

The Simulation Research on Non-point Source Pollution in HuangShui River Based on SWAT Model

【作者】 孟翠翠

【导师】 宋轩;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 环境工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着点源污染得到控制,非点源污染已经成为水体污染的主要原因。南水北调中线工程是解决我国北方地区严重缺水的关键工程,其水源地水环境保护则直接影响甚至决定着水质和工程的效益,丹江口水库作为南水北调中线工程的水源地,其水环境保护在南水北调中线工程中具有重要作用。因此开展丹江口水库流域非点源污染的模拟,了解丹江口水库流域的非点源污染分布,可以为丹江口水库的建设以及管理提供理论指导。在国家支撑计划重点项目“沿湖地区农业面源污染防控与综合治理技术研究”——课题:沿丹江口南水北调水源库区农业生态恢复技术研究与示范项目的资助下,利用RS和GIS技术,通过对ArcSWAT模型主要参数的提取,对丹江口水库水源地黄水河小流域的非点源污染进行了模拟研究,主要结论如下:通过数字化1:5万地形图,建立黄水河流域数字高程模型。根据2007年6月18日美国QuickBird卫星遥感影像,在ArcGIS中目视解译得到研究区的土地利用数据,即灌木林地、旱地、居民点、疏林地、交通用地、水体、有林地、草地、水田和未利用及难利用地。通过野外采样,测定了土壤的化学属性、机械组成和土壤容重,使用SPAW软件计算得到有效水容量和饱和传导系数,水文单元组、地表反射率、土壤侵蚀因子由已知数据通过公式计算获得,阴离子交换孔隙度、土壤最大可压缩量、电导率则使用SWAT模型的默认值。气象数据主要包括流域日降水量、最高气温、最低气温、风速和相对湿度采用实际观测值,其他气象数据则通过SWAT提供的模型计算。研究以2010年为预测基期,对2010至2030年黄水河流域的产流、产沙以及污染负荷情况进行了模拟预测。模拟结果包括:降雨、径流的多年月平均值;按年输出的N、P污染负荷模拟;按月输出的模N、P污染负荷模拟。模拟结果表明,地表径流硝态氮、侧渗硝态氮、下渗硝态氮、作物吸收硝态氮的变化受产水量相关,受降水径流影响较大;有机氮、可溶性磷和有机磷的变化则受施肥时间的影响。

【Abstract】 In recent years, as the point source pollution has been controlled, non-point source pollution has become the main cause of water pollution. North Water Transfer Project is a serious water shortage in northern China’s key projects, the water source or water environmental protection will directly affect water quality and determine the effectiveness of the project, as the North Water Transfer Project Danjiangkou reservoir water to the water environment protection and water pollution in the North Water Transfer Project has an important role. Carried out on Danjiangkou reservoir simulation of non-point source pollution, soil erosion Danjiangkou understanding of the situation, as the Danjiangkou reservoir construction and management have important practical significance.Support programs at the national key project "lake district agricultural nonpoint source pollution prevention and integrated control technology"-Topic:South Water Reservoir along the Danjiangkou Ecological Rehabilitation Research and Demonstration (ID:2007BAD87B09) (2008.01-2010.12) under the auspices of remote sensing and GIS technology in support of the use of ArcSWAT model through the model parameter extraction, on the Yellow River water source Danjiangkou Reservoir watershed non-point source pollution were simulated, the main conclusions are as follows:DEM simulation of the establishment of 1:5 million through digital topographic maps, the establishment of Yellow River Basin and the ground resolution of 10 meters of the TIN DEM.Land use data from the June 18,2007 QuickBird Satellite Image in the United States in the visual interpretation by ArcGIS.Land use study area is divided into 10 categories, which is not hard to use and use of land, shrub land, dry land, settlements, forest land, transportation land, water, forest, grassland and paddy field.SWAT soil data used in the model are more divided into soil physical properties and chemical properties of two kinds.Through field sampling in this study, the actual measured soil chemical properties and mechanical composition,soil bulk density, available water capacity and saturated conductivity calculated using the SPAW software to, hydrological unit group, surface reflectivity, soil erosion factor from the known data by formula that anion exchange porosity and compressibility of the soil maximum amount of conductivity the absence of measured data, using the SWAT model default values.SWAT model requires meteorological data include watershed, precipitation, maximum temperature, minimum temperature, solar radiation, wind speed and relative humidity, meteorological data, the calculation of dew point by SWAT model input data pre-processing module and rainfall data pre-processing module statistical computing.In this study, based on 2010 forecasts, and from 2010 to 2030 Yellow River basin runoff, sediment and pollution loads were simulated and predicted. Main results include:rainfall, runoff for many years on average; the annual output of N, P pollution load; monthly output of the model N, P pollution load. The results indicate that nitrate runoff, lateral seepage nitrate, leached nitrate, changes in crop N uptake by the water production related to rainfall runoff received a greater impact; organic nitrogen, dissolved phosphorus and organic phosphorus Change the time of fertilization is received.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 06期

