

Study of the Long-term Fertilizer Application on Wheat Physicochemical Properties Under the Condition of Different Soil Types

【作者】 董鲁浩

【导师】 孙庆泉; 逄焕成;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 作物遗传育种, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 长期定位肥料试验能够在同种类型土壤上形成不同的土壤肥力,为研究土壤肥力与肥料运筹对小麦生长、光合特性、保护酶活性等的影响提供了极为有利的基础条件。本研究在已有19年小麦-玉米两熟制长期定位肥料试验的基础上,研究了在褐潮土和红壤上长期定位施肥对土壤养分和小麦籽粒产量的影响,并初步探讨了长期定位施肥对小麦叶片光合性能、膜脂过氧化作用及保护酶活性的影响,以期阐释定位施肥试验条件下小麦产量变化的生理机制,为改进小麦施肥技术奠定理论基础。本试验的主要研究结论如下:1.长期施肥对土壤养分含量的影响。在褐潮土和红壤两种不同土壤类型上,有机无机肥配合施肥(NPKM)能够明显提高土壤有机质、全氮、碱解氮、全磷、有效磷、速效钾含量,对土壤培肥作用显著。长期不施N处理(PK)的土壤全氮、碱解氮含量在两种土壤类型上均表现出较低的水平,以红壤降低最为明显,长期不施P处理(NK)土壤中的全磷和有效磷含量也明显低于其他处理,而长期不施K处理(NP)土壤中的速效钾含量最低,其中在红壤上表现尤为明显。2.长期施肥对小麦生长的影响。在两种土壤类型上,有机无机肥配合施肥(NPKM)能够显著地促进小麦生长,提高小麦的干物质积累量。无机肥均施(NPK)也能在一定程度上促进小麦生长,但低于有机无机肥配合施肥(NPKM)。缺素对小麦生长的影响显著,其中褐潮土缺P处理(NK)的小麦株高和干物质积累量与对照处理(CK)基本一致,在红壤上则显著低于对照处理(CK)。缺N、K(PK、NP)对小麦生长的影响要低于缺P处理(NK),与NK处理的差异达到显著水平。3.长期施肥对小麦光合特性的影响。与施无机肥相比,长期有机无机肥配施(NPKM)的小麦叶片净光合速率(Pn)、叶绿素含量(SPAD)以及叶面积系数(LAI)高,且进入灌浆期后上述参数下降较慢,小麦的群体最大光合性能(Pn×LAI和SPAD×LAI)也明显高于无机肥处理,最终产量高。在施无机肥处理中,缺施P处理(NK),造成土壤营养元素不均衡,甚至还造成红壤明显的酸化,对小麦植株的生长产生了不利影响,小麦旗叶和群体光合性能以及叶绿素含量(SPAD)和叶面积系数(LAI)降低,且进入灌浆期后降低速度快,最终造成不同程度的减产。4.长期施肥对小麦叶片膜脂过氧化作用和保护酶活性的效应。与单施无机肥相比,有机无机肥配合施用处理(NPKM)的叶片保护酶活性高,旗叶膜脂过氧化作用程度低,最终产量高。在单施无机肥各处理中,无机肥均施(NPK)处理的膜脂过氧化作用低于不均衡施肥处理(PK、NP、NK)。在两种土壤上,缺P处理(NK)的小麦旗叶膜脂过氧化作用高,最终籽粒产量最低。5.长期施肥对小麦产量的影响。有机无机肥配施(NPKM)能够显著提高小麦产量,在红壤上增产788.32%,对产量形成的贡献率达88.74%;在褐潮土上增产828.05%,对产量形成的贡献率达89.22%。无机均衡施肥(NPK)在两种土壤类型上的小麦产量差异比较明显,在褐潮土上,NPK处理高于其他无机施肥处理;在旱地红壤上,NPK处理低于PK施肥处理。缺施P肥的NK处理小麦均有不同程度的减产,在褐潮土上减产15.86%,在红壤上则绝产。

【Abstract】 Long-term fertilizer formes the different of soil fertility in the same type of soil, to study soil fertility and fertilizer on the growth of wheat、photosynthesis、protective enzyme etc provides extremely advantageous basis conditions. Therefore, this research is on the base of 19-years of long-term fertilizer experiment, while is two cropping system of wheat and corn, to study long-term fertilizer on the effect of soil fertility and wheat grain yield in the red soil and the Drab Fluvo-acquic soil, and discusses long-term fertilizer on the influence of wheat’s photosynthetic performance, membrane lipid peroxidation and protection of enzyme activity, to explain the physiological mechanism of wheat yield changes on the condition of the long-term fertilizer,to lay a theoretical foundation of improving the fertilization techniques of wheat.1 The effect of long-term fertilization systems on soil nutrients content. In two different soil types, organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer (NPKM) can obviously improved the content of soil organic matter、total nitrogen、total phosphorus、available nitrogen、available phosphorus、available potassium. Long-term no N treatment’s (PK) soil nitrogen and available nitrogen content in the two soils were showing lower level, while was the most obvious in the redsoil. The long-term no P treatment’s (NK) soil total phosphorus and available phosphorus content were also significantly lower than other treatment. The long-term no K treatment’s (NP) available potassium content was the lowest, while was more apparent in the red soil.2 The effect of long-term fertilization on the growth of wheat. In two kinds of soil types, organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer (NPKM) can provided significantly the growth of wheat, and improved the dry matter accumulation of wheat. Balanced using inorganic fertilizer (NPK) also can promoted the wheat growth in a certain extent, but was below the organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer. The nutrient deficiency can significantly effected on the growth of wheat. The NK treatment’s wheat height and dry matter accumulation were basically the same of control treatment (CK), even significantly below control treatment (CK) in the red soil. The PK and NP treatment was below the NK treatment on the effect of wheat growth, and achieved significant differences.3 The effect of long-term fertilization systems on the wheat photosynthetic characteristics. Compared with inorganic fertilizer treatment, long-term organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer treatment’s(NPKM) wheat net photosynthetic rate (Pn)、chlorophyll content (SPAD) and leaf area index (LAI) was higher, and the parameters can slower declined, after entering filling stage, and The maximum groups’photosynthetic performance (LAI×SPAD and Pn×LAI) was also significantly higher than other treatment, and yield was higher. Among the inorganic fertilizer treatments, the NK treatment caused soil nutrient’s imbalance, even obvious soil acidification in the red soil, and produced adverse effect on wheat growth, so the flag leaf and groups photosynthetic characteristics、chlorophyll content (SPAD) and leaf area index (LAI) reduced, and slowly reduced after entering filling stage.4 The effect of long-term fertilization systems on the wheat’s protective enzyme activity and membrane lipid peroxidation. Compared with inorganic fertilizer treatment, the organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer treatment’s (NPKM) leaf protect enzymes was higher, and the flag leaf membrane lipid peroxidation was lower. Among the inorganic fertilizer treatments, the membrane lipid peroxidation of inorganic fertilizer treatment (NPK) was below unbalanced fertilization (PK, NP, NK), and the membrane lipid peroxidation of the NK treatment was highest in the two soils, so grain yield was lowest.5 The effect of long-term fertilization systems on the wheat yield. The organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer treatment (NPKM) can improved wheat yield, and increased wheat yield by 788.32% in the red soil and 828.05% in the Drab Fluvo-aquic soil, and the fertilizer contribution was respectively 88.74% in the red soil and 89.22% in the Drab Fluvo-aquic soil. Balanced inorganic fertilization treatment’s (NPK) yield was obvious difference in two types of soil. The NPK treatment’s yield was higher than other inorganic fertilization treatment, while the NPK treatment’s yeild was lower than the PK treatment. However, the NK treatment caused wheat yield loss, which reduced 15.86% in the Drab Fluvo-aquic soil and no yields in the red soil.


