

The Study of Independent Travel Experience of College Students

【作者】 姜玲玲

【导师】 陈才;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 旅游管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究围绕大学生自助旅游展开,研究内容包括大学生自助旅游的动机、行为特征、旅游体验及影响几个方面。研究资料的获得以面对面的深度访谈和QQ访谈为主,并辅以相应的个人资料和游记作为参考。访谈资料获取后,笔者经过认真筛选,最终从20位受访者中选出16位有自助经验的大学生作为研究样本,通过反复研读获得的访谈资料和追踪访问,结合质性研究方法对研究资料进行类属分析和情境分析,最终得出研究结果。访谈结果发现受访大学生从事自助旅游的动机主要包括四个方面:追求自由与方便;期待新发现;释放压力,追求放松;追求体验的真实性及增长见识。其次,受访大学生在自助旅游中的行为特征与大众旅游者既有相似之处也有它独特的地方。相似点主要体现在对自由和方便的追求。不同点主要体现在大学生自助旅游时那种随性的态度,完全放松的心情,以及在安全和经济方面的特殊要求等。旅游体验是本文的研究重点,通过分析发现,受访的大学生在自助旅游过程中的旅游体验主要涵盖了景观体验、事件体验和美食体验。每一体验都对整个行程有一定的影响,有些甚至构成了整个行程中最难忘的一幕。另外访谈结果还发现,经历了自助旅游的大学生在生活和学习态度方面变得更加积极、乐观、成熟了。最后通过对研究结果的概括总结,得出目前我们在研究大学生自助旅游中的不足,其中在研究内容方面,我们应该更加具有针对性和实际意义;研究方法方面,我们也应该提倡多种方式的综合运用,提高研究的效度和信度,进而更好的促进旅游基础理论的发展。

【Abstract】 The study is about independent travel of college students, including motivations of independent travel, behavior characteristics, travel experience and impact for college students. Research data is mainly from face to face in-depth interviews and QQ Interviews, and corresponding personal data and travels as a reference.After collecting interview data, the writer makes a careful screening, and chooses 16 independent travel of college students from 20 as research samples. Through repeatedly reading the interview information and track access, I get the study results.Interview results showed that motivations of independent travel of college students include four sides, pursuit of freedom and convenience; expect new discovery; the release of pressure, the pursuit of relaxation; pursuit of truth and open the mind.Secondly, the Respondents in independent travel in the behavioral characteristics of tourists and the general public are both similarities and also has its special place. Similarity is mainly embodied in the pursuit of freedom and convenience. Differences are mainly about the nature attitude of students, feeling completely relaxed, and the special security and economic requirements. Travel experience is focused on this study. The analysis found that college students interviewed in the process of independent travel experience mainly covers the landscape experience, event experience and dining experience. Each experience is on the whole trip to a certain extent, some of them constitute the whole trip most memorable scene. Other interviews also found that the college students’attitude in study and life become more positive and optimistic, mature.Finally, the conclusion found some flaw in our present study. In the research content, we should have more targets and practical significance; in research methods, we should promote the use of a variety of ways, enhance the validity and reliability, thus better promoting the development of travel basic theory.

  • 【分类号】F592;G645.5
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】2462

