

The Protection of Personal Information in Civil Law

【作者】 周姚春

【导师】 高富平;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 民商法, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 从我们出生时起,我们就形成了各种各样记录自己一切成长过程的信息,这些信息伴随着我们的成长而不断丰富。现在,人类社会已迈入了信息时代。记载着我们成长轨迹的信息成为了具有价值的交易对象,个人信息所蕴含的管理价值和商业价值日益显现且有不断增长之势。在科学技术日益发达的今天,信息的交流甚为便捷,但由此也引发了一系列的问题与争议。个人信息遭到不当收集、恶意使用、篡改乃至因信息滥用而扰乱个人生活安宁的情况也日益凸显。因此个人信息保护己成为一个崭新的、全球性的法律问题。面对着越来越失控的信息流转趋势,我们急需出台相应法律来予以规范。就个人信息在民事领域的保护而言,有两个主要观点:其一是主张将个人信息作为一种新型的财产权来对待,笔者不赞同此观点。人格权与财产权有着特定的划分标准,个人信息所能带来的财产利益并不是其本身所具有的财产属性,而是因为与人身紧密结合后而产生的经济利益。这一点不同于“财产”,财产无需与任何主体相结合而始生价值。因此,对于个人信息保护不应该以财产权为基础。还有观点坚持个人信息保护应以人格权为基础,笔者赞同此观点。个人信息归根结底是不可能脱离人身而独立存在的,或者说脱离了人身的个人信息将毫无价值。个人信息具有极强的人身依附性。当然,对于个人信息保护的基础选择存在不同,在美国,隐私权是个人信息保护的基础,而在德国,则是以一般人格权为基础。但无论哪种选择,个人信息保护都是与人格权紧密联系的,人格权保护的范围应随着时代的发展而不断丰富,个人信息亦应成为人格权保护的对象。因此,对个人信息进行准确定位,明晰个人信息的属性,明确个人信息保护的民法地位与法理基础,赋予个人对其个人信息以积极保护权利,在当代具有重要的意义。我国政府业已经将个人信息保护纳入立法计划,国务院于2005年启动了《个人信息保护法》的立法程序。中国社科院课题组起草的《中华人民共和国个人信息保护法》专家建议稿已经形成,我国民法典草案和专家建议稿也对个人信息保护问题予以了关注。但是,目前我国关于个人信息保护问题的研究,仍然处于起步阶段,仍有许多问题值得进一步探讨研究。本文立足于挖掘个人信息保护的人格权基础,以期为我国个人信息保护制度的构建提供一点基本论证。

【Abstract】 Personal information is generated when we were born. Along with the growing process, the personal information is also expanding. Nowadays, we are in the age of information society, and the personal information is becoming an important object. Personal information contains much value both in governance and transaction. With the development of computer and network technology, the transmission of information is extremely convenient, but it also enhances the risk of information infringement. Each kind of information that relates to individual is easily to be leaked, to be illegally collected and to be abused, which cause people’s psychological uneasiness and life inconvenient. Therefore, the protection of personal information is becoming a new and worldwide legal issue. Laws protecting the personal information should be drafted eagerly.In the area of civil law, there is a viewpoint that the right to personal information should be regarded as a new property right. This viewpoint is not properly. The principle to divide personal rights and property rights is specific. Personal information can bring property interests, but personal information can not be treated as individual’s property. Everything that can be regarded as property must have original interest. But the property interests that personal information contains are not original. Therefore, the fundament of information protection in civil law is personal rights, not property rights.There’s another viewpoint that the right to personal information should be regarded as personal right. I agree to this viewpoint. The United States chose Privacy to be the fundament of information protection, and German chose the General Personal Right to be the fundament of information protection. However, there is no doubt that the protection of personal information is highly related to personal rights. The personal interests that personal rights protect are also expanded with the development of society, and now, personal information should be seemed as one of the objects that in the protection of the general personal right.Therefore, analyze the characteristic of personal information, find a proper fundament to protect personal information, and empower everyone the right to protect personal information in case of illegal abuse is significant in nowadays. The Chinese Government has already started the legislation plan to protect personal information. The State Council has launched the legislative process of enacting“Personal Information Protection Act”in 2005. The experts’proposal of“People’s Republic of Personal Information Protection Law”has drafted by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. However, the study of personal information protection is just at the initial stage, there are still many issues worthy of further research. This paper is focused on discussing the fundament of personal information protection, and intends to provide some suggestions to the construction of personal information protection system.


