

A Feminist Perspective of Three Heroines in F.Scott Fitzgerald’s Three Novels

【作者】 刘越

【导师】 吴刚;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 英语语言文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 菲茨杰拉德(1896—1940)是美国20世纪20年代,即爵士乐时代著名的小说家。他的代表作《了不起的盖茨比》发表于1925年,深刻地展示了那个时代人们的精神风貌与思想状态。在这部小说中,他通过叙述者尼克,不仅成功刻画了一些20世纪20年代美国社会中典型的男性人物,如美国梦破灭的青年盖茨比:粗暴蛮横、金钱至上的汤姆布坎南等等:也成功地刻画了那个时代美国社会中典型的女性形象,如黛西、乔丹、莱特尔等女性人物。1934年出版的《夜色温柔》以一个年轻美国医生的爱情悲剧和理想幻灭,揭露了美国社会中上流阶级的自私、虚伪和道德堕落,是当时美国社会文化的一个缩影。作者通过对妮可、罗斯玛丽、迪克等人物的形象刻画,暴露了上流社会的生活腐化和金钱的腐蚀作用。评论界对这部作品褒贬不一,目前从女性主义视角对其进行解读的评论文章尚少。1939年,菲茨杰拉德开始写作新作《最后一个大亨》,一本关于好莱坞的小说。这部小说最终没有完稿。用菲茨杰拉德自己的话说,在这部小说里,他在“逃向一个奢华浪漫,一去不复返的过去”。1940年,菲茨杰拉德死于第二次心脏病突发。在他去世后,评论家和读者都已经渐渐的意识到,他的作品和他的一生不仅是整个“二十年代”戏剧性的再现,更是美国文化本身的再现。正是以他的种种弱点,以他的想象力和那缺乏“理智控制”(威尔逊语)的浪漫主义气质,菲茨杰拉德为读者展现了一幅美国二十年代上流社会的“清明上河图”。到了1945年爱德蒙得威尔逊编辑出版了《崩溃者》并附上严肃的评论文章后,整个批评界开始重新关注起菲茨杰拉德和他的作品来。《了不起的盖茨比》的研究和评论文章在近二十年中如雨后春笋般冒了出来,对《夜色温柔》和《最后一个大亨》的关注也在逐渐增多。这三部作品,尤其是《了不起的盖茨比》已经成为了任何一个文选家在为美国二十世纪的文学作品选集时都不可不提的重要作品。但是这次“再发现”的过程还远没有完成,评论界普遍将这几部作品看作是关于二十年代美国社会现实的小说。对于其“美国梦的幻灭”这一主题探讨甚多,从浪漫的理想及理想的破灭等方面对作品进行分析,其次是评论小说的写作技巧。到目前为止,少有作家或评论家从女性主义视角对这三部作品进行解读。在《了不起的盖茨比》中菲茨杰拉德创造的“金钱罗曼史”确立了他在美国文学史上的不朽功勋。尽管如此,人们可以很明显地感受到小说中的女性人物都是依附于男性而存在,对女性都是负面的刻画,对黛西的刻画更是如此。正如菲茨杰拉德自己指出的一样,小说中的女性都是被动的,这是“一部男人的书”。《夜色温柔》和《最后的大亨》也都有这样的特征。随着现代女性主义文学批评理论的发展,我们有必要从全新的角度对作品进行重新解读。本文尝试以女性主义为视角,用文本细读的方式重新解读《了不起的盖茨比》,《夜色温柔》和《最后的大亨》三部经典作品,以期对这三部作品作品中的女性角色有一个全面的解读和全新的认识,并为菲氏作品的研究打开一个新的视野。论文包括引言,正文的四个章节及结论部分。引言部分简要介绍作者和他的作品以及他在美国文学史上的地位和贡献,并简要阐述了写作这篇论文的目的及意义,并列举了文学界对三部小说的主要评价,为本文的分析提供了一个广阔的背景。第一章主要介绍了女性主义文学批评理论,并阐述了该理论用于对三部小说进行文本分析的可行性。第二章到第四章节运用女性主义文学批评方法对三部作品分别进行文本分析,是本文的中心章节。如第二章中,论文揭示了叙述者尼克在对女性人物尤其是对黛西的描述中潜存的男权意识及厌女症:对黛西的重新解读对尼克的男权叙述话语进行了破解。并由此得出结论,在尼克的男权意识视角支配下,批评家及读者对文本中女性人物的负面解读是有失偏颇的,黛西是盖茨比“美国梦”的受害者而非加害者:而文本对女性人物的负面刻画在一定程度上体现出作者的女性价值观和当时美国社会对女性的态度。论文揭示了三部小说中叙述者在对女性人物的叙述中潜存的男权意识及厌女症:其次,并对这些叙述话语进行破解而重新解读女性角色。以现代女性主义的视角来看,这些女性是“美国梦”的受害者而非加害者,是“新女性”而非“妖妇”:她们认识到自身作为与男性平等的“人”的价值,并以一定的努力,挣脱传统的束缚,去实现与证明这一价值,这对新时代的中外女性都是非常重要的启示。

【Abstract】 F.Scott Fitzgerald is one of the greatest novelists in contemporary American literature. The Great Gatsby, his greatest novel published in 1925, painted a vivid picture of American society after World War I, provided a panoramic vision of the American dream, and was regarded as his most famous and deliberate novel by the critics. Its publication symbolizes his becoming an outstanding writer in American literary history.The Great Gatsby took a love tragedy as the major plot, carried on clear judgment, and made public the American contemporary society. The story occurred in a society of conspicuous wealth. During that period, the sole target of living was to pursue wealth and to seek pleasure. The novel, by depicting such women as Daisy, Jordan, Myrtle and others in such society, reveals vividly negative characterizations of women. In particular, Daisy seems poorly realized as a character. As Fitzgerald himself said, the women are "emotionally passive" and the novel is "a man’s book". Over the past few decades, a strong growth of feminist criticism wept over the world of words, it is necessary and meaningful to reread the text from a new perspective.This thesis offers a rereading of the three books, The Great Gatsby, Tender is the Night and The Last Tycoon, by means of close reading of the text and the application of a new literary approach to the textual analysis. It attempts to research it from a feminist perspective to throw a new light on the study of the text.This thesis consists of the introduction, four chapters and the conclusion. The first part is a brief introduction of the author, his works and his contribution to American literature. It illustrates the aims and significance of writing the paper. It also concludes a summary of the previous critical reviews on the three novels and the historical context which Fitzgerald and the heroines lived in. It traces the interpretive history of the women characters from various perspectives in the hope that it can equip our present feminist reading of the text with a rich and broad critical background.Chapter one discusses briefly the feminist literary criticism, the male sexism or patriarchal ideology in the texts. It focuses on approaching the women from the theory.Being the focus of the paper, Chapter two to four are textual analysis from the perspective of feminist approach to illustrating the images, especially the negative images of the three women presented in each novel and depicted by the critics. They also deal respectively with the causes of the production of the negative portrayal of the images from a feminist perspective. The above analyses lead to the conclusion of the study. Women are not innately immoral, the immoral images of whom are partly products of the society and of men, thus deserving sympathy. On the other hand, their negative images, to some extent, reveal their desires of self-realization and of gaining equality with men.

  • 【分类号】I712.074
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1560

