

On the Affinity of Form and Spirit in Jiang Feng’s Translating Poetry

【作者】 朱姗姗

【导师】 罗平;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 英语语言文学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 本文主要在英诗中译方面探讨江枫的译诗艺术。文章从诗歌翻译中最受关注的“形似”与“神似”角度出发,回顾古今中外译者对于“形”“神”之辩证关系的看法,引出本文研究对象江枫的译诗理论:“译诗,必须形神皆似。”他反对“但求神似,不求形似”的翻译观点,提出“译诗,形似而后神似”。文中总结了江枫关于诗歌可译性、翻译目标以及具体翻译方法的理论,并且结合其主要翻译作品,深入剖析如何通过“形似”完成“神似”,最后达到“形神皆似”的目的。文章还以中国译坛有名的“江许之争”为例,对比分析江枫与另一诗歌翻译大家许渊冲不同的译诗理论。以上探讨与比较为江枫在诗歌翻译方面发展独具一格的译诗理论作了肯定的回答。本文试图通过总结江枫诗歌翻译的成功经验,为我国翻译事业的多元化发展添砖加瓦。

【Abstract】 This thesis is a study of Jiang Feng’s poetry translating art. It starts from the hotissue discussed in translating poetry, reviews various points of view about "form" and"spirit", "form correspondence" and "spirit correspondence", and introduces JiangFeng with his unique translation theory: "the affinity of form and spirit can beachieved through sticking to ’form correspondence’". The author makes acomprehensive research into translatability, translation aim and approach to translatingpoetry. By analyzing Jiang Feng’s translation works, the author tries to disclose how heachieves the affinity of form and spirit through sticking to "form correspondence".Besides, the well-known debate between Jiang Feng and Xu Yuanchong is taken asanother way to study Jiang Feng’s translation theory. Thus, by extracting the essenceof Jiang Feng’s successful experience, the author hopes to provide a little more roomfor the diversity of our translation cause.

【关键词】 江枫形似神似
【Key words】 Jiang Fengformspiritform correspondencespirit correspondence
  • 【分类号】H315.9
  • 【下载频次】208

