

Virtual Property Issues:legal Attribute and Protection

【作者】 李若思

【导师】 李锡鹤;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 民商法, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 进入21世纪,信息技术、网络技术向社会各个领域进一步渗透,成为改善人类生存条件、生存空间,推动社会发展的强大动力。技术的创新发展需要制度基础,尤其是法律制度,而法律制度亦需要在变革与重构中创新、发展。“网络虚拟财产”是由电子信息技术催生的一种新兴事物,这种新生事物给传统法律法规带来了新的挑战:网络虚拟财产的法律属性是什么?网络虚拟财产是否为财产?这是传统财产法律制度面对因网络而产生的利益关系所必须做出的回应,也是探索网络虚拟财产法律保护首先应解决的理论前提。解决这些问题,需要我们对财产的概念重新进行认识,并对虚拟财产的法律属性做出具体界定,进而探索一条保护这类新生事物的法律途径。现实生活中,网络虚拟财产在其所存在的游戏、论坛等虚拟空间内已经体现了它的娱乐价值或服务价值;同时部分网络虚拟财产还可通过某些网络交易平台,如淘宝网、易趣网等实现其社会交换价值。因此,虚拟财产的价值应当获得法律的认可、“网络虚拟财产是一种应该得到法律保护的财产”等诸如此类的呼声得到了绝大多数人的认同。所以当务之急,法律工作者必须以科学的态度立足现实,正确认识与界定网络虚拟财产及其法律属性,以创新的精神探索对网络虚拟财产的立法与保护。鉴于我国目前对网络虚拟财产的立法保护与权威性研究略显单薄的现状,本研究针对先前的相关研究与现实需要,从历史与现实、理论与实践、整体与个案相结合的视角,通过对传统型财产的法律保护在我国发展沿革的历史进行梳理,对网络虚拟财产及其纠纷的发展现状进行分析,对莫衷一是的法律研究进行有效整合,在借鉴国际类似制度经验的基础上,为建立一种中国特色的保护制度进行探讨,并提出相应对策,以期对网络虚拟财产属性的界定与立法保护提供借鉴。本文的整体思路在于,首先从网络虚拟财产产生的渊源以及发展状况着手,明确网络虚拟财产的概念,即网络用户享受网络服务过程中所形成的凝聚了其智慧和体力劳动,具有一定交换价值的新型数字化财产,其实质为储存于网络服务商服务器上的二进制数据信息;并通过描述现实生活中网络虚拟财产在网络交易平台上的交易状况,从而用实例验证游戏虚拟财产的价值性,进一步明确网络虚拟财产具有稀缺性、效用性、可流通性的一般财产属性以及依赖性、模拟性和期限性的特殊性质。其次,根据现有的实际情况,对网络虚拟财产进行科学分类与界定,收集整理认可虚拟财产的实际价值、肯定其新型数字化财产的地位的佐证,进而分析其法律性质,以确定对其进行法律保护的基本方向。因此本文继续讨论了学术界目前对这种新型的数字化财产定性所存在的不同理论,即虚无说、物权说、知识产权说和债权说,并通过分析各个学说得出笔者的观点——即认为虚拟财产具有债权属性。该部分主要是运用比较的方法,通过分析物权的基本属性、债权的基本属性,与网络虚拟财产的属性相比对从而得出结论。同时,该部分还对产生网络虚拟财产的基础法律关系,即游戏运营商与玩家的民事法律关系进行深刻剖析。第三,本文在构建网络虚拟财产法律保护制度前,本文先对当今社会所产生的各种网络虚拟财产侵权事件的类型逐个分析,明确其中所涉及的法律关系即网络服务法律关系,将网络服务关系所涉及的提供服务方与用户的权利义务视为建立法律保护体系的基本出发点;并在借鉴国外判例和立法的基础上,基于现代社会网络游戏的发展状况以及我国相关立法与法律实践现况,以期探索出适合我国国情的理论与实践、宏观与微观、史与论有机结合的虚拟财产保护制度。本文强调,网络虚拟财产保护制度的建立,必须从网络游戏所涉及的网络服务法律关系中涉及的各方权利义务出发,首先应当明确服务者与被服务者的权利义务,在加强国家行政机关对网络游戏市场的监管、完善网络虚拟财产交易平台的同时,促使玩家提高对虚拟财产法律保护的重要性的认识,树立健康的游戏风尚。综上所述,本文从网络虚拟财产的渊源及发展出发,明晰网络虚拟财产的概念、性质以及法律属性,并在借鉴国外立法的基础上,提出网络虚拟财产法律保护的对策与方法,以期对完善我国虚拟财产保护制度有所裨益。

【Abstract】 In 21st Century, information technology and network technology are playing roles of growing importance in our everyday lives. These high technologies provide huge power to improve human’s living condition and push the development of the whole society. The innovation and development of technology need a fundamental institutional basis, especially legal system which shall change and update as the technology develops. Virtual property is a new product born in high technology society. This new product brings people not only fun and joys but also troubles and disputes. The disputes arouse by virtual property challenge and question our current law. What is its legal attribute? Whether it is a kind of legal property? How to protect this kind of property? These questions are impossible to avoid and they are also the key concerns in virtual property study. To answer these questions, we need to redefine“property”and describe the legal attributes of virtual property.In real life, the entertainment value or service value of virtual property has been realized in Online Games and BBS Forum. At the same time, some kinds of virtual property also have exchange value via some web trading platform like TAOBAO and eBay. Thus, the value of virtual property and its need of legal protection have been agreed by most people. The purpose of this study is to establish a protection system on virtual property based on its history and development and experience of other countries. First, the starting point of this study is the history of virtual property and then lead to the definition of this kind of fresh property: virtual property is a kind of digital property born in Online Games or BBS forum which may have real exchange value. The essence of virtual property is the binary data stored in the server of internet service providers. Virtual property owes the characters of ordinary property which are scarcity, usefulness and exchangeability. It also has specific characters which are dependence, virtual and non-permanent.Second, the legal attribute of virtual property is also needed to be clarified. There are some theory disputes on this topic. By comparing those opinions on its legal attribute including“Nothingness”,“Real rights”,“Intellectual property rights”and“creditor’s rights”, the author think the virtual property is a kind of creditor’s rights and the fundamental legal relationship is the contractual relationship between the internet service provider and user.The third chapter and fourth chapter of this study focus on the legal protection of the virtual property. Before establishing a protecting system, this study firstly describes the ordinary kinds of torts on virtual property which including physical damage to the data storage system from third party in bad faith and contractual disputes between the service supplier and user. Secondly, this study compares the other countries’experiences on virtual property protect and the relevant regulations China has now. Then, this study provides a protection system focusing on the rights and obligations of the parties of internet service contract. The protection system not only argues for a stronger supervision from the government on Online Game market but also require a proper game concept of internet users.

【关键词】 网络虚拟财产属性保护
【Key words】 Virtual PropertyAttributeProtection

