

A Study on the Tourists’ Behavior in the Parks Located in the Conjunction Area of the Mount Tai and Taian

【作者】 王海波

【导师】 于东明;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 城市的发展改变了城市的结构,也改变了社会潮流和市民的心态。人们对自己周围环境的要求的不断提高,城市公园规划设计的趋势和方向不断发展变化,以设计师和领导者的决策为主导的设计过程已经在削弱,趋向于更加注重使用者的需求,规划和设计的目的不是创造一个有形的工艺品,而是创造一个满足人类行为的环境。城市公园设计越来越提倡人性化和尽可能的满足人们的不同需求,体现人的行为特性,使用人群的心理、生理、感情等多方面的需求,更加重视对当今社会潮流和市民心态的把握,尽可能满足人们对生态环境和心理环境的要求。环境设计成功的前提是设计者建立为使用者的行为需求服务的思想,而设计过程实际上就是探索怎样满足这种需要。本研究选取泰安市与泰山风景名胜区结合部公园为研究对象,具体包括泰山东线入口处的虎山公园,西线入口处的天地广场,以及两者之间的环山路一线,以行为心理学的相关理论为基础,采用实地参与观察、访谈、问卷等研究方法对结合部的公园游人行为进行了归纳、分析、评价,研究结果如下:(1)结合部公园有其不同于普通城市公园之处,如所处地理位置独特、属于泰山风景名胜区的区划、使用人群性质更为多样、本地游客为主等,体现了城市园林的职能。但在夏秋两个旅游旺季,也会出现大量外地游客集中使用结合部公园绿地的时段。“五一、十一”小长假时出现全年的两次游客接待高峰。(2)天地广场做为泰山的主要进山入口之一,从广场的功能定位来看,更倾向于交通集散广场,具有游客集散、市民游憩休闲、泰山文化展示等职能。从使用对象来看,全天都有很多市民在此游憩健身,登山游客的使用则集中在夏秋季的上午数个小时。针对广场的遮荫性较差;台阶、公共服务设施等设计不够人性化;植物材料配置缺乏层次;入口处交通拥堵、混乱以及游客数目过多导致场地设施的过度使用等问题,提出了相应的解决对策。(3)虎山公园位于泰山东线红门入口东侧,交通便利,环境条件优异,绿化覆盖率高,有大面积水面。公园使用者以本市居民为主,是泰安市民游览休憩的胜地,外地游客量较少,在公园一侧的王母池道教色彩浓厚,香客是其主要使用人群。针对公园建成时间较长,缺乏大规模的升级改造建设,现状景观较差,管理粗放,设施、标识不足,使用植物材料种类较单一等问题,提出了具体的解决办法。(4)天地广场与虎山公园之间的环山路,虽然沿线景点资源丰富,景色绝佳,但因为功能定位为城市重要交通线,车流量大,不设交通灯,对徒步游人安全有较大威胁,严重影响了沿线景点的游客使用。建议将环山路定性为泰山风景名胜区旅游观光路,限制机动车的进入时间,或者只开通电瓶车、旅游观光巴士;在适合改造地段,增加游步道的建设。

【Abstract】 The development of city has been changing the urban structure, and also transforming social trends and the mentality of the public. People’s requirements for the environment rising up day by day, the planning and designing trends and evolving direction of urban park varying day by day.the designing process led by the designers and conductor has been weakened, tending to focus more on users’needs. planning and designing are not intended to create a tangible craft, but to create an environment to meet human behaviors. City park designning today advocates more humanity and as far as possible to meet people’s needs, reflect the behavior of people , pay more attention to grasp social trends and citizens’ mentality , as far as possible to meet people’s requests on the ecological environment and mental environment.The premise of a successful design for environment is that the designer established a theory for giving service to tourists’ behavior needs,in fact,the process of a design is just exploring how to meet this need.This study selected the conjunction area of the Mount Tai and Taian as the research object,including Hushan park near the east entrance of Mout Tai, Tiandi plaza near the west entrance of Mout Tai,and road around the mountain between the two.Based on the Behavioral psychology and some related theoretical, Done conclution,analysis and evaluation of the visitors’ using condition of conjunction area park by observing the visitors’ various activities, sample questionnaires, and interviewing.The results showed that:(1)Conjunction area park has its differences from ordinary city park,such as special geographical location which belongs to Mout Tai; more various of users, local visitors are the majority,which reflects its urban landscape function. But in summer or autumn when suitable for mountaineering,there are also lots of tourists here.Two peak values of tourists’ quantity appear at may 1 and october 1 holiday all year round.(2)As one of the main entrance for climbing Mount Tai, Tiandi Plaza has functions such as tourists distribution, public recreation,culture exhibition and so on.There are many citizens recreating and doing body exercise here all day long,the tourists mainly come here in summer and autumn morning.Since so little shade on the plaza,designing of footsteps and public service facilities are dehumanizing,green plant materials used in the square are short of landscape depth,traffic congestion and chaos at the entrance to the plaza,and the excessive use of facilities because of the great quantity of visitors,the corresponding countermeasures for that are putting forward.(3)Hushan park,located near the Hong Entry of Mout Tai,which has convenient traffic,excellent environmental condition,high green coverage and large lake surface,is regard as a wonderful resort for Taian’s citizens to go to,but quantity of tourists is small.Wangmu pool,which located near the park,pilgrims are its main users.Since the park has been built for a long time, and the lacking of large-scale reconstruction,the landscape situation of the park is bad, the management is inefficient, facilities and signs are not enough, types of plant material are few ,the corresponding countermeasures for that are putting forward.(4)There are many excelent attractions located near the ring road between the park and the plaza,but as the function orientation of the road is important public transportation route,without traffic lights,which bring much inconvenience and insecurity feeling for the tourists’ using .Suggestion for that:the function orientation of the ring road should be changed as the tourist road of Mout Tai,less time can the motor vehicle enter into,or just battery car and sightseeing bus allowed to enter into,construct more side walks at the place suitable for reconstruction.


