

Tipping of the Scale: the Balance Between the Good and Evil of Charles in the Sea, the Sea

【作者】 吕艳敏

【导师】 于丽艳;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 英语语言文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 默多克是英国著名的小说家和哲学家,她认为每个人的内心深处都蕴含着“善”,“善”也成为她小说永恒的主题。默多克通过描述《大海,大海》中主人公的内心由“恶”到“善”的转变过程,揭示了她对“善”的哲学理念以及如何达到“善”。基于默多克的哲学思想,本文从四个方面对主人的转变进行了分析:从自欺欺人到自我认识;从敌对到和解;从幻想到现实;从漠然到超然,通过描述主人公的变化过程,揭示了“善”是真实的,可以实现。达到“善”,需要人们放弃自我以及对他人的控制,学会去爱,去注意并肯定别人的存在。

【Abstract】 Murdoch is an eminent British novelist and philosopher, she believes there is a profound intuition of Good in every human being, and Good is the eternal theme of her works. As for The Sea, the Sea, through the protagonist’s transformation process from evil to Good, Murdoch presents her philosophical idea of Good and how to be Good. Based on Murdoch’s philosophical concept, the thesis has analyzed the conversion of the protagonist in four aspects: from self-deception to self-recognition; from confrontation to reconciliation; from fantasy to reality; from indifference to detachment. Through the analysis of the protagnist’s transformation, this thesis demonstrates that Good is real and we have access to it. To be Good, one must abandon one’s private self and the manipulation of others; to be Good, one should be able to love, to see, to affirm the reality of others.

【关键词】 平衡
【Key words】 evilGoodbalancing

