

Water Use Marginal Effectiveness Calculation Liaoning

【作者】 于振亮

【导师】 孙才志;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 环境科学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 水资源做为经济社会发展中一种不可缺少的自然资源,是国家与区域经济社会发展所必备的基本条件之一。社会的进步和生产力的发展需要大量的水资源来支撑,长期存在的水资源价格低于边际价格的现实造成了水资源的严重浪费,水正由“可再生资源”逐步转变为“不可再生资源”,水资源的稀缺性呈现加剧趋势,其价格也呈逐渐上升趋势,人们将面临着利用有限水资源来实现最大经济利益的艰难抉择,因此对水资源经济学的研究就有十分重要的意义。水资源经济学的本质就是运用经济学工具,如价格理论、产权理论、交易成本理论等来研究人类在水资源利用中的选择行为,其目的是实现水资源在时间和空间上的合理配置与利用。水资源既是国民经济可持续发展的基础资源,也是重要的生产要素之一。将水资源作为生产要素之一,利用生产函数模型对辽宁省14个城市1998—2007年10年间的用水边际效益进行了估算。采用fuzzy isodata方法根据用水边际效益对14个城市进行聚类,通过聚类中心分析了辽宁省用水边际效益的时间差异,结果表明辽宁省各城市用水边际效益是在不断的增长,显示出随着经济的发展,水资源的稀缺性在加大,其资源价值在不断提高;借助锡尔指数和基尼系数对辽宁省1998—2007年10年间东中西三大地带用水边际效益的空间差异进行分解,结果表明总体差异符合库兹涅茨倒U型曲线,区域内差异是造成总差异主要原因,区域间及区域内的差异都呈缩小态势,并逐渐收敛趋同。该结果对辽宁省的水资源可持续利用具有一定的指导作用。

【Abstract】 Water resources as an indispensable natural resources of Economic and social development, is one of basic conditions for national and regional economic and social development .Productive development and social progress requires a lot of water to support .Long-standing price is lower than the marginal price of water, so it causes the reality of a serious waste of water resources. Water became from the renewable resources into non-renewable resources .The scarcity of water resources presents has increased, their prices rise, people will face the hard decisions that use of limited water resources to achieve the greatest economic benefit , so the economics of water resources is particularly important.Economics of water resources is the nature of the use of economic tools, such as price theory, property rights theory, and transaction cost theory to study the human’s choice behavior in using of water resources. The aim is to achieve the rational allocation and use in time and space.Water resources is the fundamental base for the sustainable development of national economy, which is also an important product factor, the production function was applied to calculate the water utilization margin benefit of 14 cities in Liaoning province from 1998 to 2007 in this paper. The fuzzy is data method was adopted to cluster the 14 cities into three categories according to the water utilization margin benefit, and the temporal difference was analyzed by the cluster center, the result showed that the water utilization margin benefit was continuously increasing, which reveals the fact that with the development of economy, the scarcity of water resources was enhanced, and the resource value of water resources was increased. The index and Gina coefficient were adopted to decompose the difference of water utilization margin benefit among the west, middle and east regions of Liaoning province. The result showed that the total difference fits the inversed U shape curve(Kuznets Curve), and the difference in region was the main cause of total difference, both the difference in region and the difference among regions were decreased. The results have some significance for water resources sustainable development and utilization in Liaoning Province.

  • 【分类号】TV213;F224
  • 【下载频次】178

