

【作者】 张昊

【导师】 康林;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 从1979年发表处女作《且听风吟》算起,村上春树的创作生涯已满三十年;从1989年漓江出版社首发《挪威的森林》算起,村上春树进入我国读者视野亦满二十年。三十年、二十年,在文学作品、尤其是经典文学作品构建起来的历史概念里,算不上什么了不起的数字。然而,正是在这不算长的时期内,村上文学的影响力在全世界范围内以惊人的速度扩张,并形成了所谓的“村上现象”(或称“村上热”),与日本一衣带水的我国自然也成为了这股热潮的重点辐射区域。二十年来,我国的村上春树译介与研究伴随着社会、经济等多重因素呈现出鲜明的时代特点。鉴于目前国内同类课题的稀缺,本文拟对80年代至今国内所有村上春树相关的翻译及研究成果作出系统的归纳和整理,尝试通过这一基础性工作窥探村上文学在我国经历的由俗至雅、由小资读物到经典文学的蜕变之路。本论文共由五部分构成。序论部分提出问题,并介绍国内外同类课题研究概况以及本文的研究思路;第一章村上译介部分,将主要以“副文本”这一概念为考察起点,结合文学文化语境、出版政策、信息社会特征等因素,详述村上春树作品在我国80年代、90年代及2000年后三个时期的译介情况;第二章村上研究部分,在整合现有研究成果的基础上,选取目前国内村上研究最热门的几个领域,分析其研究现状和存在问题,并进一步归纳和补充一些被忽视、被“边缘化”的村上研究成果,有关译者林少华的个人研究成果也将单列一节进行论述;第三章将把近年来颇受媒体关注的村上中译本论争问题,作为译介和研究的一个交叉点单独论述,这也是本文的主要创新点所在,即从译者、译本层面考察译介这一过程与“村上热”之间的辩证关系。结语部分是对全文脉络的整理、回顾和总结,同时也对未来数个二十年或三十年内村上文学寄予期许。

【Abstract】 It has been 30 years since Haruki Murakami published his maiden work Hear The Wind Sing in 1979 as an author ; It has been 20 years since the Chinese readers became familiar with Haruki Murakami’s works since 1989 when Norwegian Wood first published by Lijiang Press. In the historical conception of literary works especially classic literary works, popularity of 30 years or 20 years is not very impressive. However, it is exactly in these two or three decades that Murakami’s influence has expanded widely at a surprising rate and formed the so-called“Murakami Phenomenon”(or“Murakami fever”). As a neighborhood of Japan, China is naturally influenced by“Murakami fever”.In two decades, there are obvious characteristics of the times in the translation and introduction and reception studies of Murakami influenced by multiple elements such as society and economy. Considering the scarcity of the same research subjects in China currently, this thesis is trying to make systematic analyses of all of the translation and researching findings of Murakami’s from 1980s till now, through which to look at how is Haruki Murakami’s works treated from being popular tasted to be oriented as classics.This thesis consists of five parts. Questions about Haruki Murakami are raised in the introduction which also tells us the research progress of domestic and foreign similar subjects and study methods. Chapter1 is about Haruki Murakami’s translation and introduction. Starting from the concept of paratext and combining the elements of cultural context, publishing policy, information society and so on, this chapter depicts the translation and introduction in three periods that is from 1980s、1990s to 2000s.Chapter 2 is the reception studies of Haruki Murakami. The most popular key words of the reception studies of Haruki Murakami are refined on the integration of the existing study achievements. The neglected and marginalized reception studies of Haruki Murakami are further summarized and supplemented. Besides, this chapter also summarizes the research findings of Lin Shaohua that is the most famous translator of the works of Haruki Murakami. Chapter 3 depicted separately the debating of the Chinese version of Haruki Murakami which has got a lot of media attention in recent years. Dialectical relations between the debating and“Haruki Murakami fever”are inspected from the levels of translator and translation, which can be seen as the innovation part of the thesis. The conclusion argues that all factors influencing the translation and introduction and reception studies of Murakami are interactive, and they can not be departed absolutely.

  • 【分类号】I313
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1157

