

The Influence of Brand Reputation on Consumer Perceived Face Research

【作者】 韩冰

【导师】 董大海;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 企业管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济的发展以及人们生活水平的提高,消费者在进行消费的时候已经不再仅仅局限于产品的使用价值和基本功能,越来越多的人会通过一些消费习惯或者产品品牌来满足他们心理上的需求。消费者希望能够通过消费特定的产品或者品牌来提升他们的自我形象或者公众形象,展示他们的个性、获得更多的面子等等。随之而产生的“面子消费”也逐渐走进人们的视野。那么,品牌声誉会对消费者的感知面子产生什么样的影响呢?本文将以此为主要研究问题,通过实证研究探索二者之间的关系。本研究首先对品牌声誉、消费者感知面子的相关文献进行回顾和总结,在此基础上以实验法为主要研究方法,从消费者个性、品牌形象与群体形象一致性以及感知面子的维度三个方面对二者关系进行探讨。研究一主要探讨消费者个性对品牌声誉与消费者感知面子之间关系的调节作用,通过实证检验得出面子意识、自我监控对品牌声誉与感知面子的关系具有调节作用;研究二主要从品牌形象与群体形象一致性的角度出发,验证消费者消费品牌与成员群体之间一致性程度对品牌声誉与感知面子之间关系的调节作用;研究三主要从感知面子的两个维度出发,探查品牌声誉对这两个维度的影响。最后,本研究在所得结论的基础上指出了本研究的局限性,并对其在理论上的贡献和实际操作中的意义进行探讨和总结,最终通过本研究提出对未来相关方面研究的展望。

【Abstract】 With the economic fast growing and the living standard dramatic improvement, consumers not only make choices depending on the utility and basic value of the products, but also satisfy their psychological need through certain consuming habit or brands, which they expect to improve their personal or public image, show their personality and light up their face.Followed comes the’Face Economy’.Some people would wonder what effect has the brand reputation exerted on consumer perception of face? So this research is aimed to answer this question and to explore the relationship.Firstly, on the basis of literature review and summarization of the brand reputation, consumer perception of face, this study explore their relationship from the aspect of consumers personality, the consistency of brand image and community image, and the three dimensions of face perception.StudyⅠexplore the regulatory role consumer personality played in the relationship between brand reputation and consumer perception of face, and confirmed that the face awareness and self-monitoring play a moderate role in the relationship between brand reputation and perception of the face.StudyⅡ, mainly on the basis of the consistency between brand image and group image, testify the regulatory role that the consistency of consumer brands with avoid consumer groups and affiliated groups played in the between the brand reputation and perception of face relationship.The results verify that the consistency of brand image with group image is more effective than that with avoid group.StudyⅢon the basis of the two dimensions of the perception of face, study the brand reputation’s effect on the two dimensions.Finally, the study concludes the limitations and summarizes theoretical and practical contributions and point out the relevant further research outlook in the end.


