

Research of Central City Land Use Planning Based on Geological Environment Evaluation

【作者】 张超

【导师】 东野光亮;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 土地资源管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文从肥城市中心城区基础地质环境条件出发,以地形地貌、岩土工程地质条件、环境水文地质条件、地质灾害和构造条件等影响地质环境质量的主要因素入手,通过对城市地质环境与土地利用的适宜性分析,最终对肥城市中心城区进行了土地利用规划。肥城盆地属于岩溶断陷盆地,研究区基岩主要为碳酸盐岩、粘土岩与碎屑岩。盆地内部主要发育上第三系粘土岩以及第四系松散土类,主要持力层为风化泥灰岩和砾石类土层。北东向桃园断裂和南北向马山断裂为主要构造,控制盆地的形成演化、沉积作用、构造格局及现代地形地貌分区。盆地地下水类型主要为岩溶水、孔隙水及裂隙水。主要的环境地质问题有地下水污染、地质灾害及其它工程地质问题。文章在论述肥城城区的自然地理与地质环境、资源地质环境、变异地质环境的基础上,分析了地形地貌、地质构造、岩性条件、自然资源条件、气象条件、人为原因产生的地质灾害以及人类经济工程活动的负面影响等地质环境质量的影响,并以此为基础,建立了以地形坡度、相对高差、工程岩土分区、地基承载力、地下水污染现状、地下水利用潜力、地质灾害易发程度、资源丰富程度、人类活动强度和与断裂距离10个因子为评价因子的肥城城区地质环境质量评价体系及评价模型。结合土地利用与地质环境条件,把研究区划分为六个一级单元,并以此为基础采用网格法把研究区划分为204个二级单元。通过调查与实验,对204个二级单元进行赋分,采用上述评价模型计算各二级单元的地质环境质量综合指数,并据此将评价区分为地质环境质量优、中、差三个区:地质环境质量优区有101个二级评价单元,总面积8184.77hm2,占评价区面积的54.58%。地质环境质量中区有67个评价小单元,总面积4497.87hm2,占评价区面积的26.66%。地质环境质量差区有36个评价小单元,总面积3213.06 hm2,占评价区面积的18.76%。然后,从水资源的可持续利用与环境保护、矿产资源的可持续开发利用与环境保护、旅游资源的可持续开发与利用、肥城城区的城市建设与可持续发展四个方面对肥城城区的地质环境保护进行了较为深入的研究,并提出了保护对策的实施途径。最后在分析了各类城市用地对地质环境的需求,分析了肥城市中心城区各一级单元的地质环境与土地利用适宜性之后,对肥城市中心城区进行了规划,划定了中心城区规模控制边界、允许建设区、禁止建设区、有条件建设区和限制建设区。

【Abstract】 Based on geo-environment in Feicheng central city. Setting out from the factors of topography, the geotechnical character, environmental hydrology geotechnical character, geological hazards and construction to appraise feasibility analysis between city geological environment and urban development. Finally completed Feicheng central city land use planning.The Feicheng basin is karst faulted basin, the main rock is carbonate, clay and elastic. There are clay in upper tertiary system and loose soil in quaternary. In the basin, weathering marlite and gravelly soil is the rock layer. The evolution and ore-bearing property, annealing, structural framework and the part of topography and morphology in the basin is depend on the north west Wenma split. The style of groundwater of basin is karst water, the gulf of mexico andfissure water.The environmental geological issues are groundwater pollution, geological hazards and the engineering geological problem of expansive clay.Based on the studying of the natural geographic and geological environment conditions, the characteristics of disaster environment and resource geological environment of Feicheng central city, the influential factors of geological environment, such as topographic feature, geological tectonic, the properties of rock and soil, the natural resource condition, weather condition, artificial produced geological hazard and adverse effect coming from people’s economic and engineering activities. the analysis of the assessment system and model were established with 10 assessment factors such as topographic grade, relative altitude difference,geotechnical engineering division, bearing capacity of foundation soil, groundwater pollution situation, groundwater potential, geological hazard susceptibility, resource abundance, influential degree of human activities and distance from fault. Combination of land use and geological environment, the study area is divided into six first level unit, and basis for this using grid divide study area into 204 secondary units.Through surveys and experiments, forecasting and endowing 204 second level units, using the evaluation model to calculate the second level units of geological environmental quality index, and accordingly to evaluate the quality of geological environment is divided into high, middle, and poor in three districts. There are 101 high quality units, about 8184 km2, account for 54.58 percent of the total evaluation area, there are 67 middle quality units, about 212 km2, account for 26.66 percent of the total evaluation area, there are 36 poor quality units, about 44 km2, account for 18.76 percent of the total evaluation area. Then, the way of implement of geological environment protection were set forth after deeply studying on the sustainable development of Feicheng city from those five aspects:the sustainable use of water resource and environmental protection, the sustainable use of mineral resource and environmental protection, sustainable development of travel resource and the city construction and sustainable development.Finally, analysis of the various types of urban land demand on the geological environment, analysis of the level of fat cells City city center geological environment and land use suitability, the right fertilizer for the city center of city planning, delineation of the size of control downtownboundary, allowing built-up areas, prohibiting construction zone, construction zone and the restricted conditional construction zone.


