

Development Hurdles and Solutions Exploration of Chinese Hotel Group

【作者】 沈盈盈

【导师】 苏宗伟;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 企业管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 酒店集团是在酒店业高度发展基础上形成的一种由众多酒店组织共同构建,通过资本融合和经营协作关系等方式组成的经济联合体。集团化经营已成为90年代世界酒店业经营中日益增强的一种主导现象。一批世界著名的酒店集团经历了半个多世纪的发展历史,在外部市场扩张和内部经营模式方面均已步入成熟阶段,正快速向亚太地区,尤其是中国进行大规模扩张。改革开放20多年来,中国的旅游酒店业迅速发展,已经具备了相当规模。但近年来旅游涉外酒店业全行业亏损,中国酒店集团普遍缺乏竞争力等问题日益突出。加入WTO之后,丧失了行政行业壁垒保护的中国民族酒店业将面临更严峻的挑战。本文通过对国际酒店集团与中国酒店集团的发展历程、经营现状及特点进行分析比较,以及中外酒店集团在高星级与经济型酒店两大不同业态上各自的优劣势分析,希望为中国酒店集团的成长提供一些战略构想,旨在为中国酒店集团早日发展成为形成具有国际竞争力的跨国酒店集团作出微薄的贡献。

【Abstract】 Hotel group is a sort of economic conglomerate that is formed by a number of hotels through capital combination and business cooperation on the basis of a highly developed hotel industry. The consolidation of enterprises has become an increasing trend of the hotel industry worldwide in 1990s. After half a century’s historical development, a large number of international hotel groups have entered a golden era of mature development in terms of market expansion and modes of operation. These well-developed giants are expanding in the Asia-Pacific region rapidly, especially in China. Since China adopted the reform and opening policy more than 20 years ago, China’s hotel industry has rapidly developed into a significant size. In recent years, the problems in the industry, such as the minus profit rate in the entire industry and the lack of competitiveness of most state-owned hotels, are becoming increasingly severe. China’s entry of World Trade Organization will also seriously challenge the state-owned hotels, which will no longer be protected by the government.This thesis, by analyzing and comparing the historical development, status and characteristics of the international hotel group with those of the Chinese properties and their influence in high-rated and economic hotel chains, and accordingly, provides some suggestions as the proposed strategies to the development of China’s hotel groups into multi-national ones with competition capability on a global basis based on the operational characteristics of the world- famous hotel groups given their advanced expertise.

  • 【分类号】F719
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1706

