

Rizhao Coastal Area of Shallow Groundwater Control Research

【作者】 毕永传

【导师】 王开章;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 水文与水资源工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 地下水是水资源的重要组成部分,是生命赖以生存的宝贵资源之一,也是复杂的生态环境系统中的一个敏感组成因子,其变化往往会影响生态环境系统的天然平衡状态。地下水的过量开采会引发一系列的地质环境问题,对人们的生活造成不同程度的影响。如何进行地下水资源合理开发利用的科学管理,直接关系到人与自然和谐发展的问题。地下水资源合理开发利用科学管理主要有行政、经济与技术措施。行政措施是通过制定有关的系列法律法规与管理条列限制地下水开采经济措施是通过征收与加收水资源费控制地下水开采与不合理利用技术措施是通过区域地下水资源调查与评价,制定地下水优化开采方案实现地下水资源的优化开采。本论文就是技术措施的角度研究地卜水资源的优化开采方案,通过研究区域地下水流的模拟,比较分析各个地下水开采方案,以保护地质环境为出发点拟定研究区域地下水优化开采方案。本文基于技术提出对地下水开采方案进行优化的步骤和方法,主要内容包括了地下水开采优化模型与地下水开采优化方案的研究。采用构建了研究区域多层地下水水流的模拟模型,包括水文地质层的三维概念模型与数值模拟的数学模型,奠定研究区域地下水开采方案优化分析的基础。利用软件中的模块建立了研究区的水文地质层三维立体模型,从而为方便准确全面地概化研究区水文地质条件提供良好的平台确立水文地质概念模型后,建立了研究区的数学模型并通过校正法对模型进行了识别,而后选取了若干验证时段的水位实测数据对模型进行了验证,从而验证所建立的水文地质概念模型和数学模型合理性。通过验证后的地下水流模拟模型演算拟定的地下水开采方案,从而对目前开采方案下地下水流场的变化趋势进行预测根据模型演算出的水位变化情况及的变化趋势,对地下水开采方案的科学合理性进行了分析评价并得出研究区域地下水开采的优化方案,从而为研究区地下水的合理开发利用提供参考。

【Abstract】 Groundwater is an important part of water resources is a valuable resource for life on one, it is a complex ecological system composed of a sensitive factor, the change will often affect the natural ecological environment of the system equilibrium. Excessive exploitation of groundwater will lead to a series of geological environment, on people’s lives in different degrees. How rational exploitation of groundwater resources and scientific management, is directly related to the harmonious development between man and nature issues.Rational development and utilization of groundwater resources, scientific management, mainly administrative, economic and technical measures. Administrative measures by formulating a series of laws and regulations and management of groundwater exploitation shall limit the economic measures listed are subject to water resources through fee collection and control groundwater exploitation and irrational use of technical measures by regional groundwater resources investigation and assessment, development of optimal exploitation of groundwater program to achieve optimal exploitation of groundwater resources. This paper is the perspective and technical measures to optimize water resources exploitation Bu program, through the groundwater flow simulation, comparative analysis of the various underground mining program to protect the geological environment as the starting point of optimal exploitation of ground water work on the study program.This article is based on groundwater mining technology proposed to optimize the program procedures and methods, mainly including the exploitation of groundwater optimization model and optimization program of groundwater exploitation. First, the study area by building a multi-simulation model of groundwater flow, including three-dimensional conceptual hydrogeologic layer model and numerical simulation of mathematical models, to lay the groundwater exploitation Optimization basis of the analysis. Firstly, the software module to establish a study area of three-dimensional model of the hydrogeological layer so as to facilitate the accurate and comprehensive generalization of the local hydrogeological conditions provide a good platform to establish the hydrogeological conceptual model, the established mathematical model of the study area through the correction method, the model is identified, then select a number of time the water level in the measured data verify the model was verified to validate the establishment of the hydrogeological conceptual model and mathematical model of rationality.Validated simulation model of groundwater flow calculation program developed groundwater exploitation to different mining groundwater flow field under the program to predict the trend of water level in the model calculations the changes and the trend of flow of groundwater exploitation in all programs Science and rationality was analyzed and evaluated and reached the groundwater exploitation optimization program, so as to study the rational development and utilization of groundwater for reference.

【关键词】 地下水调控GMS数值模拟
【Key words】 Shallow GroundwaterGMSControlNumerical simulation

