

Stiffness Analysis of the Full House Scaffolding Based on the Dynamic Parameters

【作者】 施小明

【导师】 王东炜;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 道路与铁道工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 在国民经济的快速发展及土地资源日益稀缺的大背景推动下,建筑及构造物向高层化,新颖化发展的趋势日益明显,在这些复杂结构工程进行施工时,扣件式钢管支撑架凭借其诸多良好的特性而成为其最常用的支撑体系之一,而有关扣件式钢管支撑架的各种倒塌事故时有发生。因此,开展对扣件式钢管支撑架的刚度研究是十分必要的。支撑体系的模态参数是其基本的固有的动力特征参数,支撑体系频率的大小反映了支撑体系整体刚度的分布状况,支撑体系的振型的顺序则反映了支撑体系局部刚度的分布状况。与应力、应变等分析参数相比,模态参数能更好地从宏观上表征结构整体和局部的刚度分布情况,且不涉及荷载及荷载组合等问题,故能更方便,快捷地进行支撑体系的刚度分析。有鉴于此,在河南省第五建筑安装工程(集团)有限公司资助项目“扣件式钢管架支撑体系施工稳定性问题研究”和国家自然科学基金相关项目“基于特征参量控制的工程结构设计方法研究”(项目批准号:50978232)的支持下,着重进行了以下诸问题的研究:(1)建立了满堂红式钢管架支撑体系的三维有限元模型,采用单因素分析法,分别进行了斜撑扣紧程度,扫地杆设置、扣件拧紧力矩、剪刀撑设置以及立杆间距等参数对结构整体刚度和局部刚度的影响分析,(2)探求了在相同脚手架搭设高度下,上述参数对支撑体系刚度的影响规律,(3)探求了在不同脚手架搭设高度下,上述参数对支撑体系刚度的影响规律。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of the national economy and the growing scarcity of land resources, the high-rise and novel buildings and constructs are becoming more and more widespread,when we build these buildings,one of most commonly used is fastener-style tubular steel formwork-supports, But lot of fastener-style tubular steel formwork-supports collapse during the constructions in recent years, so,it is very necessary to analyze the stiffness of fastener-style tubular steel formwork-supportsModal parameters are the inherence characteristics of formwork-support.as the dynamic characteristics,The quantities of the frequencies relate to the distribution of the wholly stiffness, and the orders of the modes reflect the distribution of the partly ones.Compared with the strain and stress parameters, modal parameters are better related to the distribution characteristics of the wholly or partly stiffness of structure. What is more, because there are no relation with the force behaviors, it can be more directly and expediently to analyze the wholly and partly stiffness of formwork-support..For obove reasons, under the fund of " Research on the stabile problem of formwork-support." of the fifth construction limitid company of henan province and "engineering design based on feature parametric control "of the National Natural Science Foundation (approval number:50978232),the main work is done as below:(1)We use the single factor analysis to analyze the wholly and partly stiffness which are influenced by constitution factors of bracing in rhythm,the sweeping rod, the tightening torque, the scissors, and the pole spacing2) To find the law of the stiffness of formwork-support. influenced by structural parameters under the same height3)To find the law of the stiffness of formwork-support. influenced by structural parameters under the different height

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 06期

