

The Timeperal-spatial Variation of Zoobenthos and Its Functional Groups in Yellow River Delta Wetlands

【作者】 刘立杰

【导师】 李传荣; 许景伟;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 森林培育, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 大型底栖动物在湿地生态系统的物质和能量转化过程中发挥重要的作用。然而相关研究目前还仅仅集中在物种编目的层面上,为完善黄河三角洲湿地生态系统的组成和结构,揭示大型底栖动物时空分布变化规律,分别于2006年春季、夏季以及2008年夏季,在黄河三角洲湿地典型生态系统内,使用自制0.1m~3箱式采泥器采取土壤样品,对大型底栖动物进行调查和监测,包括种类组成、多样性、时空分布及环境因子,在此基础上对大型底栖动物功能群进行划分。结果如下:(1)大型底栖动物空间分布水平空间上,由入海口向内陆延伸过程中,软体动物种类逐渐减少且80%以上分布在低潮滩;环节动物表现为水生植物群落>中生植物群落>旱生植物群落;节肢动物由甲壳纲动物向昆虫纲动物过渡大型底栖动物群落的种数、生物量、多样性指数均表现为水生植物群落>中生植物群落>旱生植物群落,均匀度指数和丰富度指数表现为中生植物群落>水生植物群落>旱生植物群落。垂直空间上,95%的种类和个体都分布在0~20cm土层范围内,且表聚性非常明显。(2)大型底栖动物时间分布大型底栖动物春末、夏末种类变化不大,不同季节各生境大型底栖动物生物量变化均表现为芦苇地>农田棉花>潮间带(低潮滩和高潮滩)>防护林(刺槐林、白蜡林和杨树林)>草地;整体上大型底栖动物生物量夏季明显高于春季。(3)大型底栖动物功能群划分41种大型底栖动物中,有植食者14种,为优势功能群,大灰象虫等为代表种;浮游生物食者7种,光滑河篮蛤等为代表种;肉食者6种,双齿围沙蚕等为代表种;碎屑食者6种,直隶环毛蚓为代表种;杂食者8种,日本黑褐蚁等为代表种。从空间分布来看,入海口向内陆延伸过程中,浮游生物食者主要分布在水生植物群落,而植食者主要分布在中生植物群落中。时间分布上,各生境不同季节大型底栖动物功能群组成及物种多样性差异不大,芦苇地差异最大,春季碎屑食者2种,到了夏季消失。(4)大型底栖动物与环境因子关系分析在土壤理化因子中,含水量与大型底栖动物相关性最大,除了种类以外均达显著水平以上;土壤盐度对大型底栖动物丰富度影响较大,土壤无机碳与大型底栖动物种类显著正相关,而水溶性有机碳与生物量、土壤速效氮与种类极显著负相关,速效钾与丰富度指数显著负相关,速效磷与均匀度指数极显著相关。(5)大型底栖动物群落的相似性对黄河三角洲湿地大型底栖动物环境因子聚类分析和大型底栖动物群落相似分析比较发现生活环境越相近的植物群落,大型底栖动物相似性越高,林地与农田之间群落相似性较高,其余生境之间较低。

【Abstract】 The large zoobenthos played an important role on the transformation process of substance and energy in wetland ecosystem. However, the correlation study centralized on the level of species inventory presently. To perfect the structure and composition in Yellow River delta wetlands, and revealed the spatial and temporal variation of large zoobenthos, field surveys carried out on their species composition, diversities, community structures and environmental factors in different habitats on spring and summer in 2006 and summertime in 2008. Moreover, we compartmentalized the functional groups of the zoobenthos. A total of 41 zoobenthos species were found, of which consisted of Mollusk, Annelid and Arthropod, Planktophagous group, phytophagous group, camivorous group, omnivorous group, detritivorous group composed the functional groups of the zoobenthos of Yellow River delta wetlands. The contents and results were summarized as follows:(1) The spatial distribution of zoobenthosIn the horizontal space, from the estuary to inland, 80% of the Mollusk dispersed in low tidal beach. The number of Annelid in descending order is aquatic plant community, mesophyte community, and xerophyte community. The Arthropod gradually converted from crustacea to insectacra. Dominant species varied clearly among different habitats. High community similarities of zoobenthos existed between woodland and farmland and lower community similarities existed between other habitats. Species number, biomass and diversity index in descending order was aquatic plant community, mesophyte community, xerophyte community, and that of evenness index, abundance index was mesophyte community, aquatic plant community, xerophyte community. In vertical distribution, 95% of the species and individuals distributed within top 10cm depth of the surface layer.(2) The temporal distribution of zoobenthosSpecies number of zoobenthos in spring has little difference when compared with that of the summer, Comparing with other investigation, species in Yellow River delta wetlands is short of. Biomass in different habitats and in different season changed a little. Biomass in descending order was bulrush land, cotton field, intertidal zone, shelter forest and grassland. Biomass in summer is higher than biomass in spring.(3) Compartmentalize the functional groups of the zoobenthosThere are 14 kinds phytophagous group, its representative species are Sympiezomias velatus, Agrotis segetum, Holotuichia parallela. phytophagous group is preponderant group. There are 7 kinds planktophagous group, its representative species are Stenothyra glabar, Assiminea lutea. There are 6 kinds detritivorous group, its representative species arePerinereis aibuhutensis, Pirata boesenberget. There are 6 kinds detritivorous group, its representative species are Perinereis aibuhutensis, Pirata boesenberget. There are 6 kinds camivorous group, its representative species are Capitella capitata, Phertima tschiliensis.There are 8 kinds omnivorous group, its representative species are Formica japonica, Artemia sp, Hyale grandicornis.In the space distribution, from estuary to inland, planktophagous group distributed in aquatic plant community. phytophagous group distributed in mesophyte community. In the temporal distribution, there was little diversity in functional groups composition and diversity indexes of zoobenthos between different seasons. Bulrush land had most difference. There was 2 kinds detritivorous group in spring, and disappeared in summer.(4)Analysis of the relationship between zoobenthos and environmental factorsIn all of the soil physical factors, the relativity between moisture in the soil and zobenthos is the most significant one, except species, others are all above the significant level; the influence of soil salinity on zoobenthos abundance is large, the relativity between them was 0.604. Diversity indexes of zoobenthos negatively correlated with the soil PH expect species. Water-solubility organic C much negatively correlated with biomass, correlational index is -0.738. Inorganic C much positive correlated with biomass. Available N much negatively correlated with biomass. Available K much negatively correlated with Abundance index. Available P much correlated with Evenness index (0.810).(5) Comparability of zoobenthos and Cluster analysisThe environmental factor at sampling points are the more similar, the similarity of benthic fauna are also higher. Through the analysis of the comparability index of zoobenthos showed that the similarity of zoobenthos community and the differences of zoobenthos community composition. The cluster analysis of environmental factor of zoobenthos and the similarity analysis of the comparison between zoobenthos communities, the results showed that the more similar living environment, the higher the coefficient of similarity. The similarity index between forest land and farmland was highest, but lower on the other habitat.


