

Judicial Activism And/or Judicial Restraint ——A Research on Lochner V. New York

【作者】 郭春阳

【导师】 周伟文;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 法律史, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 “洛克纳案”发生在20世纪初的美国纽约州。在这个案例中,联邦最高法院运用司法审查权通过解释联邦“宪法第十四修正案”,判定了纽约州限制面包工人最高工作时间的法律违宪无效。由此,美国司法史进入了著名的“洛克纳时代”。直到1937年以后,最高法院才通过判例放弃了“洛克纳案”所表现出的立场。在“洛克纳案”的判决中及“洛克纳时代”里,最高法院内部产生就是否应当坚持“洛克纳案”的立场表现出了分歧。这种分歧在后来被学者们用“司法能动”和“司法克制”来加以形容和评价。到20世纪五十年代,关于“司法能动”和“司法克制”的争论日盛,人们围绕着最高法院的司法审查权展开激辩,做出评论。在这些辩论中,司法权的功能和最高法院及其大法官的司法哲学展现在人们的视野中。文章的主要内容如下:第一章介绍了“洛克纳案”的基本背景和判决情况。这一章对“洛克纳案”的判决理由作出了适当的分析,同时分析了该案判决在最高法院内所产生的分歧和异议,由此引伸出司法审查问题。第二章介绍了最高法院放弃“洛克纳案”立场的历史过程。这一章描述及分析了罗斯福“填塞法院计划”及最高法院发生转变的若干重要历史事件,围绕“宪法革命”及最高法院的态度分析了大法官们在司法审查过程中司法哲学立场变化的过程和特点。第三章从“司法能动”和“司法克制”概念的溯源性分析着手,分析比较了二者的特点和不同的优势。从二者的比较中,文章进一步讨论了“司法能动”与“司法克制”的理论支持,深入分析了“洛克纳时代”及此后最高法院在司法审查问题上遇到困境和难题。第四章主要分析了司法权的功能和限制。这一章结合司法权的定位阐述了司法权的功能。同时,具体分析了影响司法权运行的内部和外部因素。从而呈现司法权运行的实际状态。

【Abstract】 Lochner v. New York is a famous case in the early days of 20th Century in the United States. In the case, the Federal Supreme Court of United States rejected an Act in New York that regulated the maxim working time for baker shop workers, based on her interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitute of the United States. Therefore, the judicial history of America enters into the Era of Lochner. Till the Constitute Revolution in 1937, the Supreme Court gave up her reasoning and philosophy in Lochner.However, from the day that the Supreme Court ruled in Lochner and even in the days of the Era of Lochner, she appeared a division on the Necessary to insist the attitudes and holding in Lochner. From a point of view, the division can be described as Judicial Activism and Judicial Restraint. 1950s saw a hot debate and criticism on Judicial Activism and Judicial Restraint. The focus was on the power of Judicial Review of the Supreme Court.Chapter I introduces the contexts of Lochner v. New York and summarizes the holding. It analyzes the reasoning, the objections and the divisions among the Justices in the Federal Supreme Court. In the end, it studies the issue of Judicial Review.Chapter II describes the course that the Federal Supreme Court of United States gave up her reasoning and philosophy in Lochner v. New York. It analyzes the Court-Packing Program supported by the US President Franklin Roosevelt and the important matters revealed the changing of the Federal Supreme Court. Based on the Constitution Revolution and the attitude of the Federal Supreme Court, it studies the issue how and in which manner the Justices changed their judicial philosophies in Judicial Review.Chapter III traces the origins of the notions Judicial Activism and Judicial Restraint. It compares the advantages and disadvantages between Judicial Activism and Judicial Restraint. It continues to study the theories that support Judicial Activism and Judicial Restraint. It reveals the problems and confusions on the Judicial Review during and after the Era of Lochner.Chapter IV argues on the functions and restrictions of Judiciary. It discusses the functions of Judiciary based on the Powers and Check Systems. Meantime, it analyzes the inside and outside constraints on the Judiciary. Hence, it tries to illustrate the Judiciary in a real world.

  • 【分类号】D971.2;DD916
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】424
  • 攻读期成果

