家的强盛、民族的振兴依靠人才,而人才的培养又要靠教育,因此重视教育、重视师资培训,提高教育质量已成为各国的共同做法。但由于文化传统、政治、经济、社会发展道路的不同,各国教师在职培训发展历程也各具特色。本文试以有着悠久历史文化传统的英国为研究对象,探讨英国教师在职培训发展过程及其经验,为我国教师在职培训提供有益的启示和借鉴。第一部分引言通过对英国中学教师在职培训研究背景及国内外现状的介绍,论述了本选题的理论意义及现实价值,及英国中学教师在职培训历史发展主要特点和我国教师在职培训现状。第二部分英国中学教师在职培训研究,介绍了英国中学教师在职培训法律法规,包括教师在职培训相应的政策法规、培训经费、激励制度及培训方式,并详细阐述了英国教师在职培训的六阶段模式和校本培训以及教师评价制度。第三部分对我国启示,通过对我国中学教师在职培训的调研,发现存在的一些问题,并针对这些问题提出对策和建议,加强立法,多方筹集经费,为教师在职培训提供有力保障,建立加薪、晋级与在职培训有紧密相联的激励制度,应进行以师为本、切合需求的培训等。

【Abstract】 In the 21st century, with rapid development of the economic, science and technology, it is well-known national prosperity relies on talent whose training also depends on education. So an international common practice is to lay heavy attention to in-service training of teachers to improve the quality of the education. However, different counties vary in their cultural, political and economical backgrounds, and their development of in-service training of teachers courses each enjoys their own unique features. This paper, based on the long traditional cultural of Britain, devotes itself to the history of the development of in-service training of teachers in Britain, focusing mainly on its successful experience with the aim to find out common rules employed as reference for the in-service training of teachers in our country.Chapter One is introduction of the background and present state both home and abroad about in-service training of secondary school teachers, and also presentation of the aim, the theoretical meaning and realistic value of the topic.Chapter Two addresses the British in-service training of secondary school teachers about laws and regulations, training fund, inspiring system and forms of training, detailed training model of the six-stage and school-based training as well as teacher evaluation system.Chapter Three is to research the in-service training of secondary school teachers in China according to the survey of it in Dalian, and analyzes the problem and meanwhile make suggestions. To strengthen legislation, raise fund in various ways and inspire system integrating in-service training of teachers and teachers’ assessment and promoting. All these can provide some important reference for solving the problems in-service training of secondary school teachers in China.

  • 【分类号】G635.1
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】389

