

Past and Present in A. S. Byatt’s Possesssion: A Romance

【作者】 杨铃燕

【导师】 张群;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 英语语言文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 英国小说家A. S.拜厄特以擅长写新维多利亚小说著称,在代表作《占有:一部浪漫史》中其不凡才华更是发挥得淋漓尽致、臻于完美。拜厄特在小说中构建了维多利亚时期和现代社会(以英美文学圈为主)两层时空,通过多种文体声情并茂地展现了不同时代的人物不同的生活、精神风貌,在寻回过去的同时对现实进行深刻反思。小说在过去与现在之间转换穿梭,因此研究两者之间的关系不失为一个值得探讨的切入点。本论文拟在国内外现有研究成果的基础上,采用文本解读的方法,分别从现在是沉沦的过去、现在是过去的继承以及过去在现代语境中延伸发展等三方面分析两者之间的微妙关系,从而观察作者如何独具匠心,通过过去与现在的交错并置实现其试图将两者联系起来的初衷。其中,现在是沉沦的过去主要从学术态度和内心自我两个角度阐述现代社会与维多利亚时期社会相比显得黯然失色、道德沦丧;现在是过去的继承主要论证现代学者罗兰和毛德是艾什和拉莫特的继承者,他们身上体现出两位维多利亚诗人独有的气质与禀性,是作者让过去在现代语境中得以延伸的精心安排;最后一部分则把作品中围绕罗兰和毛德之间爱情展开的现代校园小说解读为对维多利亚时期浪漫小说的继续,换言之,后者在前者的语境中复活并重获迟来的圆满结局。

【Abstract】 The British writer A. S. Byatt, whose uncommon talents have been played to the fullest in her work Possession: A Romance, is noted for her writing of neo-Victorian fiction. Byatt has constructed two dimensions of space and time in the novel, the Victorian past and the modern society (mostly the British and American literature circle), in which people’s different ways of life and spiritual outlook in different ages are vividly displayedthrough texts in various styles. Meanwhile, the novel meditates seriously on modern reality while attempting to restore the unknown past.Since the novel shifts and shuttles between past and present, the relation between the two offers a point that is worth exploring. This thesis, with reference to available criticismsboth at home and abroad, intends to analyze the subtle past-and-present relation from three perspectives through a careful reading of the text: the present is the fallen past, the present is the inherited past, and the present continues to persist in the modern context. In this process, the author’s originality in juxtaposing the past and present to realize her primary intention of linking the two together could be clearly observed.The present is the fallen past is elaborated in terms of scholarship and inner-self. The modern society, which is morally depraved in these two aspects, pales before the Victorian past. The present is the inherited past mainly demonstrates that the two modern scholars Roland and Maud, in whom unique poetic temperament could be discerned, are heirs to their Victorian predecessors Ash and LaMotte respectively. These two sets of corresponding characters, carefully invented by the author, make it predictable that the present would resume its Victorian plot and the past would persist in the modern context. The last part tries to interpret the modern campus novel in the work as continuance of the Victorian romance; in other words, the latter resuscitates and regains its delayed happy ending in the former’s discourse.

【关键词】 过去现在关系
【Key words】 pastpresentrelation
  • 【分类号】I561
  • 【下载频次】173

