

Effects on Co-aplicatoin of N K Organic Fertilizer on Growth of Cucumber and Soil Environment in Overwinter Cultivating

【作者】 文俊玲

【导师】 于喜艳;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 蔬菜学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文针对当前设施黄瓜(Cucumis sativus L. )生产中不合理施肥导致的诸多现实问题,选用了生产中栽培难度大、经济效益高的日光温室越冬茬嫁接黄瓜为研究对象,根据黄瓜的营养吸收规律和平衡施肥原理,结合试验点土壤现状,以施入土壤的N、K总量为主因子,按N/K2O固定比例设低(总N 612 Kg/hm2/总K2O 523 Kg/hm2)、中(总N 962 Kg/hm2/总K2O 820Kg/hm2)、高(总N 1310 Kg/hm2/总K2O1118 Kg/hm2)三个水平;以有机肥为副因子,按有机肥施用比例(按有机肥供应氮量占施入土壤总氮量的比值计算)设1/2和1/3两个比例水平;以当前氮、钾和有机肥经验施肥量为对照,从日光温室嫁接黄瓜的生长发育、生理、产量、品质及土壤环境五个方面,研究了不同氮钾、有机肥组合的施用效果。分析了经验施肥存在的问题,并对适合日光温室越冬茬嫁接黄瓜可持续生产的氮、钾及有机肥施用量进行了探讨。主要研究结果如下:⒈在本试验条件下,氮、钾和有机肥配施可显著提高嫁接黄瓜的生长量;随着氮、钾施肥水平的提高,嫁接黄瓜的株高显著增加;茎粗有所增加,但不显著;叶片数、最佳功能叶平均叶面积、果实生长速度先升高后降低。相同氮、钾施肥水平下,有机肥施用比例从1/3提高到1/2,叶片数量显著增加,株高、茎粗、最佳功能叶平均叶面积,果实生长速度增加不显著。中等氮、钾施肥水平和高比例有机肥处理的叶片数最多,最佳功能叶平均叶面积最大,果实生长速度最快。⒉叶片叶绿素含量随着氮、钾施肥水平的增加而增加,但叶绿素a/b值没有明显影响。中等氮、钾和1/2比例有机肥处理的叶片光合速率最高, Mg2+一ATPase酶和Caz+一ATPase酶活性最高。⒊在本试验条下,施入土壤总氮量在612 Kg/hm2—962 Kg/hm2、总钾量在523 Kg/hm2—820 Kg/hm2范围内,氮、钾和有机肥配比施用可显著提高嫁接黄瓜总产量。施入土壤总N 962 Kg/hm2(有机肥供应氮量占施氮肥总量的1/2 )、总K2O 820Kg/hm2试验条件下,最高产量达168750kg/hm2。在相同氮钾肥施用水平下,有机肥施用比例从1/3提高到1/2,可显著提高黄瓜总产量。在低中高三个N/K施肥水平下,有机肥施用比例从1/3提高到1/2,总产量分别增加了23.2%、22.8%、18.8%。⒋在本试验施肥范围内,黄瓜果实外观及风味品质,果实干物质、可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白、维生素C含量随着氮、钾施肥量的提高,先升高后降低,畸形瓜率先降低后升高,硝酸盐含量呈直线迅速上升。相同氮、钾营养水平下,有机肥施用比例从1/3提高到1/2,可降显著低果实畸形果率和硝酸盐含量。⒌氮、钾和有机肥配施可导致黄瓜根际土壤pH降低,电导率增加,土壤硝酸盐累积,盐分含量增加,呼吸强度增强,土壤转化酶、脲酶活性增大。相同氮、钾营养水平下,增加有机肥施用比例,降低化学肥料用量能显著减缓土壤PH、电导率、土壤硝酸盐的变化,增加呼吸强度,增强土壤转化酶活性。⒍经验施肥在总产量、果实外观品质及风味品质、果实中干物质含量、可溶性糖含量、可溶性蛋白含量及VC含量、土壤理化性状方面,综合表现均显著低于中等氮、钾肥施肥水平(氮962 Kg/hm2,钾820 Kg/hm2)。综合考虑产量、品质、生态等因素,在与试验点相似土壤上进行日光温室越冬茬嫁接黄瓜栽培,在施用22.5t/hm2干鸡粪基础上配施481Kg/hm2氮、356 Kg/hm2磷、476 Kg/hm2钾可获得较好栽培效果。

【Abstract】 In this paper the grafted cucumber of winter crop in greenhouse is the object of study,which is difficulty in culture but high economic benefits,according to those problems that were caused by unreasonble fertilization in the current production.According to the nutrition absorption of cucumber and balanced fertilization theory ,combining the experimental points, soil condition.The N、K of applied to soil are the main factors,according to the ratio of N/K2O,three levels are designed :low(N 612 Kg/hm2,K2O 523 Kg/hm2,medium(N 962 Kg/hm2,K2O 820Kg/hm2)and high(N 1310 Kg/hm2,K2O1118 Kg/hm2). The applied of the proportion of organic fertilizer(which is calculated by the percentage of Nitron applied by organic fertilizer in the total Nitron ) was the subsidiary factor ,two different level were designed:1/2 and 1/3.The control is designed by the common content of N,K and fertilizer,in order to study the effect of different combination of N,K and organic fertilizer,the development of cucumber ,physiology ,yield,quality and rhizophere soil were the goal index. We analied the existing problem caused by experienced application fertilizer ,and discussed the appropriate use of N,K and Organic fertilizer which is the adequate in the winter grafted cucumber in greenhouse .The main results as follows:1 In this research , the combine of N ,K and organic fertilizer can obvisouly improve the yield of grafted cucumber;With the N and K fertilizer rate was increased, plant height of grafted cucumber were significant increase;the diameter of stem had a tendy of increasing but not significant as the plant height; Number of leaves, average leaf areas of the best factionalleaf and fruit growth rate first increased and then decreased.In condition of the same application of N,K,the Organic fertilizer increased from 1 / 3 up to 1 / 2, the number of leaves, plant height, stem diameter, the average area of the best functional leaves, show the significant increase; fruit growth rate increase was not significant.In the treatment of the medium level of N,K combined with high ratio of organic fertilizer,the cucumbers can get the most leaves ,the biggest average areas of the best functional leaves and the fast developing volity of fruit .2 As nitrogen and potassium fertilizer levels increased, the content of chlorophyll were increased but the chlorophyll a / b does not significantly affect. The treatment of medium nitrogen, potassium and 1 / 2 ratio of organic fertilizeri,leaf photosynthetic rate was the highest, activity of Mg2+ ATPase activity and Caz- ATPase can get a maximum .3 In this paper,the total nitrogen content in soil from 612 Kg/hm2 to 962 Kg/hm2, the total volume from 523 Kg/hm2 to 820 Kg/hm2 K range, nitrogen, potassium and organic fertilizer application significantly increased production of grafted cucumber. N and K at the same level, organic fertilizer increased from 1 / 3 up to 1 / 2, can significantly increase the cucumber production.4 In this experiment with the increasing of fertilization ,the flavor quality of cucumber fruit, fruit dry matter, soluble sugar, soluble protein, vitamin C content firstly increased , and then decreased, deformed fruit first decreased and then increased , a rapid increase in nitrate content was linear. The same nitrogen and potassium levels, organic fertilizer increased from 1 / 3 up to 1 / 2, can significantly reduced rates of low fruit and nitrate content of fruit deformity.5 Nitrogen, potassium and organic manure can lead to reduce cucumber rhizosphere soil pH, increase conductivity, soil nitrate accumulation, increased salt content, respiration intensity, soil invertase, urease activity increased. The same nitrogen and potassium levels and increasing the proportion of organic fertilizer and reducing the amount of chemical fertilizers can significantly reduce soil PH, conductivity, changes in soil nitrate, increased respiration, increased invertase activity in soil.6 Fertilization by experiencing shows that the production, fruit quality, appearance quality and flavor, fruit dry matter content, soluble sugar content, soluble protein content and VC content, soil physical and chemical properties, the overall performance were significantly lower than the medium of nitrogen and potassium fertilization levels (N 962 Kg/hm2, K 820 Kg/hm2). Considering yield, quality, ecological and other factors, similar to the soil in the experimental data on solar greenhouse grafted winter crop cultivation in the dry chicken manure application 22.5t/hm2 481Kg/hm2 based on the combined application of nitrogen, 356 Kg/hm2 P 476 Kg/hm2 cultivation potassium can obtain good results.


