

Comparative Study About Chorus and Conductor Teaching System

【作者】 陈雯雯

【导师】 刘世虎;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 音乐学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 通过对中俄合唱教学体系和人才培养的方式的对比,我们不难发现中国合唱体系落后和人才匮乏的原因;中国的合唱发展才刚刚起步,对于合唱指挥的内涵及在社会上所起的作用还不了解,其中还存在很多误区,这与俄罗斯全民合唱艺术存在很大的差距;俄罗斯的民间音乐发展很早,它对合唱指挥艺术的形成与发展起着举足轻重的作用,其次俄罗斯高校合唱课程的教学体系设置完善、师资力量的雄厚也是其合唱事业发展的重要基础。因此,我国高校合唱教学体系改革迫在眉睫,为实现合唱指挥教学模式的转变,发现教学中的问题所在,探究适合国内的教学手段,对于中国合唱事业及高校合唱指挥教学的发展具有重要的意义。通过对中国高校合唱指挥教学的了解和研究,发现高校教学中存在着缺乏优秀的专业合唱指挥教师及钢琴伴奏等问题。为了解决中国高校合唱指挥教学中存在的问题,我们要从硬件和软件两个方面着手,在硬件方面要在师资力量雄厚、设施较好的高校开设合唱指挥专业的主修课,使有合唱指挥特长的学生能够受到长期的、系统化的专业训练,同时也要充实其他艺术高校的合唱指挥力量;在软件方面要建立合唱课与合唱指挥课内容相互渗透、互为辅助的双向交流的教学形式,也要培养学生沉着的自制和灵活的反应,不论在何种场合下能够把握时机幽默的调节气氛,用蓬勃的气质与坚强的意志影响大家;另外,对于学生的演唱以及教学实践,可以利用视听设备进行录音、录像的回放,从而在听、看过程中,针对学生出现的问题进行研究和讨论。因此,多媒体系统以及现代信息技术,拓宽了教学的渠道和空间,提高了学生的学习兴趣和积极性。众所周知,合唱是众人共同参与的一项群体艺术,也是一项培养思想和意志统一的活动。通过合唱不仅能培养人们的集体主义精神和集体荣誉感,还能促进人与人的交往和沟通,是集体更加紧密团结也使得社会更加和谐统一;同时中国合唱协会成立以来通过举办各种合唱活动,在各个城市取得了良好的信誉和声望,许多主办城市不仅在经济上得到实惠,而且通过和各个城市的联谊在其他方面也收获颇丰。

【Abstract】 Through the Sino-Russian choral teaching system and personnel training methods compared,we can easily find the reasons for backward of China choral system and lack of talent ;China’s choral career has just begun, the people did not understand for the connotation of chorus direct and the role in the community, and there are also many errors, there is a big gap in comparison with the Russian National Chorus; Early development of the Russian folk music, it play a important effect for Choral directors arts in the formation and development; Second, Russia’s university Chorus Teaching system is set completed and strong teaching force is also an important basis for Chorus career development. So, China’s university Chorus Teaching system reform is urgently needed. For China’s choral career and the development of college’s choral teaching, changes in teaching choral conductor、find the problems in the teaching、explore the teaching methods suited to the domestic is of great significance.Through the understanding and researching the China’s university Chorus Teaching, found that China’s university is lack the command of professional teachers and piano accompaniment, and so on.In order to solve the problems in China’s university Chorus Teaching, we should precede with both hardware and software; on the hardware side, open choral director major classes in universities of strong faculty and better facilities, so that choral directors in the expertise of the students are able to suffer long-term, systematic professional training, at the same time, other art universities should enrich the power of choral conductor; On the software side, to establish two-way communication forms of teaching for singing lessons and choral directors in the course content of mutual penetration and mutually supporting,and culture the student’s reaction of self-calm and flexible, whatever the occasion be able to seize the opportunity and the regulation of an atmosphere of humor, with vigorous temperament and a strong will affect everyone. Another, concerts for students and teaching practice, can Audio-visual equipment for recording、video playback,thus in the process of listen and look, forthe problems of students for study and discussion. Multimedia systems and modern information technology will broaden the channels and space for teaching and increase the student’s interest in learning and enthusiasm. As we all know, chorus is a group everyone to participate in art, thought and culture is a unified will of the activities. Chorus not only train people through the collective spirit and collective pride, but also promote exchanges and communication between people is more closely united group makes society more harmonious unity; the same time since the founding of the Chinese Choral Society by organizing a variety of choral activities in each city to obtain a good reputation and prestige, many host cities are not only economicbenefits but also the networking through various cities and also in other productive session.

  • 【分类号】J615.1
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】277

