

Effects of Light Quality on the Physiological Characteristics and Quality of Three Sprouts

【作者】 张立伟

【导师】 刘世琦;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 蔬菜学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验采用新型半导体光源发光二极管(LED)精量调制光质(红光,640±5 nm;蓝光,460±5 nm;红蓝组合光,红光:蓝光=3:1,灯的数量比),以普通日光灯(白光)为对照,就不同光质对三种芽苗菜(萝卜、豌豆、香椿)生理特性和品质的影响进行了研究。研究结果表明:1.不同光质处理对芽苗菜生长有显著影响。红光处理下芽苗菜植株最高、鲜重最大,说明照射红光芽苗菜营养生长旺盛,能提高芽苗菜的产量。红蓝混合光处理与对照处理对芽苗菜生长的影响差异不明显。蓝光处理下芽苗菜植株最矮、鲜重最小,说明照射蓝光抑制了芽苗菜的生长,使芽苗菜的产量下降。2.不同光质处理对芽苗菜生理特性有较大影响。随着芽苗菜的生长,叶绿素含量总体呈先增加后减少的趋势。各LED有色光质处理下芽苗菜叶绿素含量都明显高于对照,说明红光和蓝光都有利于叶绿素的合成。萝卜苗与豌豆苗在生长期可溶性糖含量逐渐下降,而香椿苗可溶性糖含量先上升后下降。在芽苗菜整个生长过程中,可溶性蛋白含量先下降后上升。红光处理下芽苗菜可溶性糖含量明显高于对照和其他处理,但可溶性蛋白含量却明显低于对照和其他处理。蓝光处理对芽苗菜可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白含量的影响与红光处理正好相反。红蓝混合光处理对芽苗菜可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白含量总体高于对照处理。总体上芽苗菜可溶性糖含量大小顺序为红光>红蓝混合光>对照>蓝光,芽苗菜可溶性蛋白含量大小顺序为蓝光>红蓝混合光>对照>红光。这说明红光促进芽苗菜可溶性糖含量的增加,而不利于可溶性蛋白的积累;蓝光处理促进芽苗菜可溶性蛋白含量的增加,而不利于可溶性糖的积累。3.不同光质处理对芽苗菜商品、营养品质影响不同。豌豆苗与香椿苗维生素C(Vc)含量先上升后下降,而萝卜苗Vc含量逐渐下降。红光和蓝光处理下Vc含量低于红蓝混合光处理下,这说明与混合光相比,单色光不利于Vc的积累。随着芽苗菜的生长,粗纤维素含量逐渐增加,由于粗纤维素影响口感,应该适时采收。粗纤维素含量以红光下最高,红蓝混合光次之,蓝光下最低。在芽苗菜整个生长过程中,游离氨基酸含量先上升后下降。从总体趋势来看,蓝光处理下的芽苗菜游离氨基酸含量明显高于其他光质处理,而红光处理下最低。豌豆苗与香椿苗在生长期类黄酮含量先上升后下降,而萝卜苗类黄酮含量逐渐下降。对照与各LED有色光质处理相比明显提高了芽苗菜类黄酮含量,说明白光中有其他光质促进了芽苗菜类黄酮的合成,芽苗菜类黄酮含量大小顺序为对照>蓝光>红蓝混合光>红光。随着芽苗菜的生长,硝酸盐含量逐渐提高,硝酸盐是对人体有害物质,应该适时采收芽苗菜。蓝光与红蓝混合光处理与对照相比都能提高芽苗菜硝酸盐含量,而红光处理降低了芽苗菜硝酸盐含量。

【Abstract】 Using the red (590-670 nm; peak at 640 nm), blue (420-510 nm; peak at 460 nm), red-blue (red: blue =3:1) light-emitting diode and white fluorescent as light sources, the effects of different light quality on the physiological characteristic and quality in three kinds of sprouts vegetables(radish, pea, toona sinensis) were studied. The main results were as following:1.Light quality had significant effects on growth of sprouts vegetables. The plant height and fresh weight were the highest under red light.It was concluded that the red light can enhanced the growth and yield of the sprouts vegetables. The effects on the sprouts vegetables under red-blue light as much as under white light.. The plant height and fresh weight were the lowest under blue light. It was concluded that the blue light can inhabited the growth and yield of the sprouts vegetables.2.Light quality had great effects on Physiological characteristics of sprouts vegetables.As the sprouts vegetables were growing, the chlorophyll content always firstly increased and then fell. The contents of the chlorophyll under red light, blue light and red-blue light were higher than that of white light treatment.. It showed that red light and blue light were all benefit to the biosynthesis of the chlorophyll. The soluble sugar content of radish and pea sprouts gradually fell , and the toona sinensis’firstly increased and then fell in their growth time. The soluble protein content of sprouts vegetables firstly fell and then increased in their growth time. As a whole, the sequence of soluble sugar content in sprouts vegetables ranged that: RL>RBL>WL>BL,and and that of s soluble protein content was BL>RBL>WL>RL. It was concluded that the red light increase the content of soluble sugar,but t the red light was not propitious to the accumulation of soluble protein. It suggested that the blue light increase the content of soluble protein,but t the red light was not propitious to the accumulation of sugar soluble sugar.3.There were more differences of sprouts vegetables commodity and nutrition quality under different light quality. As the pea and toona sinensis sprouts were growing, the vitamin C content always firstly increased and then fell. The vitamin C content of radish gradually fell in in their growth time. The contents of vitamin C under red light and blue light were lower than those of red-blue light. It showed that the single light was not propitious to the accumulation of vitamin C compared with mixture light..As the sprouts vegetables were growing, The crude fibre content gradually increased,and the crude fibre affectd the taste,we should pat harvest. The content of crude fibre acid was highest under red light and lowest under blue light..Free amino acid content of sprouts vegetables under different light quality firstly increased and then fell in their growth time. As a whole, The free amino acid content of sprouts vegetables under blue light were significant higher than those under the other light. Those under red light were lowest.The flavonoids content of pea and toona sinensis sprouts firstly increased and then fell ,and the radish’gradually fell in their growth time. The content of flavonoids was highest under the white light treatment, It suggested that there were possiblely another light quality could flavonoids biosynthesis was accelerated in white light.The sequence of flavonoids content in sprouts vegetables ranged that: WL>BL>RBL>RL. .As the sprouts vegetables were growing, The nitrate content gradually increased,and the crude fibre affectd the health,we should pat harvest. The nitrate content of sprouts vegetables under blue and red-blue light were higher than those under white light.But the nitrate biosynthesis was inhabited under red light,

【关键词】 芽苗菜光质萝卜豌豆香椿生理特性品质
【Key words】 SproutsLight qualityRadishPeaToona sinensisPhysiological characteristicQuality

