

Study on Polarized Characteristics of Scattering Skylight at Different Atmospheric Conditions

【作者】 邹晓辰

【导师】 崔岩;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 测试计量技术及仪器, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 生物学家研究发现,沙蚁等昆虫能够借助天空散射光的偏振分布特性进行导航定位,它的视觉神经系统对天空散射光的偏振方向极其敏感。受此启发,近年来天空散射光偏振特性及其在仿生导航系统上的应用成为国内学者的研究热点。但是,天空散射光的偏振特性受到多种外界因素的影响,其中天气因素是极其重要的影响因素。因此,在不同天气下进行天空散射光偏振特性及其分布规律的测量与分析,对仿生导航系统的开发利用具有特别重要的意义。本文从大气的相关散射理论入手,首先分析了实际大气中多种气溶胶粒子对天空散射光的影响。然后论述了天空散射光偏振特性的产生机理及测量原理。依据天空散射光偏振特性测量原理,本文接着介绍了天空散射光偏振特性的测量模型,进而对天空散射光偏振特性测量系统进行了简单介绍。利用搭建完成的天空散射光偏振特性测量系统,我们分别以全天空和太阳子午面两种测量方式对不同天气下的天空散射光偏振特性进行了大量测量,测量天气包括了多种晴天、多云或阴天天气。利用优化完成的天空散射光偏振特性数据处理分析软件,我们又对450-475nm或435-470nm波段的天空散射光偏振特性进行了处理和分析,并以二维图形的方式显示了各种不同天气下的全天空散射光偏振分布特性,进而初步研究了湿度、污染指数和云层等气象因素对天空散射光偏振特性的影响。研究结果表明,晴、多云或少云等太阳可见天气下的天空散射光偏振特性与Rayleigh散射模型基本吻合,阴天下的天空散射光偏振特性与Rayleigh散射模型偏差较大。

【Abstract】 Biologists’research shows that the desert ant can navigate with the patterns of the skylight polarization, because its vision nervous system is sensitive with angle of scattering skylight polarization. In these years, the polarized characteristics of scattering skylight and its applications to bionic navigation system have been the hot subjects in China. However, many factors influence the polarized characteristics of scattering skylight, and the atmospheric condition is the very important influencing factors.Therefore, the measurement and analysis on the polarized characteristics and distribution pattern of scattering skylight at different atmospheric conditions are pre-requisite for exploiting bionic navigation system.At first, we analyse the effect of atmosphere aerosol on scattering skylight through the atmospheric scattering theory. After that, the forming mechanisms and measuring principle for the polarized characteristics of scattering skylight are presented. Based on the measuring principle, we introduce the measuring model for the polarized characteristics of scattering skylight. Then, the skylight polarization measurement system is introduced simply.Using the measurement system, the measurements on the polarized characteristics of scattering skylight are performed in clear days, cloudy days or overcast days through the full-sky and solar vertical plane. Using the optimized data analysis software, the polarized characteristics of scattering skylight are acquired in the spectral range 450-475nm or 435-470nm, and the full-sky distribution patterns of scattering skylight at different atmospheric conditions are presented by two-dimensional graphics.Furthermore, the pilot study on meteorologic factors (humidity, polluting index and cloud) influence on the polarized characteristics of scattering skylight is given.The study indicate that the polarized characteristics of scattering skylight are in agreement with Rayleigh model in sunny skies (clear days, cloudy days or partly cloudy days), and the deviation of polarized characteristics of scattering skylight in overcast days from Rayleigh model is pretty large.


